Friday, May 11, 2012

It's Not An Option – Matthew 6:14-15

14 "If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you. 
15  But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive the wrongs you have done.
– Matthew 6:14-15

It's Not An Option
As Christians (you know . . . those of us who have been forgiven), forgiveness is not an option.  In fact, failure to forgive is a direct contradiction to Jesus teachings – in other words, it is sin.  That's right – I said it - unforgiveness is sin.  Hits a little too close to home maybe?  Hmmm.  Me too!

Sometimes, it seems that the hardest people to forgive are our friends (or at least they used to be our friends), or our relatives.  I guess it's because we know more about them than anyone else  . . . and maybe, because of that relationship, we assume there will always be time to patch things up "later."    

You know that age-old saying of "Familiarity breeds contempt?"  Well that is front and center of a lot, if not most, of our hurt feelings.  It's those hurt feelings that are hardest to let go of, and (here's one you might find hard to swallow), I believe that hurt feelings are a result of pride.  Yes, our pride!  Our pride has been bruised and we take offense. 

"They" did such-and-such to "Me!"  
"You" caused this to happen - to "Me!"  
"He" or "She" said something to "You-know-who," and it just makes "Me" so mad . . . so I'm going to be mad at "Them!"   

On-and-on it goes, and it's usually that self-centered attitude that prevents us from forgiving.  For some reason, we like to hold on to those feelings.  It's almost like they are comforting to us – something we can own and control.  The problem is that it is sin that we are holding on to, and because of its very nature, it makes us out of control.

Why is it easier to admit when we sin in other ways, but when it comes to unforgiveness it can take years to (1) let go of the pettiness, (2) forgive the other person, and (3) ask God to forgive us.  I have a hard time understanding that one but it is one that I need to work on the most – how about you?  

Why don't you join me today and ask the Lord to help us forgive unconditionally . . . and even if you've been holding on to your bitterness and spite (unforgiveness) for most of your adult life, He will help to soften your heart, and to open your eyes, so you can see that "You" and "I" have been forgiven of ALL of our transgressions. So . . . Anything that Anyone has ever said, implied, tried, thought, told, judged, looked, hurt, slandered, stole, wrecked, ruined, or anything else you can think of, deserves our forgiveness and our love.  We have to do it . . . or else (see verse 15)!

Lord, forgive my unforgiveness and help me to have a more understanding and loving heart towards those who hurt me.  Help me also Lord to work on my pride issues.  Show me how to love those who can get on my nerves simply by being in the same room and help me to change my attitude so that I can reflect Your love instead of my self-centered ways.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

1 comment:

  1. unforgiveness is a poison! If we are given to be unforgiving, we are opening doors to bitterness and a whole lot of other messes and bondage He never wanted for us! We must be forgiving .. even if they don't forgive us back... it is not an option!
