Friday, May 18, 2012

Are You A Lumpy Christian? – Galatians 5:9

9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
– Galatians 5:9

Are You A Lumpy Christian?

We all know that just hearing the word "lump" brings about negative visual imagery – especially in this day and age when a lump usually means a nervous trip to the doctor followed by more nervousness and uncertainty as one waits for test results.  A lump can also mean that you have received a serious blow to a part of your body.  Then there are lumps in your throat, lumps in your oatmeal, and lumpy mattresses.  We can take our lumps and we can even sit there like a lump.  Either way you look at it – lumps can all be lumped together in one big negative "lump" sum.

In today's devotion we see that the negative influences in our life can turn us into lumpy, ineffective Christians.  Most of those influences may seem insignificant and harmless, but as soon as we start allowing them to become a part of our thought life and daily habits, we put ourselves in real danger of becoming a lump in the body of Christ.  One that can spread and grow as quickly as the lumps that send us running to our doctors.  There have been times in each of our lives when we have all shown signs of being a lump in the life of our church.  For some of us "lumps," we are benign and our negative influence can be quickly removed, but for some, the things that we are allowing in our lives have a real danger of doing major damage, not only to ourselves and our families, but to the church body as well.

A lumpy Christian is one who fits smoothly in to society and whose life does not shed any light on the darkness which surrounds those they have influence over.  They laugh at the same crude jokes;  they drink and party to excess;  they drive way too fast and too aggressively;  they show up late to work;  they get upset when things don't go their way (even in ministry); they hold on to past hurts, and they refuse to forgive things that happened many, many years ago.  They don't live any differently, and their walk is constantly a challenge because they have allowed the small things that are contrary to God's Word become normal things in their lives.  So while those "normal" things help them to function better (in their own minds), and they can blend better in society, they are casting a lumpy shadow on the rest of the church because while they are out there, living it up for their own pleasure, their unchurched friends and coworkers are getting a deformed view of what Christianity is all about.

We need to stop being lumpy.  We need to stop desiring the "treasures" of this world and we need to start believing God's Word, and putting It into practice.  We need to let the Holy Spirit reveal those little things that can work their way into our routines and become "normal" behavior, so that we can start spreading the Gospel by the way we live.  If we would start living full and Spirit-filled lives, Christianity would start appealing to the masses as something that is genuine and real, and something that could be counted on to bring wholeness and healing and community.  Isn't that what everyone is looking for?  We need to smooth out the Christian image, but it is going to have to start by getting rid of the little things in our lives that have changed us into ineffective, unappealing lumps in the Body of Christ.

Father, I am so sorry for being a lumpy Christian.  I thank You for Your Word and for showing me that there are things in my life that I need to change.  Help me to get rid of the unlovely things in my life so that I can be a better witness of the love and forgiveness that comes from knowing You.  I pray that I can change someone's mind today about what Christianity is all about – through the grace of Your Love and the Power of Your Holy Spirit I know I can do it.

Have a blessed and lump-free day everyone!

– Richard

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