Thursday, May 30, 2013

It's A Heart Thing – 2 Chronicles 32:31

31 But when the rulers of Babylon sent emissaries to find out about the sign from God that had taken place earlier, God left him on his own to see what he would do; he wanted to test his heart.
– 2 Chronicles 32:31

There are some "big" things in this life that you just have to do and go through by yourself.  All alone, no one there to hold your hand, no one to reassure, or give advice; no lifelines, or floatation devices, or tethers.  Just you, your abilities, your inabilities, and your heart.  These tests of our will and our character are never easy, but when we go beyond ourselves and we successfully complete the tasks we never thought we could complete, we grow our possibilities, and we establish our confidence, and we build our character.

It's during these trials that it sure would be good to have the Holy Spirit guiding our efforts! I mean, talk about "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me," right?  But today's scripture suggests that sometimes, there are certain situations that our God leaves us to our own unique set of abilities; He "pulls back" so to speak, just to see how we will respond to diversity, or just to something new and unfamiliar.

I remember when my son was just a toddler, when we would go to the mall he liked to run ahead and hide in the clothing racks at the department stores.  We would play a kind of hide-and-seek while mom was shopping.  He really enjoyed popping out of the aisles of jackets or dresses and "scaring" me, then disappearing once again into the sea of garment hiding places.  One time, I decided to test him.  As soon as he did one of his disappearing acts, I quickly circled back around him and hid behind a pillar.  This time, when he popped out to scare me, I wasn't there!  I could see from my hiding place that this confused him, and he had a sudden look of panic on his face as this was a new development in this "familiar" game.  He called out my name, "Daddy!"  but I didn't budge.  Again, "Daddy!" but I stayed hidden. 

My instinct was to come out of my hiding place and say, "Here I am!" but I wanted to see what he would do and how he would react in an unfamiliar setting.  For several minutes he called out my name, asking "Where are you?" as he wound his way around the racks of clothing. From my vantage point I could see, and hear, that he was becoming quite frustrated, but I remained hidden (I even got a few disapproving stares from some of the other patrons).  

It didn't take him long to figure out that I was no longer in the "game" and that he had to figure out how to reconnect with reality, and to my surprise (and delight), he didn't throw himself down and start screaming, but instead he calmly climbed and stood on a chair and scanned the heads of all the shoppers until he recognized mom's head and then he climbed down and made his way to her side.  "Where's Dad?" she asked.  He just shrugged his shoulders.  That's when I jumped out from the column I was hiding behind and yelled "HA!"  He squealed in delight and gave me a big hug.  I knew from that simple test that I could count on him in the future to remain calm in unfamiliar situations and we talked about what he was feeling when he couldn't find me.  I reassured him that I would never leave him and that I would always be there for him, even if he couldn't see me.

God does that with us sometimes.  He pulls back and He watches.  He wants to see what we will do when we are faced with unfamiliar situations.  He wants to see if we are going to freak out, or if we will trust, even when we can't sense His presence, that the abilities He has given us will enable us to achieve success - no matter what we face.  He wants us to know that He is always there and that even when we can't feel Him, we can know and have faith that He is our God, and He is just a whisper away.

God has given you the heart of a champion!  You can accomplish great things!  Things you never thought you could do!  Things you've never faced before and that seem too big for someone like you . . . but I'm here to tell you that You CAN accomplish whatever is needed to get through your circumstance because God has given you the heart to be Victorious in ALL things!

Father, thank You for the testing of our hearts.  Thank You for allowing us to see how big You are in our lives.  Thank You for giving us abilities, and courage, and determination, and for placing in us the heart of a champion.  We can do all things through, and in, and for You!

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How Firm Are You? – 2 Chronicles 20:20

20 They were up early in the morning, ready to march into the wilderness of Tekoa. As they were leaving, Jehoshaphat stood up and said, "Listen Judah and Jerusalem! Listen to what I have to say! Believe firmly in God, your God, and your lives will be firm! Believe in your prophets and you'll come out on top!"
– 2 Chronicles 20:20

When I was a kid we used to tease the neighbors dog, a pug named Precious.  It was fun to see it come running at full speed across the yard and come to a screeching halt, kicking up dirt, and grass, and dog-drool just inches from crashing head-first into the fence.  The dog's owner, Mrs. Whitaker, would come running out of the house, shaking her fist at us, and giving us a few choice words.  It was a game we repeated almost daily, and looking back on it now – as a homeowner with a dog – I don't know that I wouldn't be as cantankerous as old Mrs. Whitaker.  

There was one time, however, when I was just playing in the yard, minding my own business and self-absorbed with my matchbox cars, when all of a sudden, Mrs. Whitaker came storming out of her house (as she usually did), and waddled across her yard, shaking her fist at me (as she usually did), accusing me of teasing her precious Precious. I tried assuring her that I was only playing with my cars but she couldn't be convinced, no matter how many times I denied teasing her dog.  Then she said something to me that stuck with me all these years.  As a 10-year old, I thought the phrase quite peculiar, but I liked it – the sound of it, the meaning behind it, and the tone in which she said it . . . I liked it all!  She bent down to my level, looked me square in the eye, and said, "Listen here sonny . . . I know what I know."  Then she turned around and stormed her way back into her house, slamming the door behind her!

It was such a simple phrase, but her firm conviction and belief that I had been teasing her "precious Precious" had me almost convinced that I had!  I actually started second-guessing myself and running through my morning to make sure that I, in fact, hadn't done anything wrong!

It is with that same kind of blind faith and belief, that knowing without a shadow of a doubt, that firm belief in God . . . OUR God! No matter what anybody else says or tries to convince us otherwise, we need to stand stubborn and unmovable, we need to "Know What We Know!" and we need to know in our knower that our God IS who He says He is, and that He'll DO what He says He is going to do!  We need to be so resolute and firm in our stance that others will start to take a long and hard look at exactly what it is they believe.

The Bible tells us that if we will do this . . . if we will stand firm and BELIEVE in our God . . . then He will be firmly placed in our lives! He will be planted right smack in the middle of everything we do, blessing, and forgiving, and influencing, and multiplying, and growing everything we put our hands, and our hearts, and our minds to.  If we can get to that point . . . if we can be THAT firm for Him . . . if we can say, "look here, I know what I know!"  Then He will move the world to make sure that we come out on top!

Father, we stand firm in our belief in You.  We proclaim Your name proudly, and boldly, and we know with all that we have, that You are OUR God . . . THE God . . . the God of the Angel Armies, and the God of the universe!  You are ALL that we have and ALL that we know and we love You with ALL that we are.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Just Praise! – 2 Chronicles 20:18-19

18 Then Jehoshaphat knelt down, bowing with his face to the ground. All Judah and Jerusalem did the same, worshiping God. 
19 The Levites (both Kohathites and Korahites) stood to their feet to praise God, the God of Israel; they praised at the top of their lungs!
– 2 Chronicles 20:18-19

I worked with a lady once who explained that as a good Southern Baptist, she used the "holding a watermelon" style of worship – you know . . . you only raise your hands as high as you would hold a watermelon out in front of you. She explained that by raising her hands only waist-high, she could be "Charismatic" and "Conservative" at the same time.  As a proud and demonstrative Pentecostal, I couldn't understand why anyone would be "conservative" in the way they approach God and smiling, I walked away from the conversation praying (in tongues) for the release of inhibition and pride in my coworker.

Over the years I have come to understand that there are many ways to praise and worship our God, and just because I choose to do one thing, it doesn't mean that it's the right, or the only thing. Our God is a BIG God and He created us all with individuality and unique senses of what, how, why, and when we are to express ourselves as we approach and honor Him.  He loves the kneelers as much as the face-planters; the jump-up-and-down-ers the same as the pace-back-and-forth-ers; He loves the whisperers and the shouters equally, and He honors the reach-for-the-sky-ers in the same way as the watermelon-holders.  God loves it all!  He loves ALL His children equally, and He honors any way we choose to open our hearts in praise and worship to Him.

So whether you bow, kneel, sit, stand, jump, shout, cry, laugh, wave your arms back-and-forth, side-to-side, or up-and-down, if you choose to sing old-timey hymns, modern praise anthems, soaking and swaying, a cappella, drums - no drums, pipe-organ, or synthesizers. As long as your heart is right and your intentions are pure . . . it ALL honors our Father in heaven.  He loves it equally and unconditionally, because it comes out of a pure desire to recognize Him, and to honor Him with who we are . . . not with what other people think we should be.

So Praise!  Praise YOUR way!  Praise in the uniqueness of who He made you to be!  Praise with everything you have in you!  Our God deserves it.  He eats it up!  He LOVES to see it, hear it, and experience it!  Most of all . . . He honors it, and He blesses those who worship HIm . . . in any way they choose . . . with all they are.  Just Praise, after all, when all is said and done . . . it doesn't matter how you Praise, it only matters that you Praise!

Father, we praise You!  We worship You with all that we are and in the way that fits our relationship with You.  Thank You for creating so many ways for us to express our Love for and to You.  Thank You for loving us all equally.  Help us to always praise You with pure hearts and with honor and reverence for who You are . . . our Great God!

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Get In Shape – 2 Chronicles 20:17

17 You won't have to lift a hand in this battle; just stand firm, Judah and Jerusalem, and watch God's saving work for you take shape. Don't be afraid, don't waver. March out boldly tomorrow - God is with you."
– 2 Chronicles 20:17

It seems like these days everyone is trying to get in shape.  People are running, swimming, kettle-bell-ing, boot-camping, and yoga-ing their way into better physical health – and that's a good thing – but I have the inside scoop on the best way to get in shape, and it doesn't involve any kind of sweating, or lifting, or contorting into downward / upward / or any other kind of "dog."  That's right!  A complete makeover, all from the comfort of, well . . . wherever you want, and all you have to do, is stand.  Stand firm, mind you, but just stand.

Stand believing! Stand expecting! Stand with conviction and confidence! Stand with unwavering, fearless faith in the God of the universe and watch as He does the work for you – fights your battles; arranges for your promotions; secures your financial future; enables you with mighty things like strength, and power, and grace, and forgiveness, and joy, and hope, and peace.  Stand boldly in the F.O.G. (Favor of God), and doing all you can to stand . . . STAND!  Your God has this!  My God has this!  OUR God . . . has this thing called life firmly in His grasp, and HE shapes according to His desire for our lives.  

The MASTER Craftsman, the Ultimate Engineer, the Amazing Architect, the Omnipotent Personal Trainer who reached down and breathed life into you and me for His purposes, has Victory plans for us . . . BUT . . . (and there always is one), He will always wait for us to make the first non-move.  


That's right . . . we have to stop moving.  We have to stop trying to "do" life on our own.  We have to stop chasing after every "formula" that will make our lives fit into cookie-cutter, media-created "enlightenment," and we just need to stop!

Stop playing church.  Stop faking holiness.  Stop pretending to be something we wish we could be, but we just keep running around like heads with our chickens cut off, making zero progress but putting forth allot of wasted effort.  Just stop.  We just need to plant our feet firmly where we are, take a deep breath as we lift our arms to heaven, and stand still. 

Let's let God do HIS thing . . . you know . . . that thing that only HE can do!  Let's allow Him to shape us, and to form us into the likeness of His Son.  Let's give God a chance and see what HE can do with an army that knows how to stand firm.  The enemy won't know what hit him.

Father, we stand firm today. We stand with unwavering faith in Your Word, and Your Work, and Your Ways!  We ask for forgiveness for being so busy doing, doing, doing all the time and for not allowing You the pleasure of shaping us into what You want.  Help us to be standers . . . for You.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

First Things First – 2 Chronicles 18:4

4 Then Jehoshaphat said, "But before you do anything, ask God for guidance."
– 2 Chronicles 18:4

Before you do anything . . . ANY thing . . . ask God for guidance.  sounds simple right?  I's so simple that we fail to do it, or we half-heartedly do it, or we do it only after we've already done the "thing" and we need guidance for getting us out of the mess we created by doing "it" without Him.

We are a Ready-Fire-Aim / Gotta-have-it-now / Leap-before-you-look kind of people, and I can only imagine how much we grieve the heart of God, who has so much more for us than the "stuff" we settle for because of our impulsive ways.  And believe me, I'm preaching to myself here because I've really had to take a hard look at how much I involve God in my every day life and also what that says about my relationship with my Father in heaven.  I've had to come to grips with the fact that for most of my life, I've acted like a spoiled child, living my life on my terms and pretty much taking for granted that God is OK with me leaving Him out of my decisions.  Shame on me!

BUt I'm guessing I'm not alone on this one.  I would venture to say that most Christians don't really consult with God on their day-to-day decisions.  I would even bet that most don't ask God for guidance on anything.  If we did, His church and His message would be thriving, and things like divorce, and jealousy, and envy, and dissension wouldn't be running amok in the lives of those who have experienced His saving Grace.  We would be strong in this world – a mighty example of how life is supposed to be lived – life with Victory, and Balance, and Prosperity, and Hope.

The problem is that we don't see God as our provider.  Oh, we call Him our provider but we don't really understand what that means, and we aren't willing to accept the fact that He wants to be involved in our lives . . . EVERY aspect of our lives.  We don't BELIEVE that God cares about what kind of car we drive, or where we go on vacation, or what kind of investments we make.  We don't have the faith that God really does want to guide us as we go about our every-day, nothing special, 9-to-5, eke-out-a-living lives. After all, He's got more important things to attend to right?

The fact is, that God wants to be involved in EVERY part of our lives.  He's into details, and He delights in the simple things that we often take for granted.  HE CREATED US!  Every cell in our bodies was specifically, and purposefully, and carefully designed . . . just for us!  Every hair on our head was counted, colored, and patterned. All of our abilities, inabilities, quirks, talents, and ideas, specifically and individually designed so that we could be unique – not another one exactly like us. Wouldn't it stand to reason that He also has plans and ideas for our future and our every need?  He created in us, the desire to achieve things and to enjoy our lives . . .  why then would we expect Him to not want to be involved in how we experience the life He's so generously given us?

So how about it?  Why not start today?  It doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out prayer kind of thing – especially as it becomes a habit in your life – just a short conversation to let God know that you know He's listening, and watching, and waiting for your invitation to let Him guide you into HIS plan for your life.  The more you do it, the more it will become a natural part of who you are, and the greater your love-relationship with the Creator of the universe will become.  You will come to know God in a whole new way . . . HIS way . . . where putting Him first, before anything else, becomes who you are, and not just something you do.

Father, thank You for wanting to be involved in our lives.  Forgive us for leaving You behind as we seek first the things that we want, and not the things that You want for us.  Help us to develop a trusting, believing, love-relationship with You in which we seek You FIRST, before anything else.  Help us to desire Your guidance more than any "thing" this world has to offer.  Thank You Lord, for the gift of Your guidance.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

No Dogs Allowed – 2 Chronicles 15:5

5 At that time it was a dog-eat-dog world; life was constantly up for grabs - no one, regardless of country, knew what the next day might bring.
– 2 Chronicles 15:5

No Dogs Allowed
Do you ever feel like the "Dogs" of this world are snapping at your heels?  Just about to take a big bite right out of your fleeing behind?  I don't know if you've ever been chased down by a dog – and worst yet, bitten when he caught you – but I have, and I can tell you it's as scary and painful as it sounds.  

When I was a kid, my cousins and I were walking to a local park when as we passed a certain house, a big German Shepherd came rushing out of the back yard and with snarling, barking, and baring fangs, he chased me down the street and proceeded to take a big, aggressive bite right out of my skinny, 10-year-old backside!  It was one of those slow-motion, quicksand, lead-footed, surreal experiences that nightmares are made of, and while it really only lasted about 10 seconds or so (those German Shepherds are FAST!), it seemed like the nightmare would never end. I remember the dog's owners yelling "Don't Run!  Don't Run!  He won't chase you if you don't run!"  But at the time, in MY mind, all I could hear was "Run!  Run!  He'll bite you . . . R-U-U-U-N!"  As I think back on that childhood "experience," I can laugh now . . . but at the time it was crazy and very traumatic.

Doesn't life seem to be just like that experience sometimes?  We're strolling along, worry- and care-free, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, circumstances come barreling at you like a big, mangy dog!  And no matter how much you try to get ahead, that dog keeps coming at you – gnarling, growling, barking, and foaming at-the-mouth – just inches away from tearing a big chunk of flesh right out of you.  And while we are doing our best to run, things just seem to slow way down, and even though we're furiously pumping our arms and legs as hard and as fast as they can go, that dog just keeps getting closer, and bigger, and meaner, and nastier . . . to the point that you can feel its hot, stinky breath on the back of your neck.  No matter how hard you try to escape the inevitable, you know the bite is coming, and you just wish the darn thing would go ahead and bite you and get it over with, but the chase continues, wearing you down, tiring you out, leaving you feeling so helpless, and scared, and so bitterly, and utterly exposed.  The nightmare just goes on, and on, and on.

I'm here to tell you today that while we all will go through times like these, we have a Savior in Jesus, who will heal that dog bite and make us whole again. We have the Holy Spirit who gives us the ability to forgive and the wisdom to know how to avoid the dog altogether the next time he comes sniffing around. We have a God who will take the horror of that experience, and turn it into a Victory and a life testimony.  We have the choice to run, and run, and keep running from the dog, or to face the dog head on, taking all its fury with the Strength, and the Grace, and the Peace of Christ, never to be terrified again because of His Saving Love.

So stop running.  Make the choice today to stand.  And doing all to stand, stand firm on the Word of God.  Put on the full armor that God has provided as outlined in Ephesians 6, verses 10 through 18, and be STRONG in the Mighty Power of our Lord.  Put up the No Dogs Allowed sign and let everyone know that even though life rages on around us, Our God has delivered us from ALL things and no dog in this world can ever tear that away from us.

Father, thank You for Your Grace and Your Forgiveness.  Thank You for giving us the ability to withstand the pain and the horrors of life, and to be able to forgive with the Love that You used to forgive us.  Thank You for equipping us with Your armor so that no dog can ever intimidate, harass, or cause fear in us because You are our focus, our Joy, our Love, and our LIfe.  You are God . . . our God!

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Monday, May 13, 2013

Stuck Like Glue – 2 Chronicles 15:1

1 Then Azariah son of Obed, moved by the Spirit of God, 2 went out to meet Asa. He said, "Listen carefully, Asa, and listen Judah and Benjamin: God will stick with you as long as you stick with him. If you look for him he will let himself be found; but if you leave him he'll leave you.
– 2 Chronicles 15:1

Stuck Like Glue
Listen carefully!  God will stick with you . . . as long as you stick with Him! Do you understand what that means?  Do you really get it?  Can you grasp the enormity of the truth that just jumped off the pages of scripture?  God . . . OUR God . . . will join Himself to us in such a way that every move we make, every breath we take, every second, of every moment, of each and every day of the rest of our lives will be spent in the embrace of the Creator of the entire universe.  Our God will be with us every step of the way!  No THAT's something worth taking notice of.

If we can truly grasp the meaning of this truth, that no matter what we face – our victories, our failures, our challenges, and through every bit of growing and becoming who HE created us to be, the God who loves us so very much will give us the Grace, and the strength, and the wisdom we need to be successful in this oh-so-temporary life.  When we get the bad doctors' report – we will have the strength and grace we need to see us through; when we become victims of corporate down-sizing – we will have the confidence and the wisdom to get the job God has already set up for us, and the endurance, and the providence, and the faith to see us through while we wait for God's timing to work everything out; when we suddenly lose a loved one, whether through accident or the selfish and misguided acts of evil, our God will give us extra "stick-e'm" to be able to forgive, and to love, and to display His Grace to the rest of the questioning world.

Our victories and our triumphs and success will be so much sweeter because God will give us perspective and the ability to bless others with humility and self-sacrifice.  The value of the Favor of God (the F.O.G.) will be evident to all who witness the blessed life we are living in, and they will look on with wide-eyed wonder at how everything we do just seems to turn golden.  They will want what we have, which will be our opportunity to show them the true God, the One God, the Only God, the God who sticks with those who stick with Him.

So listen carefully! Pay attention! Stick yourself, no matter where you are in life and no matter what this world is throwing at you, to the One who will always be found . . . in front of you, behind you, to every side of you, but especially within you – at your core, your very soul, the you who God created you to be.  God is for you and He is faithful, to always be stuck, just for you.

Father, You are always there and we praise You today, and we thank You for Your Love for us.  Help us Lord, to remember that no matter what we face, whether good or bad, we need only whisper Your name, because You are already there, providing what we need for every situation.  We love You Lord!

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Peace Man! – 2 Chronicles 14:5

 5 Because he got rid of all the pagan shrines and altars in the cities of Judah, his kingdom was at peace.
– 2 Chronicles 14:5

Peace Man!
Would you like to have peace in your kingdom?  You know . . . a household where things like conflict, and strife, and arguing, and back-biting, and name-calling, and murmuring, and sassing, and sneaking, don't exist?  Where your finances, and your health, and your career, and your family, and your neighborhood, and your kids, and your spouse all get along? Where the roses are blooming, and the grass is growing, and the butterflies and hummingbirds are dancing happy-joy-joy jigs?

OK, OK . . . a little too "sweet?"  I agree, but I think you get the picture, and the reality is that the "sweet-life" isn't really that far out of reach.  Peace in our own personal kingdom is God's design for all of us . . . REALLY . . . I promise!  And I also promise that it CAN be achieved . . . but there is a BIG role each of us has to play in order to realize that peaceful kingdom, and I'm afraid that for some of us . . . well . . . it's gonna take a war of the "wills" and the "will nots."

You see in order to get peace, true peace – God's Peace – in our lives and the lives of those around us (the kingdom), we have to be willing to do some house-cleaning.  That's right . . . Kingdom-building, Peace-achieving, world-denying, house-cleaning.  We have to be willing to get rid of all the idols, and gods, and self-indulging shrines and altars that displease God and which prevent His Peace from settling on our kingdoms.  We have to be willing to live the life of a fruit-salad (Galatians 5:22-26), allowing the Holy Spirit free reign in every area of our lives.  We have to become worthy of the Salvation and the Grace that our God so freely and lovingly gifted each one of us, and we need to deny (to "will not") the "pleasures" that this world would tell us we have the "rights" to as outlined in Galatians 5: 19-21.

The Peace that surpasses ALL understanding (Philippians 4:7), really isn't that difficult to understand when you live your life as a fruit orchard.  It becomes a natural, every minute-of every hour-of every day, walking, talking, eating, breathing, thinking, sleeping part of who you are.  And your life – your "kingdom" – will exist under the protection of God's Peace . . . so much so that the "world" will not be able to understand it.  In fact, they will be jealous of your peace.  They will try to destroy your peace by attempting to make life difficult for you, but their efforts will be fruit-less because you have already taken care of business!  You have cleaned house, and you've destroyed the world-things that keep HIS Peace at bay!  And even though you, walk, every day, through the valley of the shadow of death, no-thing, no-one, no-circumstance, no-predicament, no-doctor's report, no-job situation, no-anything, will ever be able to bring you down . . . because You have created a magnificent fruit orchard, in your kingdom of Peace!

Father thank You for Your Peace!  Thank You for giving us the ability to understand how to achieve that Peace.  Help us to recognize the areas of our lives that need tearing down – the shrines and the altars and the idols that need destroying – so that we can realize a fruit-filled life, living comfortably in the embrace of Your Peace.

Have a Blessed (and Peace-filled) day everyone!

– Richard

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Blow Baby, Blow! – 2 Chronicles 13:12

12 "Can't you see the obvious? God is on our side; he's our leader. And his priests with trumpets are all ready to blow the signal to battle. O Israel - don't fight against God, the God of your ancestors. You will not win this battle."
– 2 Chronicles 13:12

Blow Baby, Blow!
Are you ready to BLOW?!  Is your trumpet poised, your deepest breath drawn?  Do you have the note already planned out?  The Victory over your battle is yours for the taking, if you will just Blow Baby, Blow!  It's gonna take heart!  It's gonna take courage!  It's gonna take a deep faith – the faith that God Himself has already given you by the Power of His Holy Spirit – but YOU have to make the first move; blow the first note; get the party started!  You have to signal to the devil that the battle has begun and you and your God ain't takin' NO prisoners!

"What trumpet?" you say.  
"Blow? What are you taking about Blow?"
"How am I going to get victory by blowing a trumpet?"

Can't you see the obvious?  God is on your side!  He's your Leader!  You (and me), are HIS priests, and He's given you (and me), the responsibility to let the enemy know we're coming after him. God has given us the power and the authority, through the Name and the shed Blood of Jesus, OUR Lord, to proclaim HIS Glory and to stand in Victory and Dominion over our lives, our families, our church, our schools, our neighborhoods, our cities and towns, and over this entire world!  He's given us the most powerful weapon; the most awesome instruments of battle . . . our voice, and He's charged us with using it, Powerfully! Confidently! And with Authority!

Cry out a great battle cry!  Blow that instrument from the top of your lungs! Shout the name of JESUS!  Let the enemy know what he's in for!  When he comes to you with doubt . . . JESUS!  When he tries to test you with fear . . . JESUS!  When he attacks your health . . . JESUS!  JESUS!  JESUS!  Blow that trumpet name of JESUS and send the devil running!  Let him know that he will NOT win any battle because your God, my God, OUR God, is the God of the Angel Armies and HE CAN NOT BE DEFEATED!

Go ahead . . . try it.  Yes, it's going to take some practice.  It's going to take getting used to.  It's going to require you to take your eyes off of yourself for just a minute . . . focus on ALL that God has done for you.  Call to mind the Victories He's given you and the Grace that He's gifted you.  Make that very first battle cry . . . that single trumpet blast . . . be the cry against the pride in your life that is stopping you from releasing the Power of Jesus' name at the top of your lungs!  Take Courage!  Lift your head!  Fill those lungs with the deepest, most Faith-filled, purest gulps of God-given air . . . and Blow Baby, Blow!

Father thank You for the Victory!  Thank You for trusting us as Your priests and for giving us the responsibility to blow the battle cry – to take initiative over our own lives and for letting the devil know that he's already been defeated!  Thank You for being our God!  Help us to shout the name of Jesus with total abandon and release of Power!  Help us to realize and understand the true power of the Faith that You have given each one of us!  Help us to Blow the note of triumph today!

Have a Blessed and Victorious day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Serve to Receive – 2 Chronicles 10:7

7 They said, "If you will be a servant to this people, be considerate of their needs and respond with compassion, work things out with them, they'll end up doing anything for you."
– 2 Chronicles 10:7

Serve to Receive
Have you ever been to a restaurant where the service was impeccable?  Every detail taken care of; each setting meticulously placed; each plate set before you with expert care and each glass promptly filled, then every crumb quickly and promptly whisked away into a special, silver crumb-taker-away-thingy?  The care, and the attention, and especially the service and the attitude of service almost compelling you to over-tip?  Makes for a very special evening right?  OK, now counter that thought with a memory of the worst service you can remember.  You probably don't have to think too far back because bad service is fairly commonplace these days. Dirty tables, missing dinnerware, and poorly trained waitstaff with bad attitudes usually bring about the comment, "Well, we'll never be back HERE again."

Service – the art of serving – considering and seeing to the needs of another person or group of people, is God's design for His Church.  A servant's heart, the desire to serve others and to respond to their needs with love and compassion, is God's design for His Children (That's You and Me)!  When we get that concept on the inside of us – when it becomes WHO we are – then we can affect great change, not only in our church, but in our homes, our neighborhoods, our workplaces, and the world in general.  

People need!  They need help; they need "things;" they need someone to listen . . . and to HEAR; they need compassion; they need hugs; they need to smile; they need, they need, they need.  So who is going to meet those needs unless it's those of us whose needs have been met . . . those of us who the Father has called, and has rescued, and forgiven, and given new life.  HE served us, and so it must break His heart when we turn a deaf ear, or a blind eye, or a closed heart to the needs of the hurting world at our feet – those WE can help by simply becoming a servant – by listening, and seeing, and loving, and doing; by rolling up our spiritual sleeves and getting involved in people's lives.

Believe me, I know how inconvenient it can be to serve others, but I have found that the resulting blessing far outweighs any presumed inconvenience. And, the change that happens in our lives when we set aside our own agendas in order to bring the Father's Love to someone who is hurting, or stressing, or on the brink of desperation, can often be considered miraculous.  We BECOME servants.  We take on, gladly and willingly, the details of someone else's burden.  God changes our heart and a metamorphoses takes place in which our lives blossom and He starts pouring out Blessings, and Grace, and He unleashes abilities that we never knew we had.  He changes us, from the inside out, into His 5-star waitstaff – His hands extended – ready, willing, and able to serve His children . . . His way . . . and for His Glory!

Father, oh that You would make servants of us all!  Help us Lord, to love serving You – not for recognition or for accolades – but for the pure love and the joy of doing Your work; of being about Your business.  Birth in us, the desire to hear, and to see, and to do so that You will be revealed to lost and hurting people, and that they can turn from their old ways, and turn to You, becoming servants themselves.  Thank You Lord, for this servant's heart.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pray Hard! – 2 Chronicles 6: 19

19 Even so, I'm bold to ask: Pay attention to these my prayers, both intercessory and personal, O God, my God. Listen to my prayers, energetic and devout, that I'm setting before you right now.
– 2 Chronicles 6: 19

Pray Hard!
When you go to God in prayer, how do you go?  Are you a silent and reverent thinker prayer? A whisper prayer? A mumbler? Maybe a cryer or a pacer or a rock in placer? Or are you a jumper and a shouter – a dance around the room one minute / flat on your face the next / crying out at the top of your lungs prayer warrior?  I believe there are appropriate times for each of these and I also believe that God expects us to know when and how to use them.

For me, most of my daily prayer is the silent, in my minds-eye-to-God's-ear kind of converse and reflect prayer.  I have an hour-long commute into the city every morning so it's a perfect opportunity to cover my family, my friends, and my church and our civic and government leaders in prayer and blessings.  It would be totally inappropriate for me to start shouting out in tongues and pacing up and down the train aisle waving my arms and asking God to do this and that ( I would be on the 6 o'clock news if I did that).

But there are times for just such prayer. Bold, passionate, I need a touch from you God, and I'm not leaving until I get it, kind of prayer.  I believe God loves when we free ourselves to openly and honestly pour our hearts out on the Throne room floor, with all the tears and snot and sweat that comes from a good warrior's fighting prayer.  He delights when we lose the inhibitions and quit worrying about how we look, or how we sound, and we let go in reverent and devout storm-chasing, get the devil on the run, change the hearts of man, interceding.

"Oh my . . . I could never pray like that." you say?  Well consider this:  Suppose someone came in the middle of the night and took your child, or your spouse . . . how would you react? Would your response and your cry to God be softly whispered pleas of "Oh, if you find it in your heart, please return my loved ones."  Really?  I don't know about you but I would be shouting, and pacing, and pulling my hair, and going out-of-my-mind with questions, and anger, and worry, and hurt, and I would be pleading passionately for God to bring my loved ones back to me.  I wouldn't care what I looked like.  I wouldn't care who could see or hear me.  I wouldn't care about anything but what my immediate need is.

Well every day, in every corner of the world, the enemy is setting out to destroy our children, families, our communities, our churches, and our countries – he wants it all for himself.  So every once in a while (maybe even more often that that)  . . . it's OK to go a little "Pentecostal" in your prayer life.  It's OK to wrestle with God and to let Him know that we are passionate about our needs.  It's OK to let everyone think what they want to think, because I'll tell you what . . . God receives these prayers just as much as He does the silent reflection ones.  And I'm convinced that when we show our true, God-given passion to Him, it rallies the Angel Armies and all of Heaven is moved, and the Warrior Spirit in our Triune God jumps, and shouts, and rages right alongside us, sending the enemy running straight back to hell . . . with that nasty, little, poor-excuse of a tail tucked firmly between his scrawny little legs.

So I challenge you . . . pray hard sometime this week.  Get by yourself somewhere and let God know what you're passionate about.  Let it ALL hang out – every praise, every hurt, all your questions and your concerns – and see if the Holy Spirit doesn't just take over and show you what a true Prayer Warrior you really are . . . when you pray hard!

Father I thank You for allowing us to come to You passionately.  Thank You that You have built that in us.  Teach us how and when to scream, and shout, and cry, and laugh with total abandon in energetic and devout prayer to-and-with You!  Help us to let go of our pride and our inhibitions and to come to You freely, and to let You know exactly how we are feeling.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard