Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Familiar Blessing – 2 Samuel 7:28

28 "And now, Master God, being the God you are, speaking sure words as you do, and having just said this wonderful thing to me, 
29 please, just one more thing: Bless my family; keep your eye on them always. You've already as much as said that you would, Master God! Oh, may your blessing be on my family permanently!"
– 2 Samuel 7:28

The Familiar Blessing
When you hear the word "family" what thought or image comes into your head?  For me it's in my youth and weekend gatherings at my grandparents' homes with all the aunts, uncles, cousins, and drama that goes with gathering all those strong personalities in one place.  In our family, it seems that all the parents got together and decided to synchronize the birthing process so that each family had kids of the same age – playmates, confidants, partners-in-crime if you will. That was a different era – a different time in Americana – a time before video games and cable TV.

Things are much different now.  Family is spread far and wide and for a lot of us, our kids don't even know their cousins, or their Aunts and Uncles for that matter.  The picture of "Family" has become a cropped version of itself and for many these days, is limited to those dwelling in the same house, or at best, the same geographic location.  Our relationships with those whom we share DNA, exist mostly on FaceBook or through email, and the only reason we know what each other even looks like is because of posted photos.  Detached, we view flat images of each other and smile, and every once in a while we keep in "touch" as our fingers fly across the keyboard in a quick-witted comment or as we "like" each other.

Today's passage made me stop in my tracks this morning, and it made me realize how truly disconnected I am from my family – my mom, my brother and my sister, my children and grandchildren, my aunts, uncles, and cousins who are spread out all over the country.  And I long for the days gone by when playing in Grandma and Grandpa Chavez's basement would bring a quick but ignored scolding by the older (and less "fun" cousins), or getting stuck in the irrigated fields and getting chased by the geese at "PoPo's" farm.  Those were the family times that shaped my love of adventure and creativity, and where we used our imaginations to escape from the heavy hands of our elders, and we built relationships and memories that still bring laughter whenever we can find the time to get together again . . . it's so sad really.

So I stop in my tracks, and I lift my head and my hands to Heaven . . . and I cry out to God:

Bless my family; keep Your eye on them always. You've already as much as said that You would, Master God! Oh, may Your Blessing be on my family permanently!"

I love you all . . . immediate family . . . close family . . . distant family . . . family no longer with us . . . church family . . . family of the Risen Christ!  Peace to you all!  May the Joy of our Lord fill your hearts and may you feel the Blessings of Heaven over your lives, especially in this Christmas season – but also throughout your days and for all your days!  And I pray that I will have the joy of seeing each of you soon . . . you are all in my heart – I Love You All!

Merry Christmas my Family All!

– Richard

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Gift of You – 2 Samuel 7:20

20 What can I possibly say in the face of all this? You know me, Master God, just as I am.
– 2 Samuel 7:20

The Gift of You
Have you ever struggled with accepting who you are?  You know, sometimes wishing you could look like someone else, or sing like someone else, or have the gifts and talents that someone else has, and, if we're honest, there have been times we've even gone so far as to want the life that someone else has!  Oh how that must hurt the very heart of God!

We are who we are because that's how God created us!  Every freckle, every strand and color of hair, all our quirks and faults, our talents and abilities, our temperament, the way we handle things like stress, success, failure, and even adversity.  God even hand picked that crooked little toe - you know the one . . . it has the weird mini-nail that always seems to be in-grown . . . what? You don't have that?  Hmmm . . . must just be me then.  

Nevertheless, the you you are today is the you God created you to be, and He expects that in all things "you," that you live up to the you He created you to be.  Just you.  Just the way you are.  Simply you.

I know, I know . . . as my Pastor likes to say, "YBH,"  or, Yes, But How?  When this world demands that you live up to standards set by retailers and their advertising agents whose sole desire is for you to constantly redo "you" so that you will become consumed with the latest thing to make the "New and Improved" you.  It's easy to get caught up in someone else's readily apparent glamorous life, when yours just seems to be plodding along in the ho-hum mediocrity of "life."

Well . . . "Life" is a miracle in itself.  A gift straight from the mouth of God.  And our life, and those we live with, and around, and interact with every day . . . are miracles.  A chance to reveal God and to share Joy, and Peace, and Love so that the very nature of God is lived out through us.  So . . . the "how" is for us to get up every morning and thank our Father for the ability and opportunity to live another day.  Then, as we spend quality time with Him . . . you know, getting to know Him and building a Love Relationship with Him, HE will give us the ability to see clearly again.  To go beyond the superficial and to realize the gift that we are, just as we are, to Him!

Yes, I said we are a gift to God.  You – and me – gifts!  When we live our lives believing in, and living for the One who created life in the first place, it is a gift.  Especially when you consider the efforts in this world to deny Him, and to replace Him with human substitutes, the greatest gift we can give to our Maker is to say . . . You know me Master God, just as I am, and I am here . . . just as I am . . . wholly committed to and for . . . You!

Be a gift to God this Christmas season.  Be yourself.  The best "you" you can be.  Just you.  It will warm the very heart of God.

Father,  Here I am.  In all my inability I give myself to You and I will live this life that You have given me to the fullest.  Thank You for making me unique and for letting me see that the best way to live this life is in a love-relationship, with You.  Merry Christmas Father God!

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Peace at Home – 2 Samuel 7:1

1 Before long, the king made himself at home and God gave him peace from all his enemies.
– 2 Samuel 7:1

Peace at Home
We are a restless bunch aren't we?  I know I have been.  I am the type that gets bored quickly and in the past I have solved my boredom with change.  While change can be good, the problem with it is that it is tumultuous, and if the power of change is not harnessed and used wisely, it will be difficult to ever find peace in any area of your life.

Changing jobs, changing churches, changing relationships – you know, the big stressors in one's life, can often catapult a person into the right direction, especially if God is orchestrating the change, but at some point, we need to establish ourselves and settle into the place we find ourselves . . . wherever that may be.  Once we resolve to live where we are planted and to thrive in our current station, God will bring peace to all areas of our lives.

I didn't say He will fix all of our problems, but as we face certain adversity and trials, we can have the Peace that surpasses ALL understanding and those who see the life that we are walking through, with all of the craziness, and the business, and the stresses that go with living in a fallen world, will be drawn to the "Shalom" that we possess.  Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord.

So establish yourself where you are.  Stop wondering if there is something better somewhere else.  Make yourself at home where God has planted you and experience Shalom – Complete Peace – in every area of your life.

The world could use a few Sholom-people walking around right about now, and especially during this Christmas season, let's shine the light of Peace for everyone we meet.

Peace, Peace, Peace on earth, and good will to all!  
Thank You Lord, for Shalom as we make ourselves at home with You!

Have a blessed and peaceful day everyone!

– Richard

Monday, December 3, 2012

God Sees A Champion – 1 Samuel 18:18

18 David, embarrassed, answered, "Do you really mean that? I'm from a family of nobodies! I can't be son-in-law to the king."
– 1 Samuel 18:18

God Sees A Champion
How many of you were born in a palace and had solid a gold "binky" and silk diapers?  OK . . . how many were born into humble dwellings with working-class parents and maybe had to share a room with at least one sibling; ate leftovers most nights of the week, and wore hand-me-downs that most times, didn't fit quite right?  I remember as a kid, that we even used to use cardboard to cover the holes that wore into the soles of our shoes because with five kids, my parents couldn't afford to get us new shoes until it was absolutely necessary – it was just "normal" for us.

My point is that most of us come from humble beginnings.  Most of the great leaders of our country also came from humble beginnings.  The Bible is full of great men and women who God raised up from humble beginnings.  In fact, He believes in the power and witness of "lack: and "need" so much, that He chose them to bring His Son – our Savior – into the world! God doesn't look at status, or financial statements, or college degrees, or physical beauty when He chooses whom He will call on to lead.  He looks into a persons heart, and their potential, and then HE develops their character and raises them up to reveal His Will and Purpose in this world.

Don't ever think you aren't good enough to serve be used mightily by God.  Don't look at others who seem more successful, or who appear to have effective ministries, or who always look like they just have it all together – don't think that you can never do anything or be anything of importance to God.  God chooses ordinary men to change the world, and the only criteria He looks for is a desire to have relationship and to get to know Him. After all, HE is actively seeking to have a deep and lasting relationship with you and He wants to show how really big He can be in your life.  Yes YOU!  AND YOU too!  And me too.  

God just wants us.  Just us.  with all our flaws, and our quirks, and our mistakes.  He uses people just like us – nobodies, failures, ex-addicts, ex-cons, ex-whatever – to let others see and experience His Grace, and Love, and Forgiveness.  You just might be the next life that God uses to bring His children into revival.  It could happen . . . through a humble beginning person just like you!

Father, Thank You for humble beginnings.  Thank You for the way You raise men up to reveal Your Grace-nature to the world.  Help us to see the possibility and to always be prepared by seeking a true relationship with You.  Thank You Lord, for Your Love . . . for us.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard