Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hey! Watch Where You're Steppin! – Proverbs 4:26

26 Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. 
– Proverbs 4:26

Hey! Watch Where You're Steppin!

"Ponder the path of your feet..."

When was the last time you actually thought about the path you are walking on?  I'm not talking about concrete or asphalt or dirt - no, I am talking about your spiritual path.  What path are you taking to the Lord?  Is it a path full of detours and distractions?  Maybe a boulder or two to climb over and a couple of creeks that take you off-route until you can find a good place to cross?  Or . . .  is your path well thought out, and you are taking steps of purpose,  and you are one of those people that like to get from point A to point B as quickly and with as little stopping as possible.  I have found that I'm a little bit of both at times.  

I'm happy to say that it's getting much easier for me to walk on my path with purpose and I am finding it easier not to get distracted by funny billboards or interesting or odd scenery, but it has taken a lot of practice.  I was really bad at first - I would zig-zag all over the place and I would find myself taking avenues I never thought I would take, and ultimately I would find myself lost and confused.  I still have that potential in me, so now I try to stay on the routes I know best.

I try to use my GPS - God's Path System.  It's kind of reversed from the usual GPS that are in most cars today.  In those systems, you enter a destination address and "The Voice" tells you step-by-step how to get there.  In my GPS, I do all the talking along the way . . . it goes something like this:

– "Lord, do You want me to go here?" 
– "Father, I'm feeling lost - can You help me get back on the right path?"
– "Jesus, I know there's a road block up ahead, can You help me get around it?"
– "Holy Spirit, I need You to drive right now because I'm starting to feel a little lost!"

Not only does this work for me, but it has the added benefit of always being in communication with God - and THAT keeps my mind clear to hear from Him throughout my day.  I also try to only listen to praise music or Teachings of His Word so that my soul is constantly being fed.  Are ALL my ways sure?  Not always.  Am I getting better at staying on my path?  Absolutely!  

How can you do it?
The Bible tells us to think on (Ponder) THESE things:
    Whatever is Pure
    Whatever is Holy
    Whatever is True
    Whatever is Honorable
    Whatever is Just
    Whatever is Pure
    Whatever is Lovely
    Whatever is Commendable
    Whatever is Excellent
    Whatever is Worthy of Praise

Basically . . . whatever is Jesus!  

That's the best way to ponder your path!  Your path will take care of itself when you think on Him and in all things and in all ways, if you acknowledge Him, He will make your paths straight and He will keep the darkness from in front of you!  You will never get or be lost again!

Father, I thank You for the Light that is Your Son Jesus.  Your Word says that He is the Lamp for my feet and the Light for my path and I rely on Him to keep my way to You clear.  I pray that I will always think on Him as I navigate through my life.  You have made a way for me and I am loving the journey Lord!

Have a blessed day my everyone!

- Richard

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dying to Live – John 12:24

24 "Trulytruly, I say to you, unless grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone ; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
- John 12:24

Dying to Live

Can you recall the day or the time when your Christian "honeymoon" came to a screeching halt?  You know what I'm talking about...the day when the enemy finally took you seriously as a Christian and decided to put his full effort into seeing you stumble?  It could have been a major illness, or the loss of a job, or betrayal by a loved one; it could have been almost any negative thing that burst your baby Christian balloon.  That was a tough time wasn't it?  I mean, none of us could have been prepared for the full-on attack, and I think it's safe to say that almost none of us handled it all that well.

But do you remember when you finally realized that it was an attack and that God hadn't forgotten about you?  The revelation probably came about because some brother and/or sister in Christ came alongside and taught you how to pray for breakthrough – and prayed with you –  through your trial.  It was your first baby step towards becoming a mature Christian and it was then that God was able to advance you in ministry.

For me, divorce was the attack.  Don't get me wrong, I was as much to blame in the failed marriage as she was but the enemy used our past hurts (pre-Christian) to drive a wedge between us, so that as I drew closer to Christ, it pushed her into the waiting arms of the enemy.  I thought I was going to die through that experience.  I was so hurt and at first, like a spoiled child I blamed God, but with time and the help of praying brothers and sisters, I was able to grow and to see God as the Healer and my Redeemer.  I was able to see Him in a new light and I loved Him more than I ever did.

He restored me and He brought me to a new level in my walk, and when I was ready He brought me a wife who would challenge me to be a better man – and she still challenges me today.  He birthed in me a desire to share His Word and to help others who were hurting.  He expanded my capacity to serve and He showed me how to love – even when things aren't going well.  He brought me out of the dust of my despair and He lifted me up to heights I could never have imagined.

There have been many many trials since then and through each one, the enemy has tried to ruin my relationship with my Father – but God has seen me through each trial.  And through each trial, as I have looked to Him to sustain me, He has changed me and molded me into a new fruit tree.  And now, when I start going through a trial, I know that the enemy is at work trying to establish a stronghold in my life, and I am able to recognize it and I draw closer to my Father.  I draw near to Him and I start thanking Him for the new work that He is about to do in my life.  I start praising Him for the overabundance of joy that He will bring into my life and I am humbled because I know that He has a mission for me and that He has chosen me to further His kingdom.

Are you going through a trial?  Are there people at work who are trying to make you look bad?  Are you beginning to feel depressed about something that is out of your control?  Just know that God has something bigger and better in store for you.  All you have to do is draw close to Him.  Start praising Him and let the world see you smile (the enemy hates when you smile).  God is about to promote you and He is going to grow you into such a beautiful fruit tree and all who taste your offerings will know that God is great and that His love is far better than anything this world has to offer.


Father, I am learning to count it joy whenever I am faced with a trial.  I have seen You bring me through so many tough times in my life, and through each one, I grow stronger in You. Thank You for being there and for sending Your Holy Spirit to comfort me and to help me keep my head held high.  You are my Joy and the Light of my life and I will praise You throughout my day.  

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Monday, February 27, 2012

Gather 'Round! – Psalm 66:16

16 Come and hear, all who fear God, And I will tell of what He has done for my soul.
- Psalm 66: 16

Gather 'Round!
Was anyone as dysfunctional a human being as I was until they were saved?  I was pretty messed up - but in my mind I had it all together.  I really didn't think I needed any help and if you were to ask me, I knew everything about . . . well, everything.  I had pretty much closed myself off from the rest of the world and I didn't really care about anything or anybody.  All I lived for was getting high and if you could help me accomplish that, then I valued you - as long as I could keep getting high.  Yup, I was a real piece of work.

God knew exactly how to reach me.  One day, just after getting high, the thought of Jesus came into my head (I knew about Jesus from my Catholic upbringing).  All I could think about was Jesus and how much He loved me!  Now you have to understand that this was very strange because in my experience (up to then), Jesus did not love me.  If He did, he would not have allowed all of the abuse that happened in my childhood.  He would not have allowed that priest to molest me, nor would He have allowed all of the beatings and emotional abuse that I received.  I mean, I just knew that Jesus was not my friend, yet here I was fixated on Him, and because of that I was not able to enjoy getting high at all!

Do you know that from that point forward, every time I got high, Jesus was all I could think about.  I mean, it totally ruined getting high for me!  One day, after attempting to get high and NOT think about Jesus by playing loud heavy metal rock in my headphones (it didn't work by the way), I was walking down the hall in my house and as I passed a bookcase, my eye caught the title on the spine of a book - The Good News Bible.  Don't ask me how it got there, or why on that particular day it caught my eye, but I stopped, and as if in slow-motion I found myself taking it from the shelf.  Before I knew it, I had read through the book of Matthew and was well on my way into Mark.  I couldn't put it down.  Within 2 weeks I was at the altar of a local church giving my life to Jesus.  I no longer needed drugs to get through my day and for the first time in my life (that I can recall), I was truly happy.

Jesus found me and came to me in the only place and in the only way I could be reached.  He knew just the right approach to reach me, and He knew just the right time.  He changed my life forever and I will always serve Him and Praise Him for reaching down to take my life and to call me His own.

What about you?  What's your story?  When was the last time you shared it?  Why not take the time this week to tell someone how Jesus touched your life and called you into His waiting arms?  Someone will be blessed and it will take you down memory lane and maybe help you to remember where you were and appreciate the new life you now have - in Him!

Lord Jesus, thank You so much for taking the time to find me in the midst of my terrible life.  I would surely be dead if You hadn't reached me in just the right way all those years ago.  I know I should share my story more often and I thank You for reminding me how important it is for others to hear.  You have seen me through so many things and I just want to take this time to praise Your name and to tell You that I am so thankful and I love You so much!

Have a blessed day my Brothers!


Friday, February 24, 2012

By Faith... – Hebrews 11:32-34

32 And what more shall I say ? For time will fail me if I tell of GideonBarakSamsonJephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets
33 who by faithconquered kingdomsperformed acts of righteousnessobtained promisesshut the mouths of lions, 
34 quenched the power of fireescaped the edge of the sword, from weakness made strongbecame mighty in warput foreign armies to flight. were
– Hebrews 11:32-34

By Faith...
What are you facing today?  How are you going to face it?  Do you have the faith to know that you will make it through successfully - no matter the outcome?  God is looking for that faith in His people.  The faith to believe and trust in Him.  To know, beyond a shadow of doubt that He is God.  The faith that will make Him smile and say to all of heaven, "You see!?  Here is my son!  Here is my daughter!  They get it - they can taste and see that I am their God!"  I think He loves those opportunities to boast on us.

Unfortunately, most of the time, we cower in the face of adversity.  I know there are times when I do.  And I know that it hurts God.  I can only imagine how disappointed He must be sometimes because I give in to fear and doubt when all I have to do is look up to Him.  He is a prayer away yet there are times when I am facing a real trial that I neglect Him altogether because I am so busy trying to figure it out on my own.  Even though I know He has brought me through before - many times before, and I can clearly account for each time He provided a miracle, I can still catch myself with little or no faith at all.

The good news is that God is so loving and patient with us that He will never turn His back on us.  He is always there to make a way.  The men in today's scripture still faced lions, and fire, and enemies, and weapons, and war, and on-and-on but the word says that by faith they conquered, they overcame, the performed, they were made strong and their enemies were put to flight.  By faith... not in their own abilities but in God. 

Lord, thank You for always having my back.  Thank You for the love and patience that You show me each and every day.  You are always by my side.  I need to tell You how sorry I am for the times that I have doubted You and have given in to fear and doubt when facing trials in my life.  Even though I know that You are bigger than any trial that can come my way, I still tried to face them on my own.  Please forgive my neglect.  I pray for Your strength and wisdom Lord for every day of my life - not just when I am in trouble.  I just want You to know that I am trying everyday to get to know You better and to live by the Spirit's leading so that when the next trial comes, You will be first on my mind - with a smile and a cheerful heart.

Have a blessed day everyone!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

28 But as for me, how wonderful to be near God, to find protection with the Sovereign Lord and to proclaim all that he has done!
- Psalm 73: 28

Time for Some "Props"

I have been reflecting lately on how good God has been to me and it really surprised me to realize that I have been living in the Favor Of God yet I have not spent the time acknowledging His marvelous grace and goodness. Oh I have been singing His praises and I have been lifting Him up and definitely spending more time in His Word, but I haven't really thanked Him for the specific blessings that He has so graciously sent my way. Here is just a short list (for illustration purposes) that I want to thank Him for:

  • My wonderful and beautiful wife (she is an angel)
  • My health (even though I still suffer from arthritis, I know that without His help, I would not be doing well)
  • My family (they love me despite knowing me)
  • My grandchildren (they are a joy to behold)
  • My job (I am productive and prosperous)
  • My sanity (life is crazy good)
  • My ability to laugh (my favorite blessing I think)
  • My ability to see the good in people (I wasn't always able to)
. . . . . . and on-and-on . . . etc., etc.

I think it is good to thank Him for even the small and seemingly trivial things in our lives that are good - like being able to wiggle your toes for instance. Isn't it awesome to be able to do that?

Start reflecting on all of the things God has blessed you with today. I'm pretty sure you will start to see His providence and His love for you in the details of your day and in your life. Share some of those things with someone and let them know how good God is - He deserves the recognition!

Lord thank You for my life. Thank You for making sure that everything I need to live has been taken care of - the clean air, the warmth of the sun, the light of the day, and the cool of the night. Thank You for being a God of details and for loving me so much. I pray that I can adequately proclaim the blessings that You have poured out for me and in so doing, glorify Your name to all those around me!

Have a blessed day everyone - and tell someone about it!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

6 No man can serve two masters. He cannot give his heart to two services at the same time. He cannot follow two callings successfully.
– Matthew 6:24 (People's New Testament)

Some Sticky Stuff
In my prayer time this morning, my conversation with God kept turning to situations of being double-minded.  I kept asking forgiveness for doing the things that I know I shouldn't be doing.  The list is fairly long and while there really isn't anything major (in my eyes anyway), the usual traps for me seem to always present themselves.  Things like, anger - traffic is the worst;  lust of the eyes - images are everywhere;  pride - I can do all things...because, well . . . I can do all things;  hate - some people just tend to bring it out in me;  greed - I want, I want, I want, and contempt - sometimes I just can't help it.

God knows all of my flaws (and now you know some of them too), but I know that He is working on these things with me.  I just wish that my pursuit of holiness wasn't riddled with re-occurring sin.  I know that as long as I'm alive I will sin - I mean, I'm under no illusions here but it would be nice to be able to wake up and know that the rest of my day will be holy - that I would be worthy to be called His child.  One day it will happen, but until then . . . 

So I was talking with God (back to my morning prayer time), and these images or descriptions of being double-minded kept popping up.  Two-faced, wishy-washy, straddling the fence, night and day, hot and cold, up and down, in and out, etc., etc.  I even had to stop and laugh at myself as I imagined God rolling His eyes as I went on-and-on.  But then this image of double-sided tape popped into my mind and I think that for my life anyway, it sums up being double-minded really well.

Double-sided tape is one of the greatest inventions there is (in my humble opinion).  For the Graphic Designer (me), it can be an invaluable tool for creating mock-ups of things like my package designs.  I've learned all the tricks for using it effectively but it as also ruined quite a few mock-ups.  The problems is that everything sticks to it!  "No Duh" you say?  "That's what it was invented for" you say?  Well I know this (thank you very much), but it takes practice using it so that only the things you want to stick get stuck. The problem with double-sided tape is that if you aren't very careful, you will end up letting something unintended touch one of the sides which will end up ruining your entire project.

No one wants sin sticking to them, but by being double-minded, the tug-o-war that will be played out in your life can cause some nasty consequences.  It isn't so much the sin itself (we all sin), but it's the mindset that you can continue to sin and that you have the sin under control and convincing yourself that you can clean up your act any time you want that will ruin your life.  It's allowing the sin to become part of who you are because you are double-minded that will drive you from God's presence.

Examine your life today.  Ask God to reveal any tendencies of double-mindedness in you.  He will help you to get off the fence - be light and not dark - be up and not down - be His and not the world's.  Life will be less messy and your relationship with Him will be so much more fulfilling and blessed.

Lord thank You for bringing to my mind all of the ways in which I allow sin to stick to my life.  I repent of being double-minded and I ask that Your Holy Spirit cleans me of that mindset and help me to remain focussed on You as I go through my day.  I know that my life will be more fruitful by keeping my eyes firmly fixed on You and seeking Your will for my life.  I praise You and I devote this day to You.

Have a blessed day my Brothers!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our Great God! – Job 35:9-11

9 "Men cry out under a load of oppression; they plead for relief from the arm of the powerful. 
10 But no one says, 'Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night, 
11 who teaches more to us than to the beasts of the earth and makes us wiser than the birds of the air?'
- Job 35: 9-11

Our Great God!
When do you find yourself crying out to God more - when you are going through a trial or when everything is going great?  If you are like me (and I had to take a hard and honest  look at this), then you lean more towards the trial side of things.  Why do we do this?  

I know that when everything is going well for me, I can get into an automatic pilot mode and just assume that God must be pleased with the way I am living so I just go happily about my days,  and except for my morning prayer time or my devotion time, there are times when I don't really give Him much thought.  I have really needed to repent of this kind of cavalier approach to my Creator.

I have come to realize that God is not a tool to use when I need to get out of a tight spot - like some omnipotent slim-Jim that will get me back in the driver seat when I've been locked out of my "normal" life.  He shouldn't be regarded as a quick-fix for my problems.  He is not a genie in a bottle to be used and called upon only when we want something, and I feel so ashamed for the times I have treated Him like that.

God is "the lover of my soul!"  He is the one who painstakingly designed each hair, each pore, each cell of skin and He molded me and shaped me and gave me breath.  He is the one who has taken me through my life, and He washed me clean of all my sin, by sacrificing what was most precious to Him - His Son - just so I could be with Him.  He is God of ALL things and He deserves better than what I give Him - better than what we all give Him.

He deserves All of our praise All of the time in All of our circumstances.  He would love to hear from you today too.  Why don't you take a few minutes and just let Him know how much you appreciate ALL that He has done for you.  Take some time to Love Him today!

Father I just want to let You know how sorry I am for taking You for granted sometimes.  I must sound like a spoiled brat - only wanting my way and whining and complaining when things aren't just right.  I repent of that way of thinking and living.  I just want You to know that I love You.  I am so grateful for the life that You have given me and for taking the time to speak truth into my life.  I know that without You I can do nothing and I would be nothing so on this day, I give myself to You and I say "Here I am Lord, Take my life and use me - Let me be Your arms extended and show me how I can serve You.  

Have a blessed day everyone!


Monday, February 20, 2012

You Better Believe IT! – Hebrews 10:22-23

22 let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies 
washed with pure water. 
23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;
- Hebrews 10: 22-23

You Better Believe IT!
Have you ever made an important promise and had the person you made the promise to look at you like they didn't believe you?  How did that make you feel?  Even when you tried to explain that you were sincere, and that you would follow through and deliver, and that they could trust your word . . . you could still see doubt in their eyes?  It's not only frustrating but it hurts to know that someone doesn't believe in you.

Imagine how God feels!

He gave us a promise and then went so far as to seal it with the blood of His Son.  Jesus even came to earth and lowered Himself to take on a human body and then lived in a time when the things that were considered modern conveniences were animal skin flasks, sandals, 
dirt floors, and dust in your food.  It wasn't a pleasant time to live in, but He did it, and He put up with all that humanity had to offer. You know, things like scourging and stoning, and ultimately crucifixion.  He did it all to show us that He was willing to give Himself, under any circumstance, so that we could receive the fullness of His promise.

That's pretty hefty stuff - but I think for many of us who call ourselves "believers," the real understanding of exactly what has been promised to us still escapes us. I don't think it is necessarily out of a lack of love or respect for our Father, it's simply that we live in a "show me" world.  Unless we can see miracles, and feel the Holy Spirit breathing on the back of our necks, we hold on to our faith with cautious optimism instead of total abandon.

I have struggled with this throughout my Christianity and there have been times when 
I have doubted God's presence if I wasn't able to feel it.  Most of my disbelief has been with God wanting to do things – for me.  I have never doubted that He can, and will do miracles for other people, I have always just had a problem believing that I would be healed, or that God would want to use me - for anything.  I know that kind of thinking isn't right, and I have dealt with my doubts and my questions, and I now have a much better understanding of the relationship that I have with Jesus, and my Father, and the Holy Spirit, but it has been a process.

How about you?  Have you ever doubted God?  Have you not believed His promises with total abandon? You know, God said it so it must be so type of stuff?  If so, join me this week in reflection and repentance.  Ask God to forgive your unbelief and I believe that He will take us all to new heights in our walks.  I believe that as He renews our doubting hearts, and refreshes our bodies with Living Water, we will grow closer to Him and our love for Him and our faith in Him, will grow beyond our understanding. We will be transformed, our faith will be strengthened, and our Father in Heaven will be High and LIfted Up!

Father forgive my unbelief.  Forgive me for doubting Your Word and for taking for granted all that You have done to ensure my promise in You.  I need You to help me put aside my own thoughts and understanding of how and why You chose me for Your kingdom so that I an be totally available to You - heart, body, and mind.  I want to be the man You have called me to be and I know that I can be - because You promised me that I would be.
Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Who Are You? – 1 Corinthians 15:10

10 But by God's grace I am what I am, and the grace that He gave me was not without effect.  On the contrary, I have worked harder than any of the other apostles, although it was not really my own doing, but God's grace working with me.
1 Corinthians 15:10

Who Are You?

There is a musical group called "Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians" and they have a song called "What I Am" - here are a few of the lyrics:

What I am is what I am, 
are you what you are or what?
Oh I'm not aware of too many things,
I know what I know if you know what I mean. 

In my mind, that kind of sums up the world view on self realization.  Everyone thinks they know who they are and they know that everything they know is the right thing to know.  They are so certain of themselves and the way they think that they won't even consider that God exists - only that they exist.  What a sad way to live.

I know who I am, and I know what I am, but most importantly, I know THAT I am because God saved me from myself and the certain death I was headed for.  I know what I know because He lives in me and I can see, through the power of the Holy Spirit, a world that is hurting and in need of a Savior.  I have compassion for them because He had compassion for me and He pulled me out of the pit of despair.  He set my feet upon a rock - and now I know!

I love you, my brothers and sisters and this I know - God loves you - Jesus loves you, and the Holy Spirit has your back!  No matter what you are going through, no matter how difficult it might seem at the moment, the Love and the Grace and the Peace of Christ is always with you - to strengthen you - this day, and all the days of your life.

Lord, I pray that the love and grace and peace that You showed me all those years ago, be showered on my brothers and sisters and that this day, they are able to know that You are with them - no matter what they are going through.  I pray Lord that the warmth and comfort of Your Holy Spirit envelope each one of them as they face their day.  Help me Lord, that by Your grace, I would be able to demonstrate Your love to someone in need today. 

Have a blessed day everyone - and know that you are who you are - because of who He is!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

2 God is my strength, God is my song, and, yes! God is my salvation. This is the kind of God I have and I'm telling the world! This is the God of my father - I'm spreading the news far and wide!
– Exodus 15:2

Did you start the day singing the Blues or did you start the day singing praises to our God?  I know I could have started singing the blues.  I just got in to work and my day is already in full-swing.  I haven't even had a chance to peruse the latest sports headlines like I usually do (I know - isn't that awful!).  Phones have been ringing, and emails needed answering, and the package art that was supposed to be done last week needed a last-minute change . . .  and then I was told that the  audio files that absolutely need to be sent for replication today (no ifs ands or buts!), are going to be delayed a few days, and because of ALL of this commotion . . . my coffee (which I haven't had time to drink) is stone-cold!  Blues - Blues - Blues (and a weird off-shade of purple!).

But I've chosen instead to start singing this little made-up praise to the Lord -

"God is Great!
He's never never late!
He never makes mistakes!
And He'll help me through this mess - NO MATTER WHAT IT TA-A-A-AKES!
He always gives me PEP!
He knows my every step!
He laughs when I dance and sing!
He created everything!
OH-OH-OH,  God is Great!

(sung to the tune of whatever is in your head right now).

I know, I know - not exactly a chart buster, but It has put me in the right mood to take care of all the tasks I have before me.  It has also put me in the right frame of mind to remember that all of the stresses and distraction that will come my way today are just passing moments that really are meaningless in the big picture of my life in Christ.  I can sing and be close to Him all day long – and I know that He does delight in my silly made-up songs.  After all, they are His gift to me to get me through my day.

How about you?  What can you sing about that will delight the Lord?  It doesn't have to be silly (not all of us are the silly type).  But if you try praising Him about who He is in the midst of your trial, He will delight in helping you get through it.


Lord, may I always sing silly made-up praise songs because they remind me of Your love for me.  I pray that I can find joy in the midst of any circumstance and I hope that others can see Your love through my silliness.  I give the rest of my day to You Lord, and I lift up songs of praise and thanksgiving to let You know how much I love You!

Have an awesome day everyone!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fixinta Rest – Isaiah 26:3; 30:1

O God, you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are fixed on you; for in returning and rest we shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be our strength.
– Isaiah 26:3; 30:1

Fixinta Rest
In Texas, we all say "fixinta..." like "I'm fixinta go to the store." or Are ya'll fixinta leave?"  In this passage though, I think we should all be "fixinta" rest.  Keeping our minds "fixed" or focused, or concentrating on our God, our Creator, our Champion, our Savior . . . the Lover of our very souls.  If we do that then the rest of the business and/or troubles of the day will have to take a rest - a back seat if you will, to what God's has planned for us.

We have to learn to fix our minds on His ways and quiet our own selfish desires - our desires for physical well being.  Things like financial security, material possessions, relationships, and even good health are not really that important to God.  He is more concerned with our spiritual well-being.  Our relationship with Him and with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Our ability to hear His voice and to think on Him first.  Our faith that He will supply all of our needs.  Our understanding that He is God.  He is the author of life and the Creator and designer of each and every one of us.  He is concerned that we be strong in that knowledge so that we can be used by Him to reach the lost.

Our reward is not in this life and we should be looking for more opportunities to quiet ourselves, to fix our minds on Him, and to be strong by reading, and absorbing, and trusting His Word.

Lord I pray that can find that rest and strength in Your loving arms.  I know that I can get too busy and it is easy to forget why I'm here and I am so sorry for neglecting You.  I know I need to always keep my mind fixed on You so that I can find the strength and peace and rest that You are so willing to give . . . but I confess that I keep focusing on me and what my selfish desires are.  Forgive me Lord and help me to grow closer to You each day.  I need Your help to remain fixed in Your embrace.

Have a blessed day everyone!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Forgiveness is the key – Genesis 50:19-20

19 But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 
20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
– Genesis 50:19-20

Forgiveness is the key

The enemy is set out to destroy us because of our love of Christ and he will use anything in his power to make us fall.  His favorite tool to use is to set those we love against us – our friends and our families.  The people closest to us who can sometimes treat us worse than enemies because it is assumed they will be forgiven. Those are the people that Satan will set against us, and most of the time it isn't anything that they have purposed to do, it is just out of everyday living that pettiness, jealousies, or even simple misunderstandings can escalate into real hurts, which can be deeply felt; wounds that can cut to the heart and are so hard to understand because they came from those who are supposed to be on our side.  After all, people who love you aren't supposed to hurt you . . . are they?  Unfortunately, it can be those we love that hurt us most – and whom we hurt in return.

God knows the pain that can come from those you love.  After all, He experiences it every day.  The rejection of His love and forgiveness is worldwide, yet He still forgives and He still loves us.  We must ask for His help in forgiving those who have hurt us.  It is only through forgiveness that God can heal our wounded hearts and restore our lives.  Our ability to forgive others is directly related to His ability to accomplish the good that He has called us to.  If we remain bitter then we are not good examples of His grace and compassion – we are not good witnesses.

Let us all search our hearts this Valentine's day and see if there isn't someone we need to forgive and then ask God to give you the strength to do it.  I know we will all feel better and our Father will honor our efforts!

Lord, help me to recognize the unforgiveness that I am still holding on to.  Help me to have the strength and the courage to forgive and to love those who have wronged me.  I ask your forgiveness for the pride in my heart that has kept me from forgiving before now.  Teach me to love like You love so that I can be a light to this hurting world.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone - Have a great and blessed Day!

– Richard

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sing Aloud Upon Your Beds – Psalm 42:8

8 May the Lord show his constant love during the day, so that I may have a song at night, a prayer to the God of my life. (Good News Translation)
– Psalm 42:8

Sing aloud upon your beds!
The Lord loves you!  He cares for you and He walks with you and He sits with you every minute, of every day – Rejoice!  

It's easy to remember that when everything is going well and the sun is shining and Spring has sprung . . . but what about when things aren't going so well?  

God is still right there!

He's waiting for us to acknowledge Him and to discuss our problems with Him.  He delights in turning our cloudy days into bright smiles and having us become a witness of the great and awesome love that He has for us.  It is when others, who know we are going through hard times, see us walking in victory—when it is clear that we should have stayed in bed—that God is displayed and glorified.  It is those times that the light that lives within us shines brightly . . . despite our circumstances.

Remembering that He is right there with us isn't always easy, but with practice, it becomes quite comfortable and even though the world, (and other Christians for that matter), would understand us moping around with our heads hung low, they can only watch amazed at how gracefully we seem to go through trials.  As we acknowledge Him and celebrate His love for us throughout our day, He gives us songs to sing aloud upon our beds (try not to wake up your spouse)!

Lord You are my best friend.  You know when things are going wrong and when life seems to be ganging up on me –  but I am so thankful that I only need to whisper Your name and you always bring a smile to my lips.  May I learn to always acknowledge you first on both my bad days and good days so that my conversations with you become a natural, easy part of who I am.  I am so grateful for Your loving attention during my day and I thank You for the peace You give me as I lay my head to rest each night.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Friday, February 10, 2012

Looking Out for #1 – Philippians 2:3-4

3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves ;
4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
– Philippians 2:3-4

Looking Out for #1
Being that we really can't fully understand all that Christ gave up in order to come to earth and take the form of man, it is difficult to appreciate the examples He gave us of humility and how to serve one another.  I mean He is the King of Glory yet He came to earth and lived through some of the harshest circumstances imaginable.  He lowered Himself and allowed unthinkable acts to be committed to Him in order that we might live out eternity in His presence – and He did it with gentleness, and peace, and kindness, and love, and forgiveness.

I know some Christians who have the mindset that in order to get what you want, you have to be rude and make a lot of noise and be so insistent that others will give you almost anything in order to avoid further conflict.  It makes me cringe when I hear stories like that because I know that type of behavior should not even be a part of a Christian's personality.  I mean, that kind of behavior is contrary to the fruit of the Spirit and is more like the result of sin.

Now I know that not all of us are like that . . . but what about having to wait in line at the grocery store?  Is the fruit of patience evident in you then?  What about when your inconsiderate neighbor has a loud and rowdy party and their guests leave beer bottles in your yard or on your car – how's your forgiveness and kindness working then?  How about a coworker who talks about you behind your back all the time – is your love, gentleness, and long-suffering on display at work?

We all experience "life" and everything that it has to offer – both good and bad.  It's easy to be quick to point the finger when others are doing wrong but if we take a good look at ourselves I think we can call to mind a time or two when we weren't such good Christian examples – especially when we think of what Christ endured so that we could have salvation to begin with.

So the next time you are really wronged, or the next time someone gets on your last nerve, or the next time someone takes your parking spot, just remember that your fruit is showing (positive and negative) and that you can do more to further the kingdom with a smile and a wave than with a frown and a stare (I know I need to work on this when I'm driving - my wife calls it "The Chavez Stare!")

Father thank You for reminding me that You humbled Yourself and gave up all that You had in order that I might see heaven one day.  I am so sorry for being so self-centered and short-sighted sometimes.  I want others to be able to see You and to think of You when they are with me so please help me Lord - help me to think before I act.  Help me to remember Your sacrifice so that I can humble myself and show love, compassion, and patience which I know will always bring peace to any situation.  Thank You for Your Holy Spirit!

Have a blessed day everyone (and an awesome weekend too)!

– Richard

Thursday, February 9, 2012

And the Crowd Goes Wild! – Hebrews 12:1

1 As for us, we have this large crowd of witnesses around us. So then, let us rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way, and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lies before us. 
- Hebrews 12:1

And the Crowd Goes Wild!

Have you ever been to a sporting event – most of us have.  The experience is quite exhilarating as we sit among all of the other fans cheering on our favorite athletes.  One thing I have found in observation is that almost everyone who attends these events is an "expert" and have very strong opinions on what the athletes should be doing in order to win the contest.  I have seen and heard people yelling all kinds of instructions down to the field (as if the athletes can hear them).  Most of the time, the loudest and most demonstrative people are the ones who have never even played the game, yet there they are, giving their two cents.  It's all part of the fun and makes for an exciting afternoon or evening.

The crowd of witnesses described in Hebrews 12 are not just couch-potato athletes.  These are veterans of the game of life who all experienced God's providence and who are forever in the "hall of Fame."  I found this description of a few of those "fans" in an excerpt from an article written by Dr. Ed Young:

  • Abel is standing against the railing, pumping his fist and shouting,
    "Nothing but the blood! You can make it!"
  • Joseph is screaming "You can make it out of that pit!"
  • Moses, staff raised high, is shouting, "God will make a way - don't give up!"
  • Gideon is saying, "You may feel overwhelmed, but keep running, stay in your lane."
  • Samson is saying, "Even if you've been caught in sin and scarred, God can still use you. Keep on."
  • David is saying, "Murder…adultery…God's seen it all before. Seek His face again, and run your race."
The Bible is full of example after example of the saints who experienced all of the things we go through.  In fact, our Leader, our Champion, The Greatest of them all  - Jesus is right in their midst cheering us on as we face our day - "You can do it, I have confidence in you!  I am right here!  Just keep your eyes on me and the prize is yours!"

I know that life's circumstances can sometimes be a bit overwhelming - but you can get through it!  Call out to Jesus!  Fight back against the enemy by reaching out to the One who is waiting to lift you up - just keep your focus on Him - He will see you through to victory!


Father life can seem so overwhelming sometimes and  I need Your help to get through all of the obstacles.  Thank You for giving me examples of those who have faced these same things and who made it through - it is so encouraging to know that I am not alone in my struggles.  I vow, this day, to keep running strong and to look to You for my strength when I feel the weight of my circumstances pressing down on me.  I am victorious and I will finish this race and I look forward to Your embrace as I cross the finish line.

Have a blessed day everyone!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Are You Thirsty? – Psalm 63:1

1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. 
- Psalm 63:1

Are You Thirsty?
How much do you need God? How important is He to you? How much do you really HAVE to have Him in your life? Oh, I know we can all give lip service to how much we need, love, and desire Him in our lives, but do our actions always back up our words? For me, the unfortunate answer is – not always.

If I am to be truthful here, I have to admit that there are days that I don't really give God too much thought. Oh, I say my prayers and I read His Word, but for the other 14 or so hours that I'm awake I have found that I have it in me to totally ignore Him. A half-hour or so a day is not enough time to maintain any kind of relationship - with anybody! 

David had it right – he felt suffocated when he was out of God's will and presence. He recognized his absolute dependence on the Lord and in this psalm he explains his absolute NEED to pursue God – so much so that he equates it to one of the worst deaths imaginable – dying of thirst in the middle of the desert. 

I recognize that pursuing God is something that I really have to change if I want to have a true relationship with Him. It wasn't easy at first – I mean it really took some effort to have an ACTIVE and constant relationship with Him, but as I chased after Him on a daily basis, seeking His wisdom and really looking for a deeper understanding of who He is and can be in my life, it became easier and easier, and before I knew it, I found myself holding little conversations with Him all day long. I could feel His presence and His Peace as I went about my day and this made me want more of Him – and I started to understand what David was talking about – my very soul thirsts for Him.

The Bible tells us to "seek first, the kingdom of God and all His righteousness..." and I finally understand that it doesn't mean to seek after God to get what I want out of life. It means to seek after God to get what He wants for my life. Seek after Him so that He and I can have the kind of relationship that He can use to effect change in this world – and in turn, I will be blessed. He will supply all of my needs because all I will ever need is Him!

Now is this to say that I have it all figured out? Of course not. I am still me after all. I fully understand who I am and what I am capable of and there are times that I catch myself ignoring Him again. Not because I don't love Him, but because I allow other things to distract me and I lose my focus. The beauty is that I catch myself now – I actually am catching myself mid-thought or mid-action, and I stop and ask Him to forgive me for not including Him in my action or thought. It's pretty awesome!

Do you want to start pursuing, chasing after, thirsting for God? Start by putting today's scripture by your bed or where you can see it first thing when you wake up in the morning. Put other scriptures around your home that remind you that He is your God. Put scripture in your car and on the inside of your closet door. Put scripture on the inside of your refrigerator and inside your cupboards. You can even put scripture inside your desk drawer at work. The point is to constantly be reminded that He is your God. He will always be on your mind and before you know it, He will always be in every thought and act and decision that you make throughout your day. Just do it, and before you know it you will be at peace, and you will find yourself smiling a lot more, and you WILL be blessed!

Father, I thank You that You are ever present in my life. I am so grateful that I finally understand what it means to pursue you because my life is more at peace than it ever has been. I do thirst for You and I pray that as I dig even deeper into who You want to be in my life, and I increase my faith in You, that You can call me a man after Your heart - that is my greatest desire.

Have a blessed day everyone!