Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Familiar Blessing – 2 Samuel 7:28

28 "And now, Master God, being the God you are, speaking sure words as you do, and having just said this wonderful thing to me, 
29 please, just one more thing: Bless my family; keep your eye on them always. You've already as much as said that you would, Master God! Oh, may your blessing be on my family permanently!"
– 2 Samuel 7:28

The Familiar Blessing
When you hear the word "family" what thought or image comes into your head?  For me it's in my youth and weekend gatherings at my grandparents' homes with all the aunts, uncles, cousins, and drama that goes with gathering all those strong personalities in one place.  In our family, it seems that all the parents got together and decided to synchronize the birthing process so that each family had kids of the same age – playmates, confidants, partners-in-crime if you will. That was a different era – a different time in Americana – a time before video games and cable TV.

Things are much different now.  Family is spread far and wide and for a lot of us, our kids don't even know their cousins, or their Aunts and Uncles for that matter.  The picture of "Family" has become a cropped version of itself and for many these days, is limited to those dwelling in the same house, or at best, the same geographic location.  Our relationships with those whom we share DNA, exist mostly on FaceBook or through email, and the only reason we know what each other even looks like is because of posted photos.  Detached, we view flat images of each other and smile, and every once in a while we keep in "touch" as our fingers fly across the keyboard in a quick-witted comment or as we "like" each other.

Today's passage made me stop in my tracks this morning, and it made me realize how truly disconnected I am from my family – my mom, my brother and my sister, my children and grandchildren, my aunts, uncles, and cousins who are spread out all over the country.  And I long for the days gone by when playing in Grandma and Grandpa Chavez's basement would bring a quick but ignored scolding by the older (and less "fun" cousins), or getting stuck in the irrigated fields and getting chased by the geese at "PoPo's" farm.  Those were the family times that shaped my love of adventure and creativity, and where we used our imaginations to escape from the heavy hands of our elders, and we built relationships and memories that still bring laughter whenever we can find the time to get together again . . . it's so sad really.

So I stop in my tracks, and I lift my head and my hands to Heaven . . . and I cry out to God:

Bless my family; keep Your eye on them always. You've already as much as said that You would, Master God! Oh, may Your Blessing be on my family permanently!"

I love you all . . . immediate family . . . close family . . . distant family . . . family no longer with us . . . church family . . . family of the Risen Christ!  Peace to you all!  May the Joy of our Lord fill your hearts and may you feel the Blessings of Heaven over your lives, especially in this Christmas season – but also throughout your days and for all your days!  And I pray that I will have the joy of seeing each of you soon . . . you are all in my heart – I Love You All!

Merry Christmas my Family All!

– Richard

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Gift of You – 2 Samuel 7:20

20 What can I possibly say in the face of all this? You know me, Master God, just as I am.
– 2 Samuel 7:20

The Gift of You
Have you ever struggled with accepting who you are?  You know, sometimes wishing you could look like someone else, or sing like someone else, or have the gifts and talents that someone else has, and, if we're honest, there have been times we've even gone so far as to want the life that someone else has!  Oh how that must hurt the very heart of God!

We are who we are because that's how God created us!  Every freckle, every strand and color of hair, all our quirks and faults, our talents and abilities, our temperament, the way we handle things like stress, success, failure, and even adversity.  God even hand picked that crooked little toe - you know the one . . . it has the weird mini-nail that always seems to be in-grown . . . what? You don't have that?  Hmmm . . . must just be me then.  

Nevertheless, the you you are today is the you God created you to be, and He expects that in all things "you," that you live up to the you He created you to be.  Just you.  Just the way you are.  Simply you.

I know, I know . . . as my Pastor likes to say, "YBH,"  or, Yes, But How?  When this world demands that you live up to standards set by retailers and their advertising agents whose sole desire is for you to constantly redo "you" so that you will become consumed with the latest thing to make the "New and Improved" you.  It's easy to get caught up in someone else's readily apparent glamorous life, when yours just seems to be plodding along in the ho-hum mediocrity of "life."

Well . . . "Life" is a miracle in itself.  A gift straight from the mouth of God.  And our life, and those we live with, and around, and interact with every day . . . are miracles.  A chance to reveal God and to share Joy, and Peace, and Love so that the very nature of God is lived out through us.  So . . . the "how" is for us to get up every morning and thank our Father for the ability and opportunity to live another day.  Then, as we spend quality time with Him . . . you know, getting to know Him and building a Love Relationship with Him, HE will give us the ability to see clearly again.  To go beyond the superficial and to realize the gift that we are, just as we are, to Him!

Yes, I said we are a gift to God.  You – and me – gifts!  When we live our lives believing in, and living for the One who created life in the first place, it is a gift.  Especially when you consider the efforts in this world to deny Him, and to replace Him with human substitutes, the greatest gift we can give to our Maker is to say . . . You know me Master God, just as I am, and I am here . . . just as I am . . . wholly committed to and for . . . You!

Be a gift to God this Christmas season.  Be yourself.  The best "you" you can be.  Just you.  It will warm the very heart of God.

Father,  Here I am.  In all my inability I give myself to You and I will live this life that You have given me to the fullest.  Thank You for making me unique and for letting me see that the best way to live this life is in a love-relationship, with You.  Merry Christmas Father God!

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Peace at Home – 2 Samuel 7:1

1 Before long, the king made himself at home and God gave him peace from all his enemies.
– 2 Samuel 7:1

Peace at Home
We are a restless bunch aren't we?  I know I have been.  I am the type that gets bored quickly and in the past I have solved my boredom with change.  While change can be good, the problem with it is that it is tumultuous, and if the power of change is not harnessed and used wisely, it will be difficult to ever find peace in any area of your life.

Changing jobs, changing churches, changing relationships – you know, the big stressors in one's life, can often catapult a person into the right direction, especially if God is orchestrating the change, but at some point, we need to establish ourselves and settle into the place we find ourselves . . . wherever that may be.  Once we resolve to live where we are planted and to thrive in our current station, God will bring peace to all areas of our lives.

I didn't say He will fix all of our problems, but as we face certain adversity and trials, we can have the Peace that surpasses ALL understanding and those who see the life that we are walking through, with all of the craziness, and the business, and the stresses that go with living in a fallen world, will be drawn to the "Shalom" that we possess.  Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord.

So establish yourself where you are.  Stop wondering if there is something better somewhere else.  Make yourself at home where God has planted you and experience Shalom – Complete Peace – in every area of your life.

The world could use a few Sholom-people walking around right about now, and especially during this Christmas season, let's shine the light of Peace for everyone we meet.

Peace, Peace, Peace on earth, and good will to all!  
Thank You Lord, for Shalom as we make ourselves at home with You!

Have a blessed and peaceful day everyone!

– Richard

Monday, December 3, 2012

God Sees A Champion – 1 Samuel 18:18

18 David, embarrassed, answered, "Do you really mean that? I'm from a family of nobodies! I can't be son-in-law to the king."
– 1 Samuel 18:18

God Sees A Champion
How many of you were born in a palace and had solid a gold "binky" and silk diapers?  OK . . . how many were born into humble dwellings with working-class parents and maybe had to share a room with at least one sibling; ate leftovers most nights of the week, and wore hand-me-downs that most times, didn't fit quite right?  I remember as a kid, that we even used to use cardboard to cover the holes that wore into the soles of our shoes because with five kids, my parents couldn't afford to get us new shoes until it was absolutely necessary – it was just "normal" for us.

My point is that most of us come from humble beginnings.  Most of the great leaders of our country also came from humble beginnings.  The Bible is full of great men and women who God raised up from humble beginnings.  In fact, He believes in the power and witness of "lack: and "need" so much, that He chose them to bring His Son – our Savior – into the world! God doesn't look at status, or financial statements, or college degrees, or physical beauty when He chooses whom He will call on to lead.  He looks into a persons heart, and their potential, and then HE develops their character and raises them up to reveal His Will and Purpose in this world.

Don't ever think you aren't good enough to serve be used mightily by God.  Don't look at others who seem more successful, or who appear to have effective ministries, or who always look like they just have it all together – don't think that you can never do anything or be anything of importance to God.  God chooses ordinary men to change the world, and the only criteria He looks for is a desire to have relationship and to get to know Him. After all, HE is actively seeking to have a deep and lasting relationship with you and He wants to show how really big He can be in your life.  Yes YOU!  AND YOU too!  And me too.  

God just wants us.  Just us.  with all our flaws, and our quirks, and our mistakes.  He uses people just like us – nobodies, failures, ex-addicts, ex-cons, ex-whatever – to let others see and experience His Grace, and Love, and Forgiveness.  You just might be the next life that God uses to bring His children into revival.  It could happen . . . through a humble beginning person just like you!

Father, Thank You for humble beginnings.  Thank You for the way You raise men up to reveal Your Grace-nature to the world.  Help us to see the possibility and to always be prepared by seeking a true relationship with You.  Thank You Lord, for Your Love . . . for us.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Friday, November 30, 2012

Let's Get Ready To R-U-M-M-M-B-L-E! – 1 Samuel 17: 32

32 "Master," said David, "don't give up hope. I'm ready to go and fight this Philistine."
– 1 Samuel 17: 32

Let's Get Ready To R-U-M-M-M-B-L-E!
What are the Goliaths in your life?  You know, the things that just seem too big and too out-of-control to take on; scary, ugly, crazy things that weigh heavy on your soul and cause you to wonder if you're capable of getting out from under their oppressive strangle-hold.  Things like family problems, and kid issues, and car problems, and debt, and bill collectors, and stress at work, and layoffs, and unemployment, and unexpected home repairs, and bad doctor's reports, and even things like Prop 8 and the downward spiral our society seems to be too willing to slide into.  On-and-on the "Goliath" syndromes go and sometimes all you want to do is crawl under the covers and hide because the enormity of your situation is just too overwhelming.

We've ALL got them, and while we are in the middle of our Goliath season, our usually valiant heart of efforts just seems a bit too inadequate and we become deflated, defeated, derailed, and depressed, and all we want is for someone to rescue us from our selves.  But here's the thing . . . inside each one of us is a little something that God, OUR Father (who, by-the-way, LOVES us so very much!), hid away for occasions just like these.  That little something is called FIGHT!
That's right . . . F-I-G-H-T!  And even if you think you were in the washroom and missed getting yours when God was handing them out, your FIGHT is tailor-made and custom fitted, just for you.  It is in you, and it's always ready for use, BUT (and there always is one), YOU, ME, WE . . . have to be willing to muster the "want to," the "desire" to use one of the most important grouping of gifts God has given us . . . our RESOLVE, our HOPE, and our FIGHT!  Otherwise, we will just continue on in ineffective mediocrity, allowing life to get the best of us and letting the rest of the world know that "Victory In Jesus" is just a nice song.

So get up, stand up, step up, and muster up the FIGHT that is in you and start slaying your Goliaths, one ugly giant at at time until you stand in Victory over your circumstances.  Let the world see what a true Champion of Christ looks like! Let them know that NO weapon that the enemy can throw your way will even begin to make a dent in your God-Armor.  Let's all let this liberal crazy world know that our God, the God of the Angel Armies, has given us, the perfect amount of  FIGHT for any and every battle!  Let's get ready to Rumble and knock the enemy flat on his bony back side!  Let us stand in Victory every day, for all our days!

Father, thank You for the FIGHT that You've gifted each one of us.  Thank You for giving so freely, the desire to survive and to stand in Victory with and for You.  Forgive us for the times when we doubt and we fear, and we see more of our problems that we do of You.  Help us to never give up Hope and to always be ready to go and fight the Goliaths that the enemy has sent to discourage and destroy us.

Have a Blessed day Everyone!

– Richard

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Face Value – 1 Samuel 16:7

7 But God told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature. I've already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart."
– 1 Samuel 16:7

Face Value
Have you ever been to an airport?  Dumb question right?  I would venture to say that almost all of us have, at one time or another in our lives, been to an airport.  I have one question:  Where are all the super models and "beautiful" people that Hollywood shows us on TV and the big screen?  They would have us believe that everybody in the world is easy on the eyes, but if you spend any time waiting for an airplane, all you see is regular folk (just like me and you), living ordinary lives, just trying to get from point A to point B.

Why then, do we put so much emphasis on beauty and looking like the stars and starlets we see on TV.  Americans spend so much money in attempts to look good, that I fear sometimes we forget that the time and effort we spend in front of the mirror, would be better spent on our knees before the Lord.  Seriously, if we, as Christians (most of us anyway), would devote half the amount of time we spend trying to look good for other people, in quality love-relationship-building time with our Creator, this country would see a revival like never before.

Today's scripture puts it plainly:  God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.

The beauty of this is that God doesn't look AT the heart, He looks INTO it.  And I'm not talking about the valve-muscle organ that sits in your chest.  I'm talking (and I'm sure God is too), about the core of who you are – your want to – your character – the "you" that you are when no one else is looking.  I'm talking about the best of you and the worst of you, and how you handle things like success, failure, adversity, trials, triumphs, loss, hurts, and personal attacks; how you treat strangers, and beggars, and family members, and friends, and yes . . . even your enemies.  God looks "into" how you live your life . . . in relationship "with" HIm.  THAT's what matters to Him.  He could care less how well you are dressed or how much hair is on your head (or what color it is this week).  He doesn't give a second thought about how white your teeth are, or the latest design on your manicured nails, or even if you've trimmed your ear and nose hair.  God is just interested in one thing . . . YOU!  He just wants you, the real you, the rawest you that you can be.  He wants THAT person so He can show this world how really BIG He is and how much He loves the very essence . . . of every "you" that breathes His gift of life each day.

Father, thank You for wanting to have relationship with the real "us."  Thank You for looking into the very core of who we are to get to the heart of what matters to us.  Forgive us for the superficial lives that we live sometimes and for not spending enough time building our relationship with You.  Help us to focus on what truly matters and to think a little less on the outward us that will return to dust one day.  Help us to be men and women You can call on, and depend on, every day, for all our days.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Is Anybody Listening? – 1 Samuel 15:22

22Then Samuel said, Do you think all God wants are sacrifices - empty rituals just for show? He wants you to listen to him! Plain listening is the thing, not staging a lavish religious production.
– 1 Samuel 15:22

Is Anybody Listening?
Have you heard from God lately?  Do you even know if you have or not?  If you haven't, or if you don't know if you have, there is something seriously wrong with your Christian walk.  

Wow . . . harsh words dude!

I know it is harsh to hear that we are doing something wrong – especially when it comes to our very personal walk with our Lord and Savior, but hear me out.  God is constantly working, and He uses His children (us) to carry out His purpose and His Will on this ever-spinning rock in space.  If we aren't hearing what He wants us to do, then it must be because we aren't listening, and if we aren't taking the time to listen to our Maker . . . then there is a BIG problem.

"But I'm working in this ministry and I'm volunteering at this outreach AND at that other church thing and I'm constantly doing work for God."  I hear you, and all that's good, but in all your doing, and your serving, and your tract-distributing, are you taking the time to stop, to sit, to soak in the presence of God and "serve" Him by giving Him your full attention?  How many times just this week have you sat in silence before the Lord to let Him reveal Himself to you?  THAT is His true desire.  THAT is what He wants from you more than anything else.  THAT is how you will learn to hear from Him and to learn about the life He designed for you to live.

Being about the Lord's work is great – don't get me wrong, but if it's not the work He wants you to be doing, then your efforts and all your time, though well-intentioned, aren't as fruitful as you think.  Wouldn't it be better to be serving in exactly the way God wants, according to His plan and purpose?  The resulting fruit would not only change the world, but you would see changes in your life that you never thought could be possible.  God would honor you because you have been honoring Him . . . with your listening.

SO . . . take some time today.  Get quiet before the Lord.  Clear your mind of all the clutter of your busy life and let God talk to you.  Allow Him the pleasure of delighting in you and in revealing Himself to His most prized possession . . . you!

Father, Thank You for wanting to have a relationship with us.  Thank You for always taking the time and for wanting to use us in Your plans to save this dying world.  Forgive our closed ears and our busy work, neither is pleasing to You nor do they honor You.  Help us to learn to listen, to hear from You, to get to know You and to know Your voice.  Tell us Lord, as we quiet ourselves in Your presence, and we will open our ears, and listen.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Commitment to Leadership – 1 Samuel 14:6-7

6 Jonathan said to his armor bearer, "Come on now, let's go across to these uncircumcised pagans. Maybe God will work for us. There's no rule that says God can only deliver by using a big army. No one can stop God from saving when he sets his mind to it." 
7 His armor bearer said, "Go ahead. Do what you think best. I'm with you all the way."
– 1 Samuel 14:6-7

Commitment to Leadership
Leadership is difficult.  Decisions, actions, the future, the past, what to do and what not to do all weigh heavily on the one carrying the mantle of leadership.  It's often a thankless position because the leader is always out in front for everyone to see, and it's easy for those following to become critical and skeptical because they have the luxury of distance and the ability to decide whether or not they want to follow.  The leader however, has no choice.  The leader must lead, despite the grumbling, and the second-guessing, and the opposition from those whose opinions flow freely from wagging tongues.

If we ever want to get past the position of being a tongue-wagging, talking head, we have to be willing to be a Godly follower.  A Godly follower doesn't follow blindly - that would be foolish.  But they seek the face of God and His will, and then they allow God to put them into a position of service and support to an appointed leader for a specific season and time – all for His purpose and for His Glory.  That being said . . . once under a God-appointed leader, we must learn to serve and to support them in the tasks that God has set before them.  

We need to be "Yes!" followers!  We need to have a willing and a cooperative attitude.  We need to say "I'm with you all the way!"  We need to show God that we trust Him and that we will do our part to see that His purpose is accomplished through the can-do attitudes of the leadership and the team He recruited.  We need to honor God's call on our lives to follow – without attitude; without suspicion; without criticism, and without reservation, and make no mistake about it . . . we are ALL followers.  That's right . . . ALL OF US!  Even leaders are followers because Christ is THE Leader over ALL Leaders.  He is the Head, and the call on our lives are to follow His Way.

So . . . IF we are following HIS way, then that means that our "expert" opinions, and our "should've - could've - would've" attitudes, and our highly inflated understanding of every situation need to be sent packing in the opposite direction.  IF, we are TRULY followers of Christ, then we will support the Leaders He has placed us under, with glad, and strong, and joyful, and cooperative hearts, and like Jonathan's armor bearer say, "Go ahead. Do what you think best. I'm with you all the way!"

Lord Jesus, YOU are the Way, and Your way is for us to follow and to be obedient and cooperative to those You have put over us.  Forgive us for the times when we grumble and let our attitudes turn sour over our leaders.  Help us to be supportive, can-do followers so that Your Will, Your Glory, and Your Purpose is realized.  Help us Lord, to follow and to always say, "I'm with You all the way!"

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Friday, November 16, 2012

Who Me? – 1 Samuel 9:21

21 Saul answered, "But I'm only a Benjaminite, from the smallest of Israel's tribes, and from the most insignificant clan in the tribe at that. Why are you talking to me like this?"
– 1 Samuel 9:21

Who Me?
Sometimes God gives us assignments or tasks that are just beyond what we think our capabilities are. Has that ever happened to you?  It has to me and it always makes me feel incapable, insignificant, and in need of a miracle each step of the way.  I always find myself asking God questions like Saul was asking Samuel.  In fact, if you keep reading the story, Saul was hiding in the luggage when it came time for his selection as king of Israel.  He REALLY didn't want the assignment!

OK, so here's what I've figured out over the years . . . God knows what He's doing.  He has things planned for our lives that are meant to teach us and to grow us, and to advance us beyond the "us" we see ourselves as.  And His plans will ALWAYS be uncomfortable, inconvenient, and the timing couldn't be worse (according to our understanding of things).

But here's the thing . . . the stress, and the worry, and the sleepless nights as we go through our season of growing under God's watchful eye, will produce fruit in you that you never thought possible.  You will touch people's lives and help generate God worshippers through your obedience to His call.  You will feel the power of His hand moving in and through you to effect world-change.  You will be humbled, and you will feel even more insignificant as you come to grips with how really BIG your God is as you watch Him take your incapabilities and turn them into amazing possibilities.  But with each growing season, as you see the harvest from the seeds that God planted through you, you will start looking forward to the next growing season.  In fact, you just might find yourself asking God to stretch you and to give you one of those Extreme Makeovers – God edition!

So don't be afraid when your pastor asks you to teach, or to give your testimony, or to sing.  The secret is understanding that it isn't about you!  It's all about God, and what He can do through people who are willing to be adventurous and say "YES" to "whatever."  The joy that results will establish in you a trust in God that is so strong, mountain-moving faith will seem more like a definite possibility than just a nice (and scary) story in the Bible.

Father make me into Stretch Armstrong!  Pull me and push me and give me an extreme makeover!  Whatever You want! Whenever You want! However You want!  Help me to grow into the wonder You designed me to be . . . ALL for Your Glory!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Thursday, November 15, 2012

THUNDER! – 1 Samuel 7:10

10 While Samuel was offering the sacrifice, the Philistines came within range to fight Israel. Just then God thundered, a huge thunderclap exploding among the Philistines. They panicked - mass confusion! - and ran helter-skelter from Israel. 
–  1 Samuel 7:10

Have you ever been in close proximity to a lightning strike?  The resulting clap of thunder is enough to make the bravest man check his socks (please pardon the crude visual).  I'm serious though, even when you think you're ready for it . . . your NOT ready for it!  Trust me.  Having lived in tornado alley during tornado season, I've seen and heard many a heavenly display of shock and awe, and even when all the signs point to a pending BOOM!  The suddenness of the unleashed power leaves you realizing how small and insignificant you really are.

The Philistines had no warning whatsoever.  No sky turning green; no thunderheads building in the southern sky; no alerts from the Emergency Broadcast System interrupting their day.  Just the suddenness and the enormity of God shattering their minds and releasing fear into every fiber of their sneaky, dastardly, havoc-wreaking beings.

But did you notice something here?  While Samuel was offering his sacrifice.  While he was praying fervently.  While he was serving God and seeing that God's business was taken care of . . . several things were going on and plans had been set in motion:
  1. Samuel, was interceding for Israel but way before he started interceding, 
  2. The Philistines were on their way to attack – to shut down Israel's worship; to put a stop to the work of repentance that was going on; to strike fear into the heart of Israel so that they would be impotent to do any real work and would pose no threat to their own (Philistine) way of life.
  3. God was aware and watching everything that was going on and He had a plan to stop the enemy in their tracks.
That kind of spiritual orchestration goes on every day in your life and in my life, and in the lives of all God's children.  The enemy does not want to see us repent of our sins.  He doesn't want us to get and be strong in the Lord because he knows that if we do, he will have less and less control over the world around us.  So before you even get on your knees before God, he is already on his way to attack you.  

But fear not!  God!  Your God!  My God!  Our God, is watching and He will not allow the enemy to destroy us.  If we press into our Creator, our Heavenly Father (who loves us by the way),  He will make a way for us to press in, and to take hold, and to become strong, and mighty warriors so that the enemy will not even bother with us any more because he knows any of his old tricks and lies will be useless against the power of God that thunders through our souls.

But! (And there always is one), we mustn't take God for granted.  We cant think of Him as a weapon to use for our own ideas and devices (Read 1 Samuel chapter 4).  God will not be played like that.  He will turn you over to the enemy in a heartbeat and you'll wish you never thought of God in that way.  We must press into HIS will, whatever it is, and offer ourselves as living sacrifices for HIS Glory and HIS purpose.  It's the only way to show HIm that we truly understand our place and the reverence and devotion that owe to Him.  

So press in.  Give yourself over to God and see what He won't do for and through you.  The resulting storm in hell will send demons running helter-skelter from your life.

Father, Thank You for always watching out for us.  Lord we offer ourselves to You today, living Sacrifices for Your Gory and for Your purpose.  We seek Your will and we give up our own ideas and preconceived notions of how our lives should be played out.  Your are our designer.  You hold our very breath in Your hand, so have Your way Lord.  Shape us and mold us into instruments that You can use for the Glory of Your kingdom.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Where is God? – 1 Samuel 3:1

1 The boy Samuel was serving God under Eli's direction. This was at a time when the revelation of God was rarely heard or seen.
– 1 Samuel 3:1

Where is God?
Has it been a while since you felt or heard from God?  Has the day-to-day grind of life gotten to the point where you're wondering if He's around at all, or if He even cares?  No need to wonder any longer.  I'm here to tell you that God is alive and always right by your side.

Sometimes however, God lets life happen for a while.  He waits and watches to see how we are going to respond to the pressures of life and also to the successes that we've built up for ourselves.  In ALL things called "life,"  sometimes God just wants to wait.  And that's OK.  He is still in control and His will and His plan will still come to fruition.  But in the deafening silence of His presence, we have to live like He's right there whispering encouragement and blessings into our ears at every moment of every day.  We absolutely, without a single waiver of our faith, trust that His Holy Spirit is our ever-present help . . . even when we can't "feel" the electric energy of His mighty hand upon our lives, and even when we can't "see" the evidence of His existence anywhere around us.

In the desert places, in the quiet solitude amidst the chaos of life, God is looking for you, and He's looking for me, and He's watching to see if we will take His stand, where we are, in the middle of the evil that surrounds us, and shine His light, unashamedly, un-timidly, without reservation or care for our own reputation.  He's biding His time, He's planning the occasion, He's eagerly appointing the hour when He will quietly whisper our name and let us know that He is still there.

But during the quiet, when the enemy is trying to convince you that God is nowhere, take pause and shout back "God Is NOW Here!"  And I will stand!  And I will praise Him!  And I will be ALL He created me to be!  For I am a Victorious Mighty Warrior of the Living Christ, and my cause is to seek Him, and to serve Him, every day and for all my days!  No matter what anybody or any circumstance would try to convince me otherwise . . . MY God, will never leave me, and He will never forsake me!  Cause that's just how my Dad rolls!

And every day . . . for all your days . . . God is God . . . and HE, is forever on the Throne . . . and HE, is ALWAYS, right there with you.

Father, thank You for Your ever present help in my life.  Thank You for watching over me and for sending Your Holy Spirit to help me through my trials.  Forgive my unbelief when things get tough and I focus on my life instead of on Your life for me.  Help me to remember every day, for all my days, that You are my God.  The Big God.  The Strong God.  The God who never leaves and who loves me so very much!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bursting with God News! – 1 Samuel 2:1-10

  1. Hannah prayed: I'm bursting with God-news! I'm walking on air. I'm laughing at my rivals. I'm dancing my salvation. 
  2. Nothing and no one is holy like God, no rock mountain like our God. 
  3. Don't dare talk pretentiously - not a word of boasting, ever! For God knows what's going on. He takes the measure of everything that happens. 
  4. The weapons of the strong are smashed to pieces, while the weak are infused with fresh strength. 
  5. The well-fed are out begging in the streets for crusts, while the hungry are getting second helpings. The barren woman has a houseful of children, while the mother of many is bereft. 
  6. God brings death and God brings life, brings down to the grave and raises up. 
  7. God brings poverty and God brings wealth; he lowers, he also lifts up. 
  8. He puts poor people on their feet again; he rekindles burned-out lives with fresh hope, Restoring dignity and respect to their lives - a place in the sun! For the very structures of earth are God's; he has laid out his operations on a firm foundation. 
  9. He protectively cares for his faithful friends, step by step, but leaves the wicked to stumble in the dark. No one makes it in this life by sheer muscle! 
  10. God's enemies will be blasted out of the sky, crashed in a heap and burned. God will set things right all over the earth, he'll give strength to his king, he'll set his anointed on top of the world!

– 1 Samuel 2:1-10

Bursting with God News!

Has God answered your prayers?  Has He shown you what a great, and mighty, and gracious God He is?  Has your mourning turned into dancing and have you traded the ashes of your past for a beautiful, multi-colored  robe of hope and redemption?  Are you now praying instead of partying?  Shouting out instead of shooting up?  Serving instead of stealing?

Have you thanked HIm for it?  

Oh, I know you are thankful, we all are, but have you REALLY thanked Him like Hannah thanked Him?  I love this prayer from Hannah because it isn't just a get down-on-your-knees and bow your head in reverence kind of prayer prayed silently in the confines of a prayer closet.  NO!  It's a jump up and down, dance around, wiggle your ears and stick out your tongue at the devil kind of prayer.  It's a happy-happy-joy-joy, my Daddy's bigger than your daddy, sticks-and-stones, in your face, whoo-hoo, skip, hop, and jump down the street and shout at the top of your lungs with total abandon and I don't care who hears cause I want EVERYONE to hear it kind of prayer.  It's the kind of prayer that would get you kicked out of most church services today.

BUT . . . it's exactly the kind of prayer our Father, our God, THE Big Guy upstairs (who loves us so much), wants to hear.  The pure heart's cry from a child who understands and finally "gets" who He is and what He's all about.  It's a prayer that starts the angels in heaven partying like fools!  I can picture it now as it all starts with a single clap, and then another, and another, and then a few more and it builds until all the angels are clapping and shouting and high-fiving as God (all Three of Him), stand proudly, soaking in the adulation in heaven and on earth.

I think God deserves that kind of ovation don't you?  So how about it?  You up for it?  Yeah, I know, it isn't dignified and people are gonna think you've gone insane . . . SO WHAT!  Try it!  See what happens!  And if you are still a little shy to do it in public, at least get alone in your house . . . turn off the TV, power down your "iPhone" or "EVO" or "HTC whatever make and model,"  and just let go and let God know how truly wonderful He is and how eternally grateful you are.  It might just turn your prayer life, into a PRAYER LIFE!  And THAT can only be a GOOD thing!

Woo-Hoo!  YOU are God!  The GREAT God!  The God who Saved ME!  MY Father!  I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have an AWESOME day everyone!

– Richard