Friday, June 29, 2012

Don't you see it? There it is! – Isaiah 43:18-19

18 "Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history.
19 Be alert, be present.  I'm about to do something brand-new.  It's bursting out! Don't you see it?  There it is!  I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.
– Isaiah 43:18-19

Don't you see it?  There it is!
I used to dwell on the past – A LOT!  I was consumed with the things I didn’t do right and all the people whose fault it was that I wasn’t a more successful person.  For some reason, I had this weird thinking that the circumstances I was always finding myself in was never my fault – someone else was responsible.  I didn’t get the job because the hiring manager just didn't like me – never mind that I went to the interview in torn jeans and didn’t bother to completely fill out the application.  I found myself in trouble all the time because people just had it out for me – never mind that I had a problem with authority and did my best to have my own way.  I got divorced because my wife just didn’t get me – never mind that I was selfish, and critical, and cared more about my wants and needs than hers.  It was always something and it was always someone else’s fault.

Then I met Jesus!  He called me out and He told me “I’m about to do something brand new!”  I didn’t know what I was in for but it changed my life.  Oh sure, in those early years as a baby Christian I still looked back a lot.  I wasn’t blaming people any more, but I constantly looked back with regret at all my stupid mistakes and the mess that I had made of my life.  I played the “if only” game quite a bit and it used to get me pretty depressed.  It was a struggle because I was starting to see the goodness of God and the wonderful things He was opening my eyes to, but at the same time, I didn’t know how to look past the scars of my broken life.  After all, a lot of bad stuff happened to me when I was a kid, and I know that those events contributed to the miserable person I was before I met Christ.

Then I started learning about Grace.  God’s Grace and the way He puts the bad things of our past behind us and never looks at them again.  It took me a long time to fully grasp what that meant.  I started learning about the new mercies that were there for me EVERY DAY.  I learned that God will never look at me the way I look at myself.  I learned about things like Freedom and Victory and how to walk, every day in forgiveness – not only of others, but of myself as well.  Let’s face it, I make A LOT of mistakes but that’s just because I’m human – just like you.

Life is so much easier now, and my walk is so much more fruitful because every day when I get up, God is telling me "Be alert!  Be present in your own life! I’m getting ready to knock your socks off – do you see it yet?"  He is making nicely paved roads through my deserts, and He is sending rivers of living water my way so that I can face the day fully immersed in Love, and Hope, and Joy, and Peace, and Forgiveness, and the knowledge that no matter what I do, because I am walking with Him . . . He has my back!

If you are facing each day in regret, or if you are having a difficult time because your past keeps haunting you, then cry out to the God who LOVES you.  Grab onto Him and don’t let go.  Dig into His Word and invite the Holy Spirit to give you the strength you need – just for now –  just for today.  It gets easier and easier to throw away that rear-view mirror and start moving forward into Victory!

Thank You Father for the wonderful way You surprise me each day.  Thank You for showing me that Your today is so much better than any of my yesterdays.  Thank You for believing in me and for calling me Yours.  Thank You Lord!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Camels Are Coming! – Genesis 24:63

63 In the evening he went out into the field; while meditating he looked up and saw camels coming.
– Genesis 24:63

The Camels Are Coming!
Isaac was just going about his daily chores, doing his "thing," if you will, not knowing or anticipating what the day would end up like.  In the evening he decided to go out into his back yard and sit a while under the big shade-tree and enjoy the cool evening air.  While there, he decides to share his thoughts and his life with God – you know, just having a nice conversation with the Lord and quietly listening for the Holy Spirit to give him some life nuggets.  He looks up, and lo-and-behold he sees a caravan of camels sauntering up to his front gate.  he must have thought, "hey, look at all the camels."  He had no idea that God was about to bring him an amazing and wonderful gift.

Interesting things happen when you get alone with God.  It used to be that I would fall asleep whenever I tried to meditate and quietly listen for God's still, small voice, but I've learned over the years, that I catch things; certain little "occurrences" that just happen to catch my attention and many times spark my imagination, which for me, is the way the Lord speaks to me most.  He gives me ideas, or solutions to creative problems I've been having.

It could be something as simple as catching sight of two squirrels chasing each other around a tree, or the sound of a train whistle in the background, or even just opening my eyes and seeing the shapes coming into focus in my dark room.  The point is that it's almost always something that is common; something that at any other time, I would just dismiss as the normal goings-on of my day-to-day.  But because I've learned (over the years), that God speaks to me and reveals things to me in these ordinary, every-day, run-of-the-mill "messages," I take notice.  I look up and I "see."  I try to apply it and I ask God to reveal His "nugget" for me.

Now, more often than not, He just says "SEE."  To me that means "SEE Me in your life."  "SEE Me coming to you."  SEE Me, and HEAR Me, and FEEL Me, and KNOW that I am your God, and YOU are MY son."  And to me, that is an awesome reminder that God is always with me and that everything around me can be a reflection of His goodness in my life.

But every once in a while, I look up . . . and I see camels coming (No, not literally – c'mon man!).  I mean that I see something that makes my head turn; turn in the same way a dog's head will turn, at a strange noise (or when it sees you taking a bite of something tasty), and I get this feeling that God is about to do something big . . . something that is going to change my life, and bring me closer to the gift of His purpose for my life and for His season.  The key is looking up, beyond myself – beyond the things that I want – and being able to see what God is doing, and where He is moving, so that I can be in position to receive His amazing and wonderful gift.

Can you see the camels coming?  They're on their way.  You have to look up to see them though, but when you do, be ready . . . because God is going to knock your socks off and your life will never be the same.

Lord, thank You for visiting us in our quiet times – our mediations with You.  Thank You for wanting to bless us and to surprise us in the midst of the busy-ness of our lives.  Help us Lord, to SEE You, and to understand the signs and to be willing to look up, and to be ready to see our camels coming in the distance.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Deal of The Century! – Genesis 17:1

1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, God showed up and said to him, "I am The Strong God, live entirely before me, live to the hilt!
– Genesis 17:1

Deal of The Century!
What?  Are you kidding me?  Abram was ninety-nine years old and God told him to start living "to the hilt!"

How do you live to the hilt when you're 99 years old?  Well you start by understanding that you have The Strong God in your corner.  You start by letting Him give you a new start.  At 99 years of age, God changed Abram's name to Abraham and basically told him, "your life starts NOW!"  Again . . . Are You Kidding Me?

Man, I'm doing good just to get out of bed in the morning and I'm only 51 years old.  I can't imagine how difficult my life will be at 75 much less 99!  But you know what?  It isn't about how old you are.  It isn't about your gray hair or your arthritis, or how many years you've been using PolyGrip to keep your teeth in your mouth.  Your bones may creek, and your steps might be more of a shuffle, and your speech might just be a bit slower, but if you let Him, God will start a new thing with you too.

And this goes for young men and women as well.  God will give you a new start – a new promise – a new blessing, when HE is ready, and as long as you believe that God is able to do ANYTHING, and you are willing and make yourself available to His will, He can start a new thing in your life.

Like what you ask?  How about a new ministry opportunity, or maybe a new job.  There could be a promotion coming your way, or maybe He will give you a new heart for missions and send you into your neighborhood, across your city, or even half-way across the world.  Maybe there is a healing  coming that will allow you to do things you didn't think were possible.  It could be something very small or something way out of the scope of your imagination, but know this, as long as you are in relationship with The Strong God, He is able, more than able to take you where you are, slap a shiny new coat of paint on you, and turn you into a lean, mean, Christian machine!

Are you ready? Are you willing?  He is able . . . so don't get too comfortable . . . don't get lazy . . . don't start thinking that you're in cruise control and your future is headed to the status quo.  God is wanting us to "Live entirely before Me!  Live to he Hilt!"  

Now that's a ride I want to be ready for . . . how about you?

Father, I pray that when You are ready, I am available and in position to hear from You and move when You say "MOVE!" and go when You say "GO!"  Help me Lord, to be a vessel You can use, for Your purpose, and Your mission, and Your Glory, no matter how able, how healthy, or how old I am.  Thank You for reminding me that You are THE Strong God, and that nothing is impossible as long as I am in relationship with You.

have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thank You Sir - May I Have Another! – Genesis 16:9

9 The angel of God said, "Go back to your mistress. Put up with her abuse."
– Genesis 16:9

Thank You Sir - May I Have Another!
In this story we find Hagar running away from Sarai (Abram's wife), because Sarai was harassing and abusing her. The Angel of God found her taking a break in the desert and when He asked her what she was doing, she explained that she was running away.

It's pretty typical of what we do when we get ourselves in situations where we are being treated poorly.  It could be at work, where your boss or supervisor is constantly on your back and no matter what you do, you just keep getting put-down, stepped-over, and fed-up.  Or, it could be in a relationship that was good for a while, but at some point turned sour and instead of walking hand-in-hand with the one you love, you're running away and not answering your e-mail, your phone, your door!  Or maybe it's in a family situation, and you just need to get away from all the drama, and the turmoil, and the craziness.

No matter the situation, it's not all the other person's fault. We have a role to play in everything that happens to us.  Just like Hagar, who had it pretty good for a while, but because she started getting a little cocky, and her pride got in the way of her common sense, she found herself in a situation that she just wanted out of.  We too, either took that job with high hopes, entered into the relationship with stars in our eyes and butterflies in our stomach, or enjoyed the family gatherings and Sunday dinners and even contributed to the "quirkiness" and "uniqueness" of whatever clan you belong to.  But somewhere along the line, something changed – in them, in you, in everything . . . who knows what it was?  It really doesn't matter, the fact is that somewhere along the line, something changed.

SO here's the cool thing . . . God saw Hagar.  He noticed what was happening to her.  He wanted her to know that He knew so He sent an Angel to let her know.  He sees you too. He knows what you are going through.  He hears your prayers and your cries of frustration and He wants you to know that He knows.

Here's the bummer . . . sometimes, He wants you to keep on enduring.  Sometimes (not all the time mind you), but sometimes He needs you to keep taking the abuse and enduring the heartache, and learning how to de-stress at the end of each day.  Sometimes He has something in the works that will bless you and those around you and He needs you to figure out a way to still show His Love, and Grace, and Forgiveness as you endure the misery that makes you want to run away.

Now here's the lesson . . . we need to learn how to hear God's heart.  We have to know that He loves us and that He is aware, and we have to understand that He will not put anything on us that, with His help, we cannot endure or overcome.  We have to walk in faith – faith that He is God, and when it is time to move, He will open the door.  You won't have to run away in fear, but when the time comes to run, He will clear a path for you to run, and He will let you know that it is time to go.  

His timing.  His purpose.  All for His Glory.  

That's why we are here.  That's why sometimes we have to put up with bosses who are out to get us, and relationships that are making you crazy, and family members who make you want to pull your hair out.  It's so that He, our Father, our God, will be glorified through the victory we receive, through our endurance, and our perseverance, and our obedience – to Him.

Father, help us to endure the hard things. Thank You for letting us know that You see us and that You know the situations that make us want to run away.  Help us to know when it's time to stay and when it's time to move on, and to understand that Your will is greater than our need for easy living.  Give us the desire to be servants and to serve with good attitudes and grateful hearts.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Monday, June 25, 2012

Smooth Talking Man! – Genesis 12:11

11 As he drew near to Egypt, he said to his wife, Sarai, "Look. We both know that you're a beautiful woman."
– Genesis 12:11

Smooth Talking Man!
This bit of Scripture cracks me up, and it reminds me that God likes to use lines like this to remind us men that we can be knuckleheads sometimes.  I mean can you imagine?  75-year old Abram and his wife Sarai had been on a long, hot, arduous, and dusty trip across the desert, without air conditioning and not even a Motel 6 in sight.  The camels were hungry, the camping equipment was dusty, and their nephew Lot was being a big pain-in-the . . . , and Abram turns to Sarai and says . . . "Look, we both know your'e a beautiful woman."  

Sarai must have felt so flattered!  

Abram might as well have said something like, "Hey, you know as well as I do that you're the female in this relationship."  The statement was flat, unemotional, and might I dare say, typical of the types of things we husbands say from time-to-time.  We mean well; we think we're making a compliment to the women we have devoted our undying love to, but in our "Man-Brained" way, we fall short and we leave our women feeling like objects of domestication instead of objects of our affection.

I am as guilty of this as anyone and unfortunately I realize that I am as big a knucklehead as Abram was.  When i was courting my wife, I used to write her poems and leave love notes in places that she could find and be surprised by, but now . . . hmmmm, not so much, I'm afraid I've really dropped the ball.  Oh I still Love my wife - and more than I ever have, but I'm afraid that I'm no longer the smooth "Casanova" that I once was.  It's not out of design mind you.  I mean, I don't wake up in the morning and look for ways to be unromantic.  It's just that I'm preoccupied with life, and in the middle of all the work things, and house things, and financial things, and all the other "things," I've lost sight of what's really important - this wonderful and amazing gift that God has given me – and well, I seem to have lost the art of being romantic.  Hey, it happens to everyone right?

How about you? When was the last time you told your wife how beautiful she was – and NOT like Abram did.  When was the last time you left your wife a love note, or the last time you did something romantic for her.  I bet it's been a while, and like me, I bet you still have all those amazing feelings for her, you've just been wrapped up in being a good husband, and father, and provider, and all the stuff that comes with those titles.  It doesn't excuse us though, and we need to start being better "romancers," and smooth talkers so that our spouses know how much we really do love them.

Yes, today's scripture cracks me up, but it also cuts pretty deep, and I know that I need to change some things, because my wife is precious to me, and I love her so very much, and I want her to feel like the special gift from God that she is.  So who is with me?  Will you take the time to let your spouse know how much you really love them today?

Thank You Father, for reminding me that I need to communicate my love to my wife in a way that means something.  In my efforts to be a good man, I've forgotten that means that I also need to be romantic and loving.  Help me Lord to be "whole" in the way I approach my love - Your precious gift to, and just for, me.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Friday, June 22, 2012

If I Had A Hammer . . . – 1 Corinthians 3:10

10   Using the gift God gave me as a good architect, I designed blueprints;
       Apollos is putting up the walls. Let each carpenter who comes on the
       job take care to build on the foundation!
       – 1 Corinthians 3:10

If I Had A Hammer . . .
Have you ever tried to build something big without any help?  How about without any plans?  If you have, then I'm sure you quickly found out that just because you have an idea in your head, it doesn't easily translate into a finished product.  If you're like me, you've probably had to call in the help of skilled craftsmen to fix the messes you've made of things, and the cost usually ends up being more than if you'd just called them in the first place.  Now, I must say that I'm fairly handy and I'm pretty good with basic carpentry, but electrical work is something that I've learned (the hard way) not to mess with. So over the years, I've learned that there are some things I can do myself, and then there are things that I need to call in the help of skilled professionals. 

That's how it is in the church.  There are some things we can do, and then there are some things we need to let people who are more qualified and/or gifted do.  It's the combination of people's gifts that help our church work successfully for the community that God has placed us in.  We each have our own unique talents and abilities, and we need to find out what they are and how best to use them so that the church can function the way it's supposed to. When everyone is doing their part – from the Greeters and Ushers, to the Tech Team, the Musicians, and even the people who put out the coffee and donuts – all the way up to the Church Board, Pastors, and Head Pastor, the end result is a healthy fellowship and a beautifully crafted house that is built according to the plans and design of the Master Craftsman.

So what gifting has the Holy Spirit given you?  What desire has God designed specifically for you?  If you know the answer to those questions, then how are you using that gift within your church?  Are you honing your skills and becoming a master craftsman?  Are you being obedient to God’s Word and building on the foundation of Christ to strengthen your brothers and sisters, and to help your church be a lighthouse in the community?  If so then I want to encourage you to keep going and keep growing.  If not, then why not?

if you don’t know what your gifting is, then it’s time you found out.  Talk to your Pastor about how you can learn what your gifting is.  Pray to the Holy Spirit to reveal what God has specifically designed just for you to do.  Ask Him to show you the ministry and the people that you are supposed to be blessing with your newly found gifts.  Pray and then pray some more, He will be faithful to turn you into a skilled craftsman for Christ – if you are willing and you sincerely desire to do your part and help build something beautiful – for Him.

Lord, thank You for the gifts that You have given me.  Thank You for placing me in a church where I am learning how to use those gifts.  I pray that my brothers and sisters will find how best to use their talents and abilities to help build an amazing church community, according to Your plans and design.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Don't You Let Him In! – Ephesians 4:26-27

26   Go ahead and be angry.  You do well to be angry - but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge.  And don't stay angry. Don't go to bed angry.
27  Don't give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life. 
     – Ephesians 4:26-27

Don't You Let Him In!
We all get angry – it's just in our nature, and sometimes that anger is justified, but holding on to that anger is a dangerous endeavor and we should all be very careful not to give in to its seductive powers.  The Bible tells us that giving in to our anger will give the devil a foothold. It will let him find a way in to our lives.  We just can't let that happen!

Another way to think of the devil is as a "penetrator" who wants to find a way into any area of our lives so he can take up residence.  Like some kind of evil tapeworm, he finds a way in and feeds and sucks all of the good out of our lives – if we let him.  The problem is that we are all susceptible to this parasite when we hold on to things which first, give him a way in, and second, gives him the food he needs to grow.  He can be a destructive force in the lives of every one of us, and he can cause division, separation, animosity, and even hatred. He can destroy a church through the unrepented anger of just one member of the congregation – THAT's how dangerous holding on to anger is!  It gives the devil permission to set up a base-camp and begin his destructive objectives.

We give the enemy a way in to our lives when we: 
  • Refuse to let go of our anger
  • Refuse to acknowledge our errors
  • Refuse to forgive others
  • Refuse to stop judging others 
  • Refuse to admit we were wrong
  • Refuse to say, "I'm sorry" when we're wrong
All of those scenarios are things we take ownership of when we are focused on our own selfish desires instead of the desires of our Lord Jesus.  There is no love in refusing to refuse our pride and our prejudices.  There is no love in holding on to anger, there is only future pain, loneliness, and turmoil, which we bring on ourselves.

Instead of allowing your anger to take control of your life, stop and tell yourself, Okay, this isn't as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be. The devil is trying to find a place in my mind to get me to start mentally accusing that person, and I'm not going to let him do it.  Instead of dwelling on all the faults of that person, look in the mirror yourself!   Consider how many times you've let down other people; how many mistakes you've made in your relationships; the times you should have been held accountable but instead were shown unbelievable mercy. That long look in the mirror should bring you back down to earth – back into the realization that you have no right to hold on to your anger, and that a little grace and mercy might just bring blessings to everyone involved.

Ask the Holy Spirit to take that selfish anger out of your heart!  Ask Him to cause the love of Christ, that is already in you, to flow toward that other person or group of people. Pray for an opportunity to strengthen your relationships so that all the entry places to your life remain bonded in the blood of Christ. Stop the devil from worming his way into your life and coming between you and the people that our Lord has graciously placed in your life – you need them, and they need you more than you know!

Father, please forgive my pride and the anger that results when I don't get my way.  I don't want to let the enemy have a way into my life and I certainly don't want to harm anyone with my selfish ways.  I know how much damage and pain I have caused in the past and I am so thankful that You continue to be patient with me as I learn how to love.  I pray that I can continue to be mindful of my motives, my actions, my words, and my thoughts – that they honor You and the life that I have in You.

Have a blessed day my Brothers!

– Richard

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bro-mancing the Stone! – 2 John 1:5

5 But permit me a reminder, friends, and this is not a new commandment but simply a repetition of our original and basic charter: that we love each other.
– 2 John 1:5

Bro-mancing the Stone!
The author of Love, THE Originator and Creator of the deepest, most gut-wrenching, mind-warping, soul-soaring emotion (which is the "batter" that is poured into our very souls and baked to a golden-brown perfection), must be shaking His head at the way we've made a mess of His purest gift.

We've lost site of what love really is, and we've come to throw the word around like a stone that skips across the surface of a placid pond.  It hits where it hits without aim or precision, and in fact, the flatter the rock, the more skips it makes – and we stand back and look on in pride at how many times our stone strikes the surface.  Huh?  OK, OK, I know I'm really reaching here but if you think about it, the way we throw around the word "love" nowadays is just like skipping stones.  We LOVE ice cream; we LOVE music; we LOVE sports; we LOVE food; we even LOVE I Love Lucy, but our true "charter," our original purpose, is to LOVE our Lord with ALL our mind, heart, and souls, AND to LOVE one another as we do ourselves.

What? As we love ourselves?  I think I've found the problem . . . at least in our culture . . . here in the good old U.S. of A., we DON'T love ourselves, at least not as God intended us to, so we can't even begin to understand how to love each other.  Our society puts a premium on how imperfect we are, and how this new car, or that new tooth whitener, or the latest whatchamacallit will make us "acceptable," all so that retailers and manufacturers can make more money.  We've become so obsessed with ourselves that we've forgotten about the people all around us – the ones who we are supposed to show the love of Christ to, through our time, and our words, and actions, and deeds.  Oh, and we should also let our faces know that we are doing it.  I can't tell you how many scowling, frowning Christians I know, and I must admit that I've been one of them.

By being so negatively wrapped up in ourselves, we have lost the true Source of love in our lives. The power that comes from the Stone, the Rock of our Salvation . . . the Love OF Jesus and the love FOR Jesus and ALL that He stands for.  We've become selfish in our time, our resources, our energy, and our lives, and we've become unwilling to share who we are with those who really need us to be open, and available, and willing to sit and listen.  

I am as guilty of this selfish behavior as anyone, and today's verse has really convicted me of the fact that sometimes I would really rather just do my own thing and not be bothered with anyone else's problems or their neediness.  I bet there is one or two of you out there who have felt this way a time or two as well.  I mean we all go through those times right?  But here's the rub, if those times are "normal" for you, then some changes need to be made.  And the changes aren't a "new commandment," but simply a repetition of our original and basic charter; that we start loving one another . . . like we were created to do.

How about it?  Ask God to reveal your heart to you today.  Do some soul-searching and see if you can find the "Love" that God put there.  Think on the way you interact with those around you: your co-workers; your neighbors; your circles of influence; your family (ouch!).  Ask the Lord to help you to love a little more each day, and start with yourself.  Ask Him to help you see yourself like He sees you, and not like the advertisers and marketers want you to.  You can do it . . . and I can do it . . . and together we can change the world!

Father thank You for reminding me that I was put on this earth to love.  Help me to learn how to love myself so that I can be healthy, and whole, and capable of showing the real You to a hurting world.  Help me to be a loving husband, and father, and friend, and let me see You in everything I do today. Thank You Lord!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Can't We All Just Get Along? – 2 Thessalonians 3:16

16 May the Master of Peace himself give you the gift of getting along with each other at all times, in all ways. May the Master be truly among you!
– 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (The Message)

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Are there people in your life who seem to just get under your skin? How about people who make your skin crawl just thinking about them? You've probably come up with all kinds of creative ways to avoid contact with these people and on the occasion when interaction is unavoidable, you do your best to grin and bear it (or at least you make a half-hearted attempt at it).

We all have people like that in our lives. God, in His infinite wisdom (and sense of humor), created us all as opposites. No one is exactly the same, and no one has the exact same tastes in music, food, fashion, sports, entertainment, etc., etc. Even when we find someone who likes the same things we do, we end up liking different aspects of the very things that we have in common. It's unavoidable, it's not debatable, it's just the way it is.

So understanding that we are all different, what is it that makes us have such strongly opposing feelings about those certain someones whose differences drive us crazy? Sometimes, we don't even know what it is that we don't like, we just know that we don't like them. It's kinda crazy if you think about it. It's a little bit like brussels sprouts . . . some people love them, and the people that don't have probably only tried them once and have never given them a chance since. That's how I was, but I decided to give them a chance; I found a recipe that looked promising, prepared them a little differently, and now I really enjoy brussels sprouts. I took the steps to change my own mind about something that I used to gag at the thought of, and all it took was a little effort and a willingness to try.

Maybe the next time you have to sit next to, or with, or across from, that person who just always finds a way to ruin your day, ask the Master of Peace to give you a new recipe – a new preparation of your heart; a new attitude, mixed with a little bit of His love, throw in a dash of patience, and a pinch of kindness, and make the effort to get along. Who knows, you might just find a new BFF. And even better, the other person in the room, you know, the one who secretly can't stand you but puts on a good face in your presence (ouch!), will see you differently too because of your new attitude, and EVERYONE will start getting along better!

Peace . . . it's a gift from the Master! Let's all unwrap and open His gift today and see how pleasant His present can be, no matter who we're with.

Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your Peace! Thank You for reminding me that it's our differences that make us the same and that if I just focus on You, then I will find Peace with those whom I couldn't get along with before.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Monday, June 18, 2012

Shut The Front Door! – Revelation 3:8

 8 I see what you've done. Now see what I've done. I've opened a door before you that no one can slam shut. You don't have much strength, I know that; you used what you had to keep my Word. You didn't deny me when times were rough.
– Revelation 3:8

Shut The Front Door!
Have you ever been discouraged because you think no one knows or even cares about all the work you are doing?  Does it seem that everyone else gets the praise and the recognition?  Have you thought about giving up because you feel like your efforts are for naught?

Well . . . I'm here to tell you that Someone has taken notice.  He is right there with you while you diligently give your all so that the greater good is accomplished – no matter what it is.  You might be the one who has to clean the urinals at your place of employment – He is right there with you.  You might be the one picking up trash in the parking lot, or maybe clearing the messes that people leave behind – He sees your work.  You might be the one organizing, and making phone calls, and arranging details so that events are well organized and run smoothy, only so someone else can shine and get recognition – God knows your heart, and He applauds your efforts, and He is preparing  a special event just for you.

No matter what it is that you do, as long as you are giving your best effort, and you are doing it because it is what God has put in you to do, He is checking you out and He is getting ready to promote you in His business.  He is going to open a door for you that no one will be able to shut, block, or step in front of.  It's going to be a you-sized door and like a key fitting into a lock, YOU will be the only one who will be able to walk through it.  You will get the best attention and recognition and your promotion will be handed down from the Master Himself.

Now here's the rub . . . you have to keep at it. Don't give up. Don't get discouraged. Keep scrubbing those urinals – and sing praise songs while you do it.  Keep picking up other people's messes – and smile while you do it.  Keep organizing, and arranging, and making other people look their best – and pray for their success as you give your best.  Keep up the good work . . . the selfless, sacrificing, down-in-the trenches labor of love that God has put in your heart to do.  Use what you have and give all you have.  Go until you think you can't go any more.  Serve with a servant's heart and a grateful smile.  

Your Father, see what you have done and He sees what you are doing, and He is going to take all your hard work and use it to let people see His Love in action.  God sees you, He is cheering you on, and He is applauding all the work you are doing, and He is so very proud of you.

Father, thank You so much for noticing us. Thank You for loving us so much and for cheering us on as we keep our heads down and do the work we need to do. And even if we don't get recognition for our efforts from people, it is so good to know that You take notice and have a plan for prospering us.  Thank You Father for loving us so much!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Friday, June 15, 2012

Gifts From The Father – Matthew 7:9-11

9 Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 
10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 
11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! 
– Matthew 7:9-11

Gifts From The Father

Father's Day is this Sunday and it is a tough time for me.  My dad was my hero but he is no longer with us and even though it has been over ten years since his passing, it is still difficult for me to want to "celebrate" Father Day.  I have come to the understanding however, that even though I don't have my dad to share this celebration with, I do have the years of wisdom and love that he so unselfishly and freely gave to all of his kids.

When I was growing up I felt that my dad could do anything and I used to marvel at how he could "fix" things with other "things."  I believe that he was the original MacGyver because he could take a Coors can (after he drank the contents), some electrical tape, and a popsicle stick and turn it into an engine part for a '65 Rambler Station wagon.  He never seemed to use "conventional" methods for constructing, repairing, or creating anything, but everything he put his hand to worked just fine for us (or so it seemed so to my pre-adolescent mind).  Dad was also an artist. He created the most wonderful Christmas displays out of materials most people would throw away (mostly he used empty Coors cans).  He also played Honkey Tonk on the piano better than anyone, and boy could he dance.  My dad was the life of the party, and he always made everyone feel welcome.  As a kid, I absolutely knew that my dad was better than any other dad out there.

Like all kids, I grew up fast and like all fathers, dad was very busy, but he always had time for heart-to-heart talks and he would patiently listen to my ramblings and complaining, and after I was done, he would offer sage advice.  Even when I became a rebellious teenager and I said and did horrible things, dad always took the time to listen, and he always made me feel loved.

"Dad, you always gave and I always took, and the greatest thing I think I took from you was your love for your children.  You showed me the tools I would need to be a father - a lot of love, a lot of patience, a huge amount of forgiveness, and a big sense of humor."

Now I know that not everyone has fond memories of their father and I can't say that I know what that must feel like.  But I do know that the void that I feel in my life because my dad is no longer here, is filled when I look to our Father in heaven.  I do know that He loves us so much more than our human fathers ever could.  His love is pure and He will never leave us.  He wants us to let Him fill that void in our lives and He wants you to know that He sees and knows the emptiness in your heart and He wants to take that hole in your heart and replace it with wholeness of life.  His desire is that you get to know Him so that He can show how to overcome all the hurts and disappointments that your father may have left with you, by turning all your focus and attention and energy on Him.  He is our Father - forever!

On this Father's Day, I know that there are many of you who have dads that do not know the Lord, or who have hard hearts and won't even talk about Him.  I think we should pray for each other's dads this weekend.  Pray that someone else's dad would come to know the Lord - pray that they would open their heart to His Word.  Ask God to reveal someone in your life whose father needs salvation or maybe you know someone who IS a father but desperately needs the Lord - pray for them.  I would even go as far to say to commit one year to praying for them - let's see what God has done when Father's day rolls around next year.  I am going to predict a lot more saved dads and a lot more faith functioning families as well.  I have the dad I'm committing to pray for in mind - how about you?

Father, I am so thankful that I can call you Abba - Daddy - Papa.  I love You so much and I am so grateful to You for this life of faith that You have designed for me.  I thank You for the father that you blessed me with - he raised me to be the man I am today and even though I was so rebellious, I know that he prayed for me every day.  I pray that the fathers that have hardened their hearts against you will come running into your loving arms through the prayers of their loved ones.  I ask that You especially work on the father that I lift up to you today Lord - touch his life today and let him feel Your redemptive love and grace.  Most of all Lord, Happy Father's Day!

have a blessed day everyone - and have a blessed and happy Father's Day as well!
