Friday, May 4, 2012

He Nailed It! – Colossians 2:13-14

13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 
14 having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.
– Colossians 2:13-14

He Nailed It!

I don't know about you but I was as dead as dead can be . . . and I was proud of it.  I was so wretched, and my sin was so repulsive, and disgusting and I was so blind, that I even welcomed the thought of going to hell!  I was THAT lost!  But God had other plans for me, and like the scripture says, He made me alive with Christ – Halleluiah!

I can really appreciate the concept of Christ nailing my sins (and those of everyone else) to the cross and the significance of His sacrifice for us.  What I have always had trouble wrapping my head around, is just how difficult it must have been for Him to become my sin.  That must have been more painful and revolting than any of the beatings He took, or even the crucifixion itself.  Have you ever tried to put on clothing that was soaking wet and muddy?  Not only would it be very difficult, but every inch of exposed skin would be able to feel the disgusting "ickiness" of the heavy material as it passes over.  Christ must have felt each sin of every person that ever existed as He transformed Himself into the very sin that He was about to destroy.  The weight of the cross must have been nothing compared to the weight of the sins of the entire world bearing down on Him.  I don't know that I will ever fully understand what He must have gone through, and it saddens me just to think about it.

What a joy however, to know that because of His sacrifice, I am alive, and ALL my sins have been forgiven!  Now here's the best part.  I get to put on Christ! Every day!  Think about the most favorite piece of clothing you have ever owned and how good it felt as you put it on for the very first time . . . that was like putting on rags compared to putting on Christ.  He fits in ALL the right places.  He accentuates who you are and He makes you look so very good.  He covers up all the flaws and He fits so well that wearing Him even puts a pep in your step so that you can breeze through your day!

Try putting on Christ today.  Try to imagine His brilliant and marvelous light covering you as you fasten each button of His Righteousness.  Visualize lacing His Peace to your feet . . . go ahead – wiggle your toes!  Run your finger across the brim of His awesome Salvation . . . feel how it fits your head just right!  Fasten His belt of Truth around your waist, and experience how He helps everything else stay perfectly in place . . . there's nothing like it.  How does He feel? Pretty awesome huh?  Now you are ready to face the world!  Now you can show everyone what a Christian should look like.  Now you can have victory – every – single – day!


Father, I am so humbled knowing all that Christ had to do to save us from ourselves.  I am thankful however, that He did . . . and also for Your Love, and the wisdom of Your plan for bringing us all home.  I pray that as I put on Christ each day, I will be ever mindful that I am Your representative here on earth so that I never cause anyone to turn away from You because of my actions.  I want to draw others to You Lord and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will now be able to do so because You saved me from my sin and from certain death.  I love You!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

1 comment:

  1. The weight of it all must have been crushing. Thanks for the visual of that darkness of our sin and the revelation of His marvelous Light that clothes us.
