Friday, February 10, 2012

Looking Out for #1 – Philippians 2:3-4

3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves ;
4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
– Philippians 2:3-4

Looking Out for #1
Being that we really can't fully understand all that Christ gave up in order to come to earth and take the form of man, it is difficult to appreciate the examples He gave us of humility and how to serve one another.  I mean He is the King of Glory yet He came to earth and lived through some of the harshest circumstances imaginable.  He lowered Himself and allowed unthinkable acts to be committed to Him in order that we might live out eternity in His presence – and He did it with gentleness, and peace, and kindness, and love, and forgiveness.

I know some Christians who have the mindset that in order to get what you want, you have to be rude and make a lot of noise and be so insistent that others will give you almost anything in order to avoid further conflict.  It makes me cringe when I hear stories like that because I know that type of behavior should not even be a part of a Christian's personality.  I mean, that kind of behavior is contrary to the fruit of the Spirit and is more like the result of sin.

Now I know that not all of us are like that . . . but what about having to wait in line at the grocery store?  Is the fruit of patience evident in you then?  What about when your inconsiderate neighbor has a loud and rowdy party and their guests leave beer bottles in your yard or on your car – how's your forgiveness and kindness working then?  How about a coworker who talks about you behind your back all the time – is your love, gentleness, and long-suffering on display at work?

We all experience "life" and everything that it has to offer – both good and bad.  It's easy to be quick to point the finger when others are doing wrong but if we take a good look at ourselves I think we can call to mind a time or two when we weren't such good Christian examples – especially when we think of what Christ endured so that we could have salvation to begin with.

So the next time you are really wronged, or the next time someone gets on your last nerve, or the next time someone takes your parking spot, just remember that your fruit is showing (positive and negative) and that you can do more to further the kingdom with a smile and a wave than with a frown and a stare (I know I need to work on this when I'm driving - my wife calls it "The Chavez Stare!")

Father thank You for reminding me that You humbled Yourself and gave up all that You had in order that I might see heaven one day.  I am so sorry for being so self-centered and short-sighted sometimes.  I want others to be able to see You and to think of You when they are with me so please help me Lord - help me to think before I act.  Help me to remember Your sacrifice so that I can humble myself and show love, compassion, and patience which I know will always bring peace to any situation.  Thank You for Your Holy Spirit!

Have a blessed day everyone (and an awesome weekend too)!

– Richard

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