Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fixinta Rest – Isaiah 26:3; 30:1

O God, you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are fixed on you; for in returning and rest we shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be our strength.
– Isaiah 26:3; 30:1

Fixinta Rest
In Texas, we all say "fixinta..." like "I'm fixinta go to the store." or Are ya'll fixinta leave?"  In this passage though, I think we should all be "fixinta" rest.  Keeping our minds "fixed" or focused, or concentrating on our God, our Creator, our Champion, our Savior . . . the Lover of our very souls.  If we do that then the rest of the business and/or troubles of the day will have to take a rest - a back seat if you will, to what God's has planned for us.

We have to learn to fix our minds on His ways and quiet our own selfish desires - our desires for physical well being.  Things like financial security, material possessions, relationships, and even good health are not really that important to God.  He is more concerned with our spiritual well-being.  Our relationship with Him and with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Our ability to hear His voice and to think on Him first.  Our faith that He will supply all of our needs.  Our understanding that He is God.  He is the author of life and the Creator and designer of each and every one of us.  He is concerned that we be strong in that knowledge so that we can be used by Him to reach the lost.

Our reward is not in this life and we should be looking for more opportunities to quiet ourselves, to fix our minds on Him, and to be strong by reading, and absorbing, and trusting His Word.

Lord I pray that can find that rest and strength in Your loving arms.  I know that I can get too busy and it is easy to forget why I'm here and I am so sorry for neglecting You.  I know I need to always keep my mind fixed on You so that I can find the strength and peace and rest that You are so willing to give . . . but I confess that I keep focusing on me and what my selfish desires are.  Forgive me Lord and help me to grow closer to You each day.  I need Your help to remain fixed in Your embrace.

Have a blessed day everyone!


1 comment:

  1. As I'm fixinta head out the door I wanted to let y'all know that I love the reference to our southern ways =) Even more though I appreciate the sincerity in your longing to press into God and your encouragement for us all to do the same. Have an Awesome God filled day!
