Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What is Holiness Anyway? – Isaiah 35:8

8 And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it. 
– Isaiah 35:8

What is Holiness Anyway?
There was a survey done, and the results found that one in five Americans consider themselves to be "holy."  That same survey revealed that the same group of people could not readily define what holiness is.  That is the sad commentary on our countries attitude and how we live our lives today. What's really sad is that this same attitude of believing ourselves to be holy without really understanding what it means, exists in a lot of churches today.  

I really miss seeing the pursuit of holiness in the church, and I think it all stems from the casual way that we sometimes approach church, and God in general.  I could site example after example of how we, without really thinking about it, disrespect our Father in heaven but I won't do that here.  Instead, I want to give you my take on the pursuit of "Holiness" – in a nutshell.

Love God!  Give Him your very best – your best of everything that you have, and ALL that you are.  Honor Him with your day – from the moment you wake up until you close your eyes to go to sleep.  Think on Him.  Adore Him.  Cherish His love for you.  Live your life pursuing Him.  The bible tells us in Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first His kingdom, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

I don't think we can achieve holiness any other way.  Only God can make us Holy.  Only our Father can love us so much, despite our childish and selfish ways, to make us clean so that we can share eternity with Him.  But it takes us pursuing Him with total abandon; above all else; and without regard for what it will yield us here on earth.

So pursue Him.  Pursue Holiness.  He will supply everything you need  . . . if you need Him for everything.

Father I look at my life and I see so many areas that I don't even include You in – for that I am truly sorry.  Help me Lord, to pursue You with total abandon and with fear and trembling.  Help me to overcome my laziness and cavalier attitudes and let me be an example of what it looks like to chase after You!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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