Friday, April 13, 2012

He Is is Who – That's Why!

5 Why are you downcast, O my soul?  Why so disturbed within me? 
    Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.
– Psalm 42:5

He Is is Who – That's Why!
Did you ever wonder why we question everything?  From the time we are able to utter our first words, we are questioning.  I remember when I was a teenager, I spent the weekend at my grandparent's home doing yard work and helping out with some painting that needed to be done.  My cousin was living in a studio apartment that was attached to their garage and during the entire weekend, her daughter, my 2 year old niece, followed me around and asked me two questions over and over.  "Whatcha doin?"  and "Why?"  By the end of the weekend I vowed never to have children.

This is what we must sound like to God sometimes: 
us:     "Lord, whatcha doing?"  
Him:   "I'm teaching you to be a fruit tree."
us:     "why?"
Him:   "Because I need you to become an orchard."
us:     "why?""
Him:   "Because I need you to give good fruit to my people."
us:     "why?"
. . . and on and on it goes.  

I'm sure glad He has more patience than I did – or still do for that matter!  I think I'd be tempted to answer all those "Whys" by sending down a lightning bolt.  But asking why is part of who we are – it is our nature – we will always want to know why. 

Now don't get me wrong,  I am just as inquisitive as the next person, and I think we are always going to try to understand the reason that things happen the way they do.  But the truth of the matter is that we will never know the answer to some of the "whys" – not while during our time on earth anyway.

Instead of asking "Why?"  we should be asking  "Who?"  Who knows the depth of my pain?  Who sees the bigger picture in my life?   Who is interested in forming my character through various trials?   Our heavenly Father is the answer.  He is the one who knows, who sees, and who cares.  He loves us so much and He wants us to know and love Him, despite our painful circumstances.  He wants us to believe in Him and to Have faith that He will see us through – every time.

He wants us to know that He is God and He needs us to know what that means – no fear, no doubt, no concern – just Him . . . that's Who!

Father, You are the one who knows the reasons for all things.  You have my life in Your hands and as You shape and mold me into the man You want me to become, I will yield myself to Your way.  Please forgive my selfishness and for questioning Your motives.  I pray that as I continue to grow in Your grace, my need to satisfy my curiosity will diminish and I will learn to wholly trust and believe in You and allow You to reign freely in my life – for all of my life.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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