Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thrive where You Are! – Jeremiah 12:5

5 "If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses?  And if in a safe land you are so trusting, what will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?"
- Jeremiah 12:5

Thrive where You Are!

Have you ever asked the Lord to get you out of your present environment because of all of the evil people around you?  Perhaps it was a job or maybe even your own family!  In today's scripture, the Lord is answering Jeremiah's complaint about all of the evil people that seem to prosper in this world.

God is basically telling Jeremiah, "Look, I know what's going on the world.  After all, I'm the One who gave all of these evil people over to their own lusts and desires and I will deal with them if they don't change their ways.  Besides, I have your back while you are here so I don't need you to complain to Me about any of this - just make sure that you live YOUR life according to My Word so that you don't get corrupted along the way."

Of course, this is just my interpretation of the conversation but I really think that God, as patient as He is, must get frustrated with us when we complain about our situation.  I am just as guilty as anyone else, I mean I would love to work in an all Christian environment or live in a world where everyone LOVES the Lord and is living accordingly?  I have a feeling though, that if that were the case, I might find something else to complain about - hmmmm.

It's really a profound statement (of course it is dummy - God said it!), and it spoke to me today even though I have read it many times before.  God has me where He has me so that I can strengthen my faith in Him and in that, effect change in this crazy and caustic environment.  I mean really, I am so blessed to be living in a country where I have the freedom to serve God so openly and if I find it difficult because of those around me now, how weak will my faith prove if I am ever put in a real hostile environment.  I'm not facing a choice at the point of a machete or looking down the barrel of an automatic weapon; my family isn't being threatened because of what I believe;  I'm not being thrown into prison for my faith.  If I can't openly and freely serve God here in this "safe land," then I'm going to be in real trouble when my time of testing comes.

Our way of  life and our freedom to worship God are being attacked in this country like never before.  Even now, the freedom to pray openly in public settings is being seriously challenged - if... your prayers are Christian prayers.  If you want to offer Islamic or Hindu or Buddhist 
prayers, then you are given all of the courtesy to do as you wish.  It isn't really that far-fetched to imagine a tough time ahead and we really need to be ready to stand firm in our faith, battle-tested and ready for the persecution that may come.  Are you ready?  I'd like to think that I am, but I'm not so sure.

I have decided to thank God for all of the challenges that I work with every day, and I really need to show God's love to the witches and the heathens and the "other" religion zealots and even to those who openly oppose me.  I am purposing to be salt and light in the very environment that God placed me in and as I learn what faith really is and I put it to practice, maybe . . . just maybe, those challenges around me might want to know a little more about the God that I serve.  I will serve God where I am until He decides it's time for me to move, and I will no longer question why He has me where I am.  I am where I am because that's where I'm supposed to be so I will serve Him where I am - 
with all that I am!


Father I am so sorry for murmuring about the people who don't even choose to acknowledge that You exist, yet seem to prosper in all that they do.  Their prosperity and the way that they live have nothing to do with my Faith in You.  They have nothing to do with my serving You in this place.  I pray that as I draw closer to You that my faith will increase to the point that the evil around me will start to envy MY God and that they will see how good life can be in You.  Maybe they will start to question who it is that they serve and they will want to know how they can be reborn into Your kingdom.  I pray that I can be the light that leads them straight to You!

Have a blessed day everyone!


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