Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Laughter - It's the Very Best Medicine! – Genesis 21:6

6 Sarah said, God has blessed me with laughter and all who get the news will laugh with me!
– Genesis 21:6

Laughter – It's the Very Best Medicine!

Sarah had two laughs – one was in quiet disbelief, but the one that mattered resulted from the miracle that God gave her – a son.  I think God was laughing harder than Sarah when He saw the joy that was flowing out of her.  He knew how she would react to His blessing, and I have to believe that as the end of her pregnancy drew near, He was beside Himself with excited anticipation to see her face light up when she first gazed upon the face of her newborn.

Have you ever laughed to yourself in disbelief at a promise that God has given you?  It doesn't have to be a personal visit and an audible promise, but what about the promises from His Word?  Have you ever thought to yourself, 

"I know the Bible says that I can have victory over my sin – but I just can't hep myself – I've been at it for too long and it's just too hard to change."  

Or how about, 

"I know the Bible says that I can move mountains with a little faith – but that's just crazy!  It must be for someone else because I could never do that."  

Here's one more, 

"I know the Bible says that I can be healed, but I don't really think I can."

Our faith is so small and incomplete sometimes but when God decides to move – when He sets His mind to pour out  a blessing, you will be overflowing with joy and your laughter will not be contained.  He will be glorified by it and others will see and hear the joy of the Lord and they will be drawn to you because of what He has done.  It is then your job to proclaim His goodness and His grace so that they can come to know Him as you do.

So stop doubting.  In fact, if you must doubt something, doubt your doubt.  God can and will do miracles in your life.  He will bring joy from your mourning, and laughter from your tears.  He will do what He promises in His Word and He will be overjoyed with your joy.  Our God is good and He wants to bless you today.  So when He does, laugh so the whole earth can laugh with you.

Father I thank You for being so faithful to attend to my needs.  It is so humbling to know that You care so much for me and I am so insignificant and unworthy of your attention.  You bless me everyday, and I know that sometimes I don't acknowledge all that You do for me, and for that I am so sorry.  I pray that I can be a blessing to someone today - that I can laugh with a holy laughter so that they can see and hear how great You are!  You are my joy and I will proclaim You with my laughter!

Have a blessed day everyone!


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