Friday, March 30, 2012

Would You Be Invited? – John 2:1-2

1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee.  Jesus' mother was there, 
2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.
– John 2:1-2

Would You Be Invited?
As Christians, it is our responsibility to show the light of Christ to the rest of the world.  From everything I have read in the Bible, Jesus was a fun guy to be around.  He liked to tell great stories, He liked to work hard, He liked to go fishing, He served His friends by feeding them, He enjoyed a good stroll, He wasn't judgmental, and He always had compassion for people – even the people nobody else cared about.  It's no wonder that he would be invited to eat with sinners, to stay at their home, and to be invited to the most important of celebrations – the joining of a new couple in marriage.  People just wanted Him around – I'm sure He just made every gathering better.

How about you?  How about me?  Are we good to have around?  Do we make the atmosphere better wherever we are?  Oh, I know that at church we are all at our best and we love everybody, but what about when we are not at church?  Would your coworkers invite you to their parties and gatherings?  Here's the kicker – would you go?  Would you be willing to subject yourself to crude language and possible drunkenness?  Would you be the life of the party or would you make everyone feel uneasy because they know you are a "Christian?"

"What would Jesus do" is a popular saying these days but we need to apply it in all situations because if You take the Bible as truth (and I know you do), then Jesus would be the guy at the party that everyone wants to talk to.  He would be serving the dip and starting the conga line, and finding chairs for all the ladies.  He would be helping to clean up after everyone else has gone home, and He would be the first one on the next invitation list.

I think we need to start being a part of this world.  Otherwise, how is anyone going to see Love in action?  How is the myth that Christians are uptight and no fun going to be busted if we keep ourselves safely cocooned within the Christian community?  The bible tells us that we need to shine our light from the hilltops but for some reason we hide ourselves away and the only light we shine is towards those who already have their own light.  We need to be willing to let our light expose us to some things that maybe we are uncomfortable with so that Jesus can be shared – with everybody.

I'm not suggesting that we go out drinking and partying all night, but I am saying that we need to be such positive forces in our circles of influence that our un-churched coworkers and acquaintances want to be around us and they want their friends to get to know us.  We should be such a good thing, maybe the only good thing, in their lives that they would make it a point to add us on their invitation lists.  When we can do that, then we will show Jesus the way He deserves to be shown – as The God who loves people and desires to be involved in every aspect of their lives.

Father thank You for the example that Jesus set for us to follow.  I pray that I can be a very good influence in the lives of my coworkers and friends.  Forgive me for not being willing to expose myself to things outside the church.  How selfish I have been!  Thank You for opening my eyes so that I can see that this world needs to see You through my willingness to be there.  Help me to love like You love so that the light of Christ can shine brightly in my life - for everyone.

Have a blessed day and a great weekend everyone!

– Richard

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