Tuesday, June 12, 2012

There Once Was A Man . . . – 1 Samuel 1:1

1 There was a man named Elkanah who lived in Ramah in the hill country of Ephraim. He was the son of Jeroham and grandson of Elihu, from the family of Tohu and the clan of Zuph.
– 1 Samuel 1:1

There Once Was A Man . . .
God knows who you are. He knows where you live. He knows who your parents and grandparents are, and in fact, He knows more about you than you will ever be able to find out from Ancenstry.com.  He knows every place you've ever lived, and every job you've ever had, and it is ALL important to Him, and unlike most of us (me especially), God is good at remembering names.  Names are His invention, so you know He takes extra care to think on you by name.  

It would have been very easy for Him to give us all numbers as way to identify each other, but in His wisdom, He knew that it would be much easier on us to have to go through our day-to-days with only 3 to 12 (or-so) letters to remember.  I mean come on, Adam and Eve would have had it easy; Adam would have been "1" and Eve would have been "2," but what about you and me?  I can't even fathom what my number would have been, especially if we were all named chronologically!   Can you imagine?!  Anyway, I'm getting off track here . . . God knows us all because He carefully crafted each one of us, and strategically placed us in this life so that we could have a story . . . HIS story.

So what's YOUR story? What will be said of you long after your bones have been laid to rest and your spirit is soaring with His Spirit in Heaven?  Think on that today. Ponder the narrative of your life – not just the "you" part, but think about all the people who have had influence over who you are today, and how they would fit into that narrative.  Think about all those who have come and gone; those who were once so close to you when you were younger, but who you may never see or talk to again now that you are in this era of your "life."  Thank God for them today and ask Him to bless them wherever they are in their lives because they were a blessing to you.  Thank Him for the laughter and the tears, the good times and the bad, the trials and the victories.  Praise Him for putting ALL those people in your life so that your story would be a good one; one filled with mystery and suspense, intrigue and drama!  It's all there, the makings of a tale worthy to be told.

No mater how boring or un-interesting you think your life may be up to now, It's a great story nonetheless.  And God is interested!  I mean who ever heard of the clan of Zuph?  I don't even know what a Zuph is, but God was so interested that He found a place for it in His Holy Word.  He thinks that much about you too.  He knows who you are and I know that He delights when you make Him a part of your story.

Father thank You for knowing my name. Thank You for caring so much about every detail of my life.  My story is so good because You are in it, and the way You came in to my life is the best part!  I love you Father!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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