Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Camels Are Coming! – Genesis 24:63

63 In the evening he went out into the field; while meditating he looked up and saw camels coming.
– Genesis 24:63

The Camels Are Coming!
Isaac was just going about his daily chores, doing his "thing," if you will, not knowing or anticipating what the day would end up like.  In the evening he decided to go out into his back yard and sit a while under the big shade-tree and enjoy the cool evening air.  While there, he decides to share his thoughts and his life with God – you know, just having a nice conversation with the Lord and quietly listening for the Holy Spirit to give him some life nuggets.  He looks up, and lo-and-behold he sees a caravan of camels sauntering up to his front gate.  he must have thought, "hey, look at all the camels."  He had no idea that God was about to bring him an amazing and wonderful gift.

Interesting things happen when you get alone with God.  It used to be that I would fall asleep whenever I tried to meditate and quietly listen for God's still, small voice, but I've learned over the years, that I catch things; certain little "occurrences" that just happen to catch my attention and many times spark my imagination, which for me, is the way the Lord speaks to me most.  He gives me ideas, or solutions to creative problems I've been having.

It could be something as simple as catching sight of two squirrels chasing each other around a tree, or the sound of a train whistle in the background, or even just opening my eyes and seeing the shapes coming into focus in my dark room.  The point is that it's almost always something that is common; something that at any other time, I would just dismiss as the normal goings-on of my day-to-day.  But because I've learned (over the years), that God speaks to me and reveals things to me in these ordinary, every-day, run-of-the-mill "messages," I take notice.  I look up and I "see."  I try to apply it and I ask God to reveal His "nugget" for me.

Now, more often than not, He just says "SEE."  To me that means "SEE Me in your life."  "SEE Me coming to you."  SEE Me, and HEAR Me, and FEEL Me, and KNOW that I am your God, and YOU are MY son."  And to me, that is an awesome reminder that God is always with me and that everything around me can be a reflection of His goodness in my life.

But every once in a while, I look up . . . and I see camels coming (No, not literally – c'mon man!).  I mean that I see something that makes my head turn; turn in the same way a dog's head will turn, at a strange noise (or when it sees you taking a bite of something tasty), and I get this feeling that God is about to do something big . . . something that is going to change my life, and bring me closer to the gift of His purpose for my life and for His season.  The key is looking up, beyond myself – beyond the things that I want – and being able to see what God is doing, and where He is moving, so that I can be in position to receive His amazing and wonderful gift.

Can you see the camels coming?  They're on their way.  You have to look up to see them though, but when you do, be ready . . . because God is going to knock your socks off and your life will never be the same.

Lord, thank You for visiting us in our quiet times – our mediations with You.  Thank You for wanting to bless us and to surprise us in the midst of the busy-ness of our lives.  Help us Lord, to SEE You, and to understand the signs and to be willing to look up, and to be ready to see our camels coming in the distance.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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