Monday, June 4, 2012

Straight Talk – Job 40:6-7

6 God addressed Job next from the eye of the storm, and this is what he said:
7 "I have some more questions for you, and I want straight answers.
– Job 40:6-7

Straight Talk
Have you ever wondered where God is when you are going through tough times? You know, when the world is raging around you and everything you think to be true has been turned upside down – when even your very best friends seem to have turned against you?  Those can be some very lonely times and the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel can seem like it will never come into focus.

When we are in the middle of facing the "Junk," the "Big Nasty," or the "Storm of the Century," the best thing to do is take a breath, get quiet, and wait.  Yes wait . . . in the quiet . . . for God. That's where He is, just waiting . . . for you.  That's where He will speak. From the "eye" of your storm; in the quiet and calm that is smack-dab in the middle of ALL your turmoil; where you have a perfect 360º view of your situation; where God can point out what's happening – and why it's happening, and you can calmly turn to see every aspect of the situation and most importantly, where you can answer His hard questions, honestly, openly, and completely.

"But why should I have to answer hard questions? I don't even know why this is "happening" to me!"

The hard questions aren't going to be about your situation. The really hard questions are going to be about Him. Who you see God as. What you really think He can and/or cannot do. When you think He should act, Where you think He has been all this time, and How much do you trust Him.  You see the really hard questions are always going to be about why we don't trust the One we call our God . . . to give us the grace to weather the storm; to be our constant help in times of trouble; to provide a way when there just seems to be no way; to be God over ALL things in our lives . . . even the storms.

The thing is that God is God no matter what is happening to us, in us, through us, or around us.  He knows what we are going through and sometimes it's stuff we just have to go through, and if we will just allow God to be God, and trust that He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us, then we can focus on Him and NOT on the storms we are in.  

Our storms will come and our storms will go . . . but our God (who Loves us by the way), will ALWAYS be right there to see us through . . . according to HIS plans and purpose for our lives.

So what's the easy answer to the hard question?

It's all about Him, and not about us.  

It's "God, You do what is best for me and I will praise You – in the storm and in the quiet . . . because YOU have my life in Your hand. I submit my life to YOUR perfect will."

When we get to that point; when we truly understand what that means, THAT's when we can walk in peace . . . even in the middle of a raging storm.  That's my prayer for all of us today.

Father, I pray that we can all take our eyes off of our problems today and that we can look to You no matter what we are facing. You are so very good . . . ALL the time, and we will praise you no matter what comes our way.  We submit ourselves to Your Master plan and we ask for Your help as we learn to stay focussed on You.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

1 comment:

  1. So true. I think this is why our personal devotion time is so important in our daily walk. Even if it's just 10 mins. To sit at His feet, open His Word and surrender all to Him with all of our heart. He is God and we aren't. Great reminder, thanks!
