Wednesday, July 25, 2012

So . . . What's Your Name Again? – Exodus 3:13

13 Then Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to the People of Israel and I tell them, 'The God of your fathers sent me to you'; and they ask me, 'What is his name?' What do I tell them?"
– Exodus 3:13

So . . .  What's Your Name Again?
We all think of Moses as this "got-it-together" kind of guy, you know, the kind of man who always has the answer and knows just what to do.  The reality is that he was kind thick-headed and often needed to be hit over the head with obvious answers.  I mean, he is talking . . . WITH GOD!  And the question he asks is, "What do I tell them Your name is?"  REALLY?!  C'mon Man!

OK, before you get all over my case for 'dissing' one of our great Bible heroes, just know that God chose Moses specifically because of his thick-headed, stubborn, speech-challenged, goat-herding, murdering ways.  He (God), needed an incapable, faith-wavering "every man," to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  He needed this man, Moses, who ran away in shame and gave up all the power and prestige he had as an Egyptian dignitary, to go in his shepherd rags, and carrying nothing but fleas and a stick, back to the ruler of all of Egypt, and say, "Um . . . God sent me to tell you to release all of Egypt's laborers so that we can go on a three-day journey into the desert."  WOW!

But isn't that just like God?  When He called you out of your sin and called you to serve Him, what situation were you in?  I know I was a lot like Moses – a complete failure in need of a spirit boost.  I was about as low as I could be, and I am thankful that God didn't appear to me in a burning "bait shop" (I used to spend my Sundays fishing), and ask me to do something as grand as lead anybody anywhere.  I couldn't lead myself or my family at the time, and all He asked me to do was to follow . . . follow Him.  God.  The Great I Am.  I don't know if I was just dumb-struck or what, but I didn't question His call.  I didn't ask His name.  I didn't wonder how, or why, or what.  I just knew I had to follow.  And I'm pretty sure that's how most of you were called as well.  

So here's the rub . . . if we recognize and know that we are blood-bought, by the Blood of Christ, and we are called by God Himself . . . then why do we, in all our wisdom as "seasoned" Christians, question Him now?  Why do we not recognize His voice when He tries to talk to us?  Why have we allowed the world to be a greater influence over our lives than His Word?  C'mon Man!

We need to get back to the simple, un-complicated, un-cluttered relationship with God that He first called us to.  We need to stop adding God to the spare time of our day and give Him ALL of our hopes, and dreams, and hurts, and pain, and emptiness – after all, that's how He found us right?  We need to recognize The Great I Am as our source of Joy, and Peace, and Hope, and Fulfillment, and we need to press in to HIm so that we can recognize His Voice once again.  He wants to talk with us.  He desires to walk with us, and to laugh with us, and He so longs to share in our successes and yes, even our failures.  He wants to be involved with everything we are about.  He wants to be our God.  The One who saw us.  The One who called us.  The One who saved us.  The One who holds our very breath in His hands.

Our God.  Our Father.  I Am.  No other name; no other source; no other need for no other "thing."  Just Him.  That's ALL.  Amen!

God, You ARE my God!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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