Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bless Your Boss – Genesis 39:5

5 From that moment on, God blessed the home of the Egyptian - all because of Joseph. The blessing of God spread over everything he owned, at home and in the fields, . . .
– Genesis 39:5

Bless Your Boss
Do you realize that others can be blessed because of you – even though you are under their thumb (so to speak)?  Joseph was Potiphar's slave – mere property – like a camel or a fancy blanket, and because he was favored by God, his master and everything his master owned, was blessed.  Potiphar's family was blessed, his other slaves were blessed, his animals were blessed, his crops were blessed, and even his time was blessed . . . and he didn't even love Joseph's God.  As an Egyptian, he probably worshipped every Tut, Ra, and Horus, along with the sunrise, sunset, rain cloud, and dust devils that occurred daily.  But still, God, because of His love for Joseph, saw to it that Potiphar was a blessed man.  Well ain't that just peachy.

But it is "peachy."  It shows that even though God's children can sometimes find themselves in adverse surroundings, God will bless the situation so that while were in it, a path will be cleared for us to prosper as well.  Now, please know that I understand that in this United States of America, we are not slaves and we are not sold as property –  but we do have to make a living. And because of our responsibilities and our debts, we, for the most part, have to go to work every day and are often subjected to things like hostile environments, bosses who are out to get us, co-workers who betray our trusts, and often we have to perform tasks that we feel are beneath us, etc. etc.  We are slaves to the system and time is our task master, but because of God's provision and His favor, we can be a blessing, and we can bring light and peace into our places of employment. The workplace can be a blessed place because God finds favor in you and me!

Imagine what it would be like at your job without you.  People would be throwing each other out the windows right? OK, OK . . . maybe that is a bit extreme, but I bet for a bunch of you, it's probably not that far from the truth is it?  

But through you (and me), God can bless our employers. He can bless our managers and those with authority over us. He can bless our coworkers. He can bless the janitorial staff. He can bless the interns, and He can even bless the people who come in to water the plants once a week . . . all because He finds favor in us.  He has a plan for our future and because He wants us to be His Light and His Hands, and His Joy, and Peace, and Love in the darkness of corporate America, He will bless those who have authority over us.  

It's pretty heady stuff if you think about it.  I mean, how many times have you grumbled about your job . . . and it's God who put you there!  How many times have you wished you could work somewhere else . . . and God wants you right where you are, and He's even given you favor and put you in a great situation?!  I know I have. I find myself doing it all the time.  I mean I do my job well (and I'm very good at what I do - if I do say so myself), but for too often I take that for granted.  There are a lot of mornings when I'm waiting for that train to bring me into the city that I grumble and wish I had a job that was closer to home.  Oh how that must hurt God's ear to have to listen to that stuff.  He has blessed me, and if I think about it (and I have), I'm in a very good situation, and the company I work for is doing extremely well in this tough economy . . . and I have the gall to grumble about it?  Shame on me!

Well no more!  I'm going to bless God where I am.  I'm going to thank Him for my quirky boss, and my smelly co-worker, and the loud obnoxious mouth-breather in the cube next to me.  I'm going to look for ways to be a blessing, and I'm going to keep my eyes open so that I can see God moving and so I can see and recognize His blessings on those around me.  I know that I am where I am because that is where God wants me, and when He's ready, He'll move me somewhere else.  Until then, I am going to be a "Joseph" in this foreign land, and the foreigners, and all they put their hands to will be blessed, because God has blessed me!

How about you?  Are you ready to bless the socks off of your employer?  Think about it.  Pray about it.  Then do it!  Together, we can change our work place, but more important . . . we can change people's lives, through the Blessings of The Strong God, The Joyful God, The Loving God, The One and Only God . . . who we humbly serve.

Father, I beg that You forgive my grumblings and my whining.  Forgive me for acting like a spoiled brat and for not recognizing the blessing that You have placed before me.  Forgive my selfish ways and help me to be a blessing and to show Your Love to my coworkers and my employers.  Help me to love with Your love and to see with Your eyes, and to serve with Your heart.  And Father, I pray blessings over those in authority over me.

Have a blessed day my Brothers!

– Richard

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