Thursday, July 5, 2012

Never Fear – God IS Here! – Genesis 32:7

7 Jacob was scared. Very scared. Panicked, he divided his people, sheep, cattle, and camels into two camps.
– Genesis 32:7

Never Fear – God IS Here!
In this story, Jacob is headed back home after God told him to – God also told him that He would be with him (Genesis 31:3).  Now Jacob, many years earlier had cheated his brother out of his birth-right and was afraid of what his brother might do to him – especially after hearing that Esau was on his way to greet him, along with 400 men.  The scripture tells us that Jacob was scared. Not only was he scared, but he was VERY scared.  In fact, he was so scared, he was panicked!  He was now going to have to face the music for something that took place many years earlier.

What gets me about this story, is that God Himself spoke to Jacob and told him that HE would go with him on his journey back home.  Doesn't that stand to reason that if God was with him, then nothing his brother could do would harm him?  I mean, c'mon man!  God was WITH him!  It isn't as if God told Jacob:
"Jacob, go back home, and after your brother gets his revenge and has his way with you, I'll be there to help you pick up the pieces of your miserable life."

No, God told Jacob that HE, God, THE Most High, THE Creator of the entire universe, would be traveling with him on his journey back home.  I don't get why Jacob was so afraid.  I don't get why he would have gotten to a point of panic.  I really don't get why someone close to him didn't remind him that God was right there with him.  Maybe that would have calmed him down.  Maybe . . . but then this story really wouldn't drive home the point that it does.

You see, Esau (who had been cheated out of his birth-right by Jacob), was on his way to meet his brother to embrace him, and to celebrate his return.  He was on his way to show how much he loved and missed his brother.  He took 400 men with him to display the true gift of forgiveness and restoration, and to show everyone that a brothers love is stronger than any misdeed.  The Bible tells us that Esau ran up and embraced him, held him tight and kissed him. And they both wept (Genesis 33:4).  The bond that they once shared was whole once again.

We do this same thing don't we.  Fear gets us to take our eyes off of the promises of God and instead we focus all our energy on the problems that we have built up in our minds.  Our past experiences, our failures, our sins that were committed long ago, come back to haunt us . . . in our minds.  Even when God has given us a vision or a mission – even when He was put a task in our heart, we become panicked because of the consequences that could lay before us once our past is found out.  My brothers and sisters, I'm here to tell you that God is with you.  He loves you and He is bigger than any consequence.  He is stronger than any adversary.  He is able – MORE than able, to bring to fruition the promises He has given you.  If God tells you something, then there is nothing that can prevent it from becoming a reality. Well, almost nothing.

The truth is that there is one thing that can stand in your way . . . YOU!  That's right, You and Me!  WE are our biggest obstacle.  When we doubt; when we fear; when we don't really believe that our God is THE Strong God, then we stand in the way of God working.  He wants to see us prosper.  He desires to be our Champion.  He longs to be our Portion, and if we will just BELIEVE that He IS God, then we will never have a thing to fear.  We will never have to be scared – or VERY scared!  We will never have to panic . . . because HE travels with us.  The Creator of ALL things rides shotgun, listening to that awesome praise music, and He is mapping out all the details.  He is our Navigator, and if we will just listen and obey, He will fulfill every promise, restore every relationship, and He will take us to places we never thought possible.

God is for you!  Don't let your fear stand in the way of the success He already has mapped out for you.  You'll see in the long run, the thing you feared the most, just might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

Father, Your promises are big sometimes, and we see our own limitations which can bring fear and doubt.  Help us to have the faith to trust in You.  Help us to believe because we are like little children sometimes, and even though we have see You work time-after-time, we are quick to forget, and we can tend to focus on what we can't do instead of what You can do.  Help our unbelief Lord, that we might move strong and with purpose when You ask us to; that we won't fear, or hesitate, or doubt; that we would rely on you and that we would realize the promises You have given us.  And we will praise You oh Lord, and we will sing of Your Glorious Victory, and all will know that You are our God!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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