Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hey Man! – Genesis 37:15

15 A man met him as he was wandering through the fields and asked him, "What are you looking for?"
– Genesis 37:15

Hey Man!
I love how the Bible uses ordinary men and women (like you and me), to help illustrate and to enhance the stories of our greatest heroes.  In this passage, Joseph is trying to find his brothers who are out tending their flocks.  He has a simple yet specific task to do, and his journey is going to change his life forever—it's going to fulfill the dreams he's been having—and it's going to set the wheels of God's plan in motion.  A plan to take Joseph and to change him from a dreamer and a spoiled child, and to train him in humility, patience, purity, responsibility, wisdom, and leadership so that he can be God's example of redemption and grace to thousands of generations.

A lot is about to happen.  The story is about to get really good.  The intrigue, and the drama, and the evil plot are about to unfold, but first . . . enter stage right . . . a man . . . non-descript, unnamed, never-to-be-heard-from-again, with a simple question . . . "What are you looking for?"

This basic yet important question, from this oh-so-overlooked character in God's Word speaks volumes to us today.  I love it because to me, it's a golden nugget; a prize found; a revelation and a joy of discovery, and it's the kind of thing our wonderful Father loves to carefully place in and throughout His Word . . . just for us.  That man could be any of us, and it could be at any point in our day; in our busy lives; in our don't-bother-me-now, I'minahurry, earbuds in, nose-in-a-book, can't-spare-a-dime, journey to wherever.  The opportunity to be in-on God's plan for someone else's life could be just around the next corner, or in the next seat on the bus, or in the checkout line at the corner market, and these "moments" present themselves every day, and if we don't take the time to look up and see the world around us, we could miss it.

God uses ordinary folks, just like us, to give directions, to speak encouragement, to bring hope, and even to launch a world-changing ministry, all because we bother to take the time to speak a kind word or two.  The phrases may seem meaningless, but in God's plan they become battle cries.  They take on the life of something much bigger and much more than we could ever imagine.  They could be the 4 or 5 words that change a person's life and just like the man in our story, we will probably never know the impact we had in the bigger story.  One day we will be watching the news, or reading an article, or hearing through the grapevine about someone who has done amazing things, and we may never know that it was our question that got it all rolling.

We just have to be open and obedient.  We have to take a look around and see what's going on with the people God has placed in and on our everyday paths. The lives are out there and we are all meant to intersect and to influence each other - that's how God works.  It's through you and it's through me that become His hands and His voice.  We need to start making it a practice and a priority to no longer be idle.  Yes it takes effort; yes it means getting involved; yes we may be looked at weird or even shot down from time-to-time, but it's what God wants us to do.  And when we learn to truly walk in the Spirit, He will guide us to the people we need to talk to – after all, it's His plan right?

Who knows, one day we will just be on our way, doing our mundane to-do's, being who God created us to be, and even though we don't know it, at the start of something God designed just for us, someone will walk up to us and ask, "Hey man, what are you looking for?" 

Father I thank You for Your Word and the way You relate to us through Your wonderful stories. A simple question, asked by a simple man like me launched Joseph into a terrible and wonderful adventure.  I love how You work and I pray that I would take me nose out of my own life and look around to see what's happening all around me - to Your children.  Forgive me for being so self-centered and unaware.  Help me to see and to ask those simple, yet life-changing questions.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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