Thursday, November 15, 2012

THUNDER! – 1 Samuel 7:10

10 While Samuel was offering the sacrifice, the Philistines came within range to fight Israel. Just then God thundered, a huge thunderclap exploding among the Philistines. They panicked - mass confusion! - and ran helter-skelter from Israel. 
–  1 Samuel 7:10

Have you ever been in close proximity to a lightning strike?  The resulting clap of thunder is enough to make the bravest man check his socks (please pardon the crude visual).  I'm serious though, even when you think you're ready for it . . . your NOT ready for it!  Trust me.  Having lived in tornado alley during tornado season, I've seen and heard many a heavenly display of shock and awe, and even when all the signs point to a pending BOOM!  The suddenness of the unleashed power leaves you realizing how small and insignificant you really are.

The Philistines had no warning whatsoever.  No sky turning green; no thunderheads building in the southern sky; no alerts from the Emergency Broadcast System interrupting their day.  Just the suddenness and the enormity of God shattering their minds and releasing fear into every fiber of their sneaky, dastardly, havoc-wreaking beings.

But did you notice something here?  While Samuel was offering his sacrifice.  While he was praying fervently.  While he was serving God and seeing that God's business was taken care of . . . several things were going on and plans had been set in motion:
  1. Samuel, was interceding for Israel but way before he started interceding, 
  2. The Philistines were on their way to attack – to shut down Israel's worship; to put a stop to the work of repentance that was going on; to strike fear into the heart of Israel so that they would be impotent to do any real work and would pose no threat to their own (Philistine) way of life.
  3. God was aware and watching everything that was going on and He had a plan to stop the enemy in their tracks.
That kind of spiritual orchestration goes on every day in your life and in my life, and in the lives of all God's children.  The enemy does not want to see us repent of our sins.  He doesn't want us to get and be strong in the Lord because he knows that if we do, he will have less and less control over the world around us.  So before you even get on your knees before God, he is already on his way to attack you.  

But fear not!  God!  Your God!  My God!  Our God, is watching and He will not allow the enemy to destroy us.  If we press into our Creator, our Heavenly Father (who loves us by the way),  He will make a way for us to press in, and to take hold, and to become strong, and mighty warriors so that the enemy will not even bother with us any more because he knows any of his old tricks and lies will be useless against the power of God that thunders through our souls.

But! (And there always is one), we mustn't take God for granted.  We cant think of Him as a weapon to use for our own ideas and devices (Read 1 Samuel chapter 4).  God will not be played like that.  He will turn you over to the enemy in a heartbeat and you'll wish you never thought of God in that way.  We must press into HIS will, whatever it is, and offer ourselves as living sacrifices for HIS Glory and HIS purpose.  It's the only way to show HIm that we truly understand our place and the reverence and devotion that owe to Him.  

So press in.  Give yourself over to God and see what He won't do for and through you.  The resulting storm in hell will send demons running helter-skelter from your life.

Father, Thank You for always watching out for us.  Lord we offer ourselves to You today, living Sacrifices for Your Gory and for Your purpose.  We seek Your will and we give up our own ideas and preconceived notions of how our lives should be played out.  Your are our designer.  You hold our very breath in Your hand, so have Your way Lord.  Shape us and mold us into instruments that You can use for the Glory of Your kingdom.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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