Thursday, November 29, 2012

Face Value – 1 Samuel 16:7

7 But God told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature. I've already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart."
– 1 Samuel 16:7

Face Value
Have you ever been to an airport?  Dumb question right?  I would venture to say that almost all of us have, at one time or another in our lives, been to an airport.  I have one question:  Where are all the super models and "beautiful" people that Hollywood shows us on TV and the big screen?  They would have us believe that everybody in the world is easy on the eyes, but if you spend any time waiting for an airplane, all you see is regular folk (just like me and you), living ordinary lives, just trying to get from point A to point B.

Why then, do we put so much emphasis on beauty and looking like the stars and starlets we see on TV.  Americans spend so much money in attempts to look good, that I fear sometimes we forget that the time and effort we spend in front of the mirror, would be better spent on our knees before the Lord.  Seriously, if we, as Christians (most of us anyway), would devote half the amount of time we spend trying to look good for other people, in quality love-relationship-building time with our Creator, this country would see a revival like never before.

Today's scripture puts it plainly:  God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.

The beauty of this is that God doesn't look AT the heart, He looks INTO it.  And I'm not talking about the valve-muscle organ that sits in your chest.  I'm talking (and I'm sure God is too), about the core of who you are – your want to – your character – the "you" that you are when no one else is looking.  I'm talking about the best of you and the worst of you, and how you handle things like success, failure, adversity, trials, triumphs, loss, hurts, and personal attacks; how you treat strangers, and beggars, and family members, and friends, and yes . . . even your enemies.  God looks "into" how you live your life . . . in relationship "with" HIm.  THAT's what matters to Him.  He could care less how well you are dressed or how much hair is on your head (or what color it is this week).  He doesn't give a second thought about how white your teeth are, or the latest design on your manicured nails, or even if you've trimmed your ear and nose hair.  God is just interested in one thing . . . YOU!  He just wants you, the real you, the rawest you that you can be.  He wants THAT person so He can show this world how really BIG He is and how much He loves the very essence . . . of every "you" that breathes His gift of life each day.

Father, thank You for wanting to have relationship with the real "us."  Thank You for looking into the very core of who we are to get to the heart of what matters to us.  Forgive us for the superficial lives that we live sometimes and for not spending enough time building our relationship with You.  Help us to focus on what truly matters and to think a little less on the outward us that will return to dust one day.  Help us to be men and women You can call on, and depend on, every day, for all our days.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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