Friday, November 16, 2012

Who Me? – 1 Samuel 9:21

21 Saul answered, "But I'm only a Benjaminite, from the smallest of Israel's tribes, and from the most insignificant clan in the tribe at that. Why are you talking to me like this?"
– 1 Samuel 9:21

Who Me?
Sometimes God gives us assignments or tasks that are just beyond what we think our capabilities are. Has that ever happened to you?  It has to me and it always makes me feel incapable, insignificant, and in need of a miracle each step of the way.  I always find myself asking God questions like Saul was asking Samuel.  In fact, if you keep reading the story, Saul was hiding in the luggage when it came time for his selection as king of Israel.  He REALLY didn't want the assignment!

OK, so here's what I've figured out over the years . . . God knows what He's doing.  He has things planned for our lives that are meant to teach us and to grow us, and to advance us beyond the "us" we see ourselves as.  And His plans will ALWAYS be uncomfortable, inconvenient, and the timing couldn't be worse (according to our understanding of things).

But here's the thing . . . the stress, and the worry, and the sleepless nights as we go through our season of growing under God's watchful eye, will produce fruit in you that you never thought possible.  You will touch people's lives and help generate God worshippers through your obedience to His call.  You will feel the power of His hand moving in and through you to effect world-change.  You will be humbled, and you will feel even more insignificant as you come to grips with how really BIG your God is as you watch Him take your incapabilities and turn them into amazing possibilities.  But with each growing season, as you see the harvest from the seeds that God planted through you, you will start looking forward to the next growing season.  In fact, you just might find yourself asking God to stretch you and to give you one of those Extreme Makeovers – God edition!

So don't be afraid when your pastor asks you to teach, or to give your testimony, or to sing.  The secret is understanding that it isn't about you!  It's all about God, and what He can do through people who are willing to be adventurous and say "YES" to "whatever."  The joy that results will establish in you a trust in God that is so strong, mountain-moving faith will seem more like a definite possibility than just a nice (and scary) story in the Bible.

Father make me into Stretch Armstrong!  Pull me and push me and give me an extreme makeover!  Whatever You want! Whenever You want! However You want!  Help me to grow into the wonder You designed me to be . . . ALL for Your Glory!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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