Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Mystery Writer – 2 Samuel 22:25

25 God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes. 
– 2 Samuel 22:25

The Mystery Writer
What an amazing line of scripture.  I am blown away and somewhat speechless by David's crafting of this prayer.  This one line speaks of my life in 18 carefully chosen words written thousands of years before I was even born.  I imagine, to those reading this, that it pretty much sums up your life too.

How Great is Our God?!

He took the cheap, tawdry, foul-smelling, yellowing and torn pages of my sin-filled heart and He Masterfully crafted a whole new future for me!
Drug addiction . . . DELETE
Hate . . . DELETE
Lying . . . DELETE
Stealing . . . DELETE
Cheating . . . DELETE
Pornography . . . DELETE
Eternity in Hell . . . DELETE . . . DELETE . . . DELETE

THEN!  God took out His pearl-handled, gold-tipped, angel-quilled pen, and in the most beautiful calligraphy every seen, crafted the poetry of my new life in Him.  A life filled with purpose! A life of Power and Victory!  A life of Joy and Promise and Expectation!  

I am God's Masterpiece!

YOU are God's Masterpiece!

Every day, with every breath we take, the God of the universe unveils the mysteries that were written the very second we opened the pages of our hearts to Him.  Do you get that?  Do you understand how beautiful your life really is?  Hey! . . . I know you're just living your dull, everyday, nine-to-five existence; I know you're sick in body and it's all you can do to drag yourself out of bed each day;  I know you're having trouble making the mortgage payments; I know people are talking about you behind your back; I know, I know, I know . . . but Hey! . . . I also know that the very blood that courses through your veins, was poured out straight from Calvary, through the hand of God, into each new chapter of your life!  That's exciting stuff!

So take a moment today to thank God for rewriting the text of your life.  Praise Him for taking the mystery out of your future.  Press in to Him and develop the love relationship He desires more than anything else from you.  No matter what you are going through; no matter who is persecuting you; no matter what the doctors are saying; no matter what . . . let God know that you are grateful and that you love Him today.  He loves it when His children recognize and understand the Love He pours into each sentence, of each paragraph, of each page, of each chapter of the text of our lives.

Father, thank You for rewriting my future.  Thank You for pursuing me!  Thank You for loving me and for revealing Yourself to me.  May my life, today, honor the Joy of Your Salvation.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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