Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mighty Persistant Prayer – 1 Kings 17:21

21 Three times he stretched himself out full-length on the boy, praying with all his might, "God, my God, put breath back into this boy's body!"
– 1 Kings 17:21

Mighty Persistant Prayer
How persistant is your prayer life? When the heavy things of life – the real, nasty, drag-you-down, choke-the-life-out of you disasters, that the enemy has sent your way just so he can watch you squirm, things of life come at you – how do you pray?  Is yours a "one-and-done" kind of prayer?  Maybe it's a quiet, timid, barely audible plea for "breadcrumbs" so you can "endure" or "just get through."  Or . . . do you take a page from Elijah's book of crazy prayer and you pray mighty, shout at the top of your lungs, don't give up until you get an answer kind of prayers?

I've learned over the years that while there are certainly times when a quiet, humble, and reverent prayer is appropriate, the times when life is hardest, and the enemy is breathing down your back, and you're running fast but going nowhere . . . a mighty warriors cry . . . a lose-your-voice shouting session . . . a "I'm not letting go until I get an answer!" time of prayer is necessary.  Letting all your energy go into letting God know how much you need help.

Now don't get me wrong . . . God knows your every need.  He sees, and He knows, and He's ready to bring relief when HIS time is right.  But sometimes, I believe God wants to see your passion.  He wants to see you stand up and fight for your blessing, or your miracle, or your Victory!  He designed you and me with the ability to burst forth from the every-day, self-controlled, politically-correct, prim-and-proper composure that we tend to approach Him with during our "normal" quiet times.  I believe sometimes God wants to see the primal you, and He wants you to see it in yourself.  He wants you to know how passionate you can be when you're backed into the corner of a terrible spiritual battle.  He wants you to see that it is in you to have Victory!  It is in you to be a Kingdom Warrior!  It is in you to release Holy Power and to Rage against the best the enemy can muster!

God created you and me with His passion and with the ability to go beyond ourselves.  Wouldn't it stand to reason that He likes to see us come to Him with everything we have in us – especially when we are facing the terrible things of life?  He put it in us . . . sometimes . . . it's best to just let "it" out . . . for Him.

Father, You created in us the emotion, and the passion, and the ability to be Powerful and Victorious. Help us to get past our inhibitions and to reveal the raw core of who we are when we come into Your presence.  Help us to not be afraid or to think it's inappropriate to show our emotions, especially when we are hurting and need You so badly.  Thank You for hearing from Heaven and for being ever-ready to receive our hearts cry.

Have a Blessed (and passionate) day everyone!

– Richard

1 comment:

  1. Amazing post and Amen. Even Jesus spoke on this when he gave a parable on the persistent woman (Luke 18:1-8).
