Friday, April 5, 2013

The Fantastic Journey – 1 Kings 2:3

3 Do what God tells you. Walk in the paths He shows you: Follow the life-map absolutely, keep an eye out for the signposts, His course for life set out in the revelation to Moses; then you'll get on well in whatever you do and wherever you go.
– 1 Kings 2:3

The Fantastic Journey
Sounds simple right?  Do what God tells you.  Walk in the paths He shows you.  The truth is, however, that it really IS simple.  The problem is, that for a lot of folks, their relationship with God is so superficial that they wouldn't know if they've heard from Him or not; they wouldn't have a clue which path to take, and because of their lack of intimacy with God, they end up going down some very dark and dangerous alleys.

God's Word, the Bible, is the source and the roadmap to our lives.  Unfortunately, for many self-proclaimed "Christians," it sits on a shelf, collecting dust while they wander aimlessly and seemingly without purpose through life.  These are the same people who struggle every day and have difficulty finding true victory in their lives.  The amazing things is that the answers to all and any of their problems is at arms reach, sitting on that shelf, collecting dust.

Oh my friends what a terrible thing to neglect the very source of our daily living.  And it doesn't make sense either!  More thought and research goes into what restaurant to eat at, or what shoes to buy, or what sports equipment will make us better sportsters, than what God is trying to teach us through His written Word.  And I'm sorry, (I know I'm going to upset some folks on this one), watching the Bible series on the HIstory channel does NOT count for anything but an evenings entertainment.

There is a special and unique relationship between how God designed the reading of His Word and the paths and plans He has for each one of us as individuals.  It is in the reading that we absorb His Truth.  It is in the turning of each page that we discover His hidden treasures for each day of our lives.  It is the way He speaks to us as we read, and re-read, and read again, the history of God's love relationship with man . . . HIS-story . . . alive and waiting to be uncovered.  It is the Map-Absolute and the well-marked Signpost which helps us navigate the paths (and there are many) that God has planned for each one of us.

So . . . where is your Bible?  Is it close at hand and are the pages well-worn from digging in?  Or, is it sitting on a shelf collecting dust?  If it's the latter, why not take it down, crack it open, and begin to discover the fantastic journey that God, YOUR God, who Loves you so very much, mapped out for you before you were even born.  Why not get some Victory in your life today by seeing what God has to say, specifically . . . about you?!

Father Thank You for Your Word!  Thank You for giving us the roadmap to Victorious living!  Thank You for the love relationship that lives and breaths in each Word, in each page of Your Holy Book.  Forgive us for setting it aside and neglecting it for so long.  Help us as we crack open the pages and discover who You really are, in the reading of Your life-plan . . . just for us.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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