Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Attitude of Giving – 1 Chronicles 29:14

17 I know, dear God, that you care nothing for the surface – you want us, our true selves – and so I have given from the heart, honestly and happily. And now see all these people doing the same, giving freely, willingly - what a joy! 
– 1 Chronicles 29:17

The Attitude of Giving
I have learned over the years that I derive the greatest joy by giving to the Lord – giving of my time, giving of my talents, and giving of my finances – giving from all that I am . . . from the heart, if you will.  It has become so ingrained in me that it is really more of an instinct than a conscious effort.  I just want to bless others and to let them see that there is such a thing as "no-strings-attached" generosity – a blessing from God, through my willingness to give.  But I had to develop my attitude of giving because some areas were easier to give from than others.

It was easy for me to give money.  I mean, the Bible said do it, so I just did it and I saw the generosity of God in my life and I experienced first-hand how He took my little tithe and blessed me to the point where I tithe more now in a month than the amount of my entire monthly earnings when I first started tithing!  Giving of my talents was also easy.  As an artist (and like all artists), displaying our talent is kind of what we're called to do, but I had no idea how God would take the talent I thought I had, and take it to places I never could have imagined.  He gave new life to my art and showed me how it ministers to people!  

But of all of them, I think that giving of my "Time" was the most difficult "Giving" habit for me to develop.  I am a fairly private person (or I used to be), and I used to relish those days when I could just spend hours of "me" time – away from idle conversations and shop-talk; away from the pressure of having to be "on" all the time, and away from people's expectations.  I could spend hours doing nothing, and to me, that was peace . . . but I was miserable.  But by opening myself up and getting involved, God has taken this "lone ranger" from days past, and He's given me a servant's heart, and now my days are filled with God conversations, and ministering opportunities, and life, and joy, and even though I'm busier now in my 50s than I've ever been . . . I'm more at peace than I've ever been.

So I want to encourage you today – whatever area of "giving" you struggle with, the key is to keep working at it and soon it will become a part of you, and you will become the giving being that God created you to be.  Your weakest area will become one of your strongest, and I'm confident that soon you will be giving all of yourself to God and His work, and you'll be doing it honestly and happily as well.  The great thing about it is that your transformation will be evident to the people who know the old you, and they will see how God is blessing everything you give of yourself to do, and THEY will start doing the same thing . . . giving to God, freely and willingly . . . from their true selves . . . honestly and happily . . . what a joy!

Father, Thank You for giving so freely to us!  Everything we have; everything we can do; everything we are, comes directly from You and your gracious hand.  So now we give back!  We give back from our time, and our talents, and our finances Oh God, with glad and honest hearts, to honor Your example of giving.  What a joy it is to bless others by first blessing You.

Have a Blessed and Giving day everyone!

– Richard

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