Tuesday, November 6, 2012

If the Shoe Fits . . .

7 In the olden times in Israel, this is how they handled official business regarding matters of property and inheritance: a man would take off his shoe and give it to the other person. This was the same as an official seal or personal signature in Israel.
– Ruth 4:7

If the Shoe Fits . . . 
I wonder who the first person to start this strange custom was?  Shoes must have been very important indeed!  We take shoes for granted in America and many of us have closets stuffed full of shoes – tennis shoes, running shoes, golfing shoes, shoes we wear to work in the yard, shoes we wear in rainy weather, dress shoes, slippers, sandals, and maybe a pair of boots or two.  If you're female (and please forgive my generalization), your shoe collection could be quite substantial indeed.  Well . . . back in those days it was just "shoes."  One pair.  That's all - just one pair per person . . . IF . . . you were lucky enough, wealthy enough, and influential enough to afford the luxury of "shoes."

These days we make promises, or we sign promissory notes, and we "Give our word!" In fact, we get quite insulted if our "word' is questioned because it means that we aren't being trusted.  The problem is, especially today, that words don't seem to mean much, contracts are meant to be broken, and bonds is some guy on a movie screen.  So what is really binding in today's terms?  What is strong enough to compel a person to follow through and to accept the terms that have been set?  

The Holy Spirit is what makes the shoe fit every time.  He is the One who compels us to go beyond ourselves and helps build the character we need to be consistent, persistent, committed, trust-worthy people of peace, and children of the Most High God.  On our own, we will fail, our words fall harmlessly on deaf ears, our actions are just so much movement, and our promises can be broken almost as soon as they leave our lips.  But through the Holy Spirit, God reveals His character, and we can't help but strive to reflect the strength, and the resolve, and the hope of our Heavenly Father.

In the olden times, men gave each other their shoes.  Today, we give each other our lives.  We pour out the very core of who we are so that the peace and the love of Christ is revealed through the gift and the sacrifice of ourselves.  We live to serve each other with the bond of the blood of Christ, and we reveal His character because of the character we have developed through the power of His Holy Spirit.  Our word, our promises, our intentions, and our motivations all point in 4-part harmony, to the Father.  

There is no stronger bond.  There is no greater promise.  There is no greater Love.  And in each one of us, there is no greater Joy in purpose than to seek and to know His will.

Shoes do many things, and throughout history they have played many roles, but today . . . our feet are fitted with the Gospel of Peace, the official seal and personal signature of our God the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit who guides us into righteousness.  

And if the shoe fits . . . put it on already!

Father, Your Character is Love.  Your Grace is for everyone.  Your Peace embraces the world.  You guide is into Truth, and You methodically reveal our character as we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit on our journey to knowing Your will.  Help us to be mindful of who we are in You when we interact with each other.  Help us to remember that without You we would fail in our efforts.  Forgive our prideful, self-serving ways and show us how to serve each other with Love, and Grace, and Peace.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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