Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Don't Miss Out! – Judges 8:1

1 Then the Ephraimites said to Gideon, "Why did you leave us out of this, not calling us when you went to fight Midian?" They were indignant and let him know it.
– Judges 8:1

Don't Miss Out!
Has this ever happened to you?  You are serving God, doing what He has put in your heart to do, and because God was doing the work through you, the ministry or the outreach or the event turned out be a big success, with lives and souls changed forever – then . . . after the fact, someone complains to you that you should have let them know what you were doing so they could join and be a part of the miracles God was doing.

It probably wasn't as blatant as the Ephraimites' encounter with Gideon, but I know I have had people tell me, "Oh, if only I'd known you were going to help that widow."  or  "If I had known the choir needed more male voices, I would have joined."  or  "I wanted to help with the church event but I didn't know when it was going on."  or "If I had known that sister so-and-so was so sick, I would have gone with you to visit her before she passed away."  Ouch, ouch, ouch, and OUCH!

In each instance, Grace dictated my replies and I assured them that there would be another opportunity and thanked them for their interest in what God was doing.  The truth is however, that I couldn't be certain that there would be another opportunity.  I mean, who knows the plans that God has for us?  Who knows when He is going to call us home?  The time to get involved is when God is moving, if we can learn to recognize and be in place when and where He is working, then we won't ever miss out, or be left out, and we won't ever regret not being able to take part.

God is always at work all around us.  It's up to us to seek Him out and to align ourselves with His will.  The problem is that we expect God to get in alignment with us and to let us know when He has something in the works so that we can check our schedules and rearrange our plans, IF it's convenient.   But God wants us to forget about our plans. He wants us to throw away our appointment books.  He is looking for NOW kind of people to join with Him in What He is doing, When He is doing it, and How He wants it done.  

Are you up for being that kind of person?  You can be!  It just takes "Want To" ("Desire" in church-speak).  It isn't easy at first, but as you grow your relationship with God, you will find yourself automatically in the right place, at the right time, and equipped with all the tools necessary to be a part of God's great moves in the world around you.
Don't be left out, keep your spiritual work-gloves at the ready, look around and get involved!  God is working!  Won't you join Him and be a miracle?

Father, thank You for the work You are doing all around us.  Forgive us for not being in tune and for not recognizing the call to join in where You are.  Help us to always be in Your shadow, right on Your heels, ready, willing, and eager to do Your work, whatever, whenever, and however You want it done.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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