Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gotta Pay Your Taxes – Exodus 30:15

15 The rich are not to pay more nor the poor less than the half-shekel offering to God, the atonement-tax for your lives.
– Exodus 30:15

Gotta Pay Your Taxes
How much is your sin worth?  I don't mean how much did it cost to do the "deed." whatever it may be, I'm talking about the cost to wipe it clean – zero it out – remove it from the books.

The good news is that it costs nothing.  The price has already been paid for those who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.  But in that freedom that has been so generously and freely given to us, there is a cost – a "decision tax" that we each must make on our own.  Every man, every woman, every person must make this choice for themselves.  You can't be born into it, you can't inherit it from a loved one, you can't buy it, and you can't barter for it.  It has to come from the depths of your heart, from the innermost reality of who you are – your "you" when you are really you.  I like to say it this way . . . When you are alone, by yourself, in the dark with nothing but your thoughts . . . THAT's who you are.  It's THAT person that needs to pay the decision tax – the Atonement Tax – for their life.

More good news:  It doesn't matter how rich you are.  It doesn't matter how poor you are.  God doesn't care if you're white, black, red, yellow, brown, or rainbow-colored.  The cost is the same for everyone.  The price is the same, and the payoff is distributed equally across every living being.  God requires it and He doesn't take into account how good you think you are, because when compared to Him, we are all butt dust (pun intended).

So what is the decision tax and how do you pay it?  Just say "Yes."  Yes to Jesus.  You don't have to do it more than once; you don't have to shout it; you don't have to make a big presentation; you don't even have to dress up in a suit.  You can be a CEO, have a PhD, and an MBA.  You could be jobless, homeless, carless, and toothless.  It doesn't matter who you are, or where you live, or how much Apple stock you have . . . It just takes the simplest and most sincere of contrite hearts, a recognition and confession of who you really are, and then one audible syllable . . . "Yes"

So chances are if you're reading this, you've already paid your taxes. But just in case there's one or two of you who haven't . . . take today to examine who you are.  Get alone with yourself and ask yourself . . . If God called me and my time on this earth was going to end today, would my tax be paid?  Would I be able to justify missing the opportunity?  Would I be too late?

My friend please don't take that chance.  Say "Yes" to Jesus!  Pay your Atonement Tax and from this day forward, you will be paid in full – a Blood-Bought Child of the Most High God!

Father, thank You for giving us each an equal chance for atonement.  I pray for those out there who have yet to pay their tax.  Reveal who You are to them Lord, that they might see who they really are without You.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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