Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Arts and Crafts – Exodus 31:3

3 I've filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him skill and know-how and expertise in every kind of craft
– Exodus 31:3

Arts and Crafts
As a creative person, this scripture sings to me because I know (it's in God's Word), that I have been created to create.  I have been designed to design.  I have been empowered with the Holy Spirit with the capacity to be amazing.  God has done this for each of us – individually, each with our own measure and mix of abilities and gifts – and it's up to us to unwrap and release the full potential that God has so generously given us.

So how do we unleash the creative beast that is within us?  Well, to steal a phrase from Nike, we . . . Just Do It!  That's right . . . just start.  Draw something; write something; sing something; bake something; fix something; organize; theorize; prioritize; do whatever it is that you feel God has put in you to do . . . and do it!  I know for me, one small doodle can turn into an amazingly complex drawing.  I have seen people take a few scraps of cloth and with the vision and skills that God has given them, they have created wonderful articles of clothing.  A chef can take a tomato and create a dish that will generate rave reviews.  An organizer can look at a giant mess, and with the first removal of a piece of paper, an entire plan is set in motion and within a short time, chaos is converted into clean, and neat, and tidy.

You see, we all have potential – God-given potential – to do more than we can do right now.  We can reach heights that are so beyond our imagination, and we can achieve greatness for His Glory by simply initiating a first step.  A beautiful painting is never created until the first dab of paint hits the canvas.  A symphony is never heard unless that first note is played.  A marathon is never won without the first muscle twitch at the sound of the starter's pistol.  Thinking about what you'd like to do is great, but if the thoughts stay in your head then what good are they?  We have to unwrap our gifts, open the box, reach in and grab the potential, and then never put it on a shelf . . . we need to wear it out; use it up; turn it upside down and toss it around.  We need to show the world what the people of God can do when they use the Gifts that God has so freely given to them.  It's our praise to Him.  It's our gift back to the Father, in honor and love for what He has done for us.

Father, thank You for gifting us with amazing abilities.  You are THE Creator, and we are so blessed that You have chosen to allow us a glimpse into Your possibilities.  Help us to be wise and to use the talents You have blessed us with to reflect who You are to the rest of the world.  Forgive us for the times when we neglect Your gift to us and for letting busyness get in the way of realizing our true potential with, through, and in You.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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