Thursday, June 13, 2013

Get Up and Take Charge! – Ezra 10:4

4 "Now get up, Ezra. Take charge - we're behind you. Don't back down."
– Ezra 10:4

The saying goes that the "journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."  This is a wise and true saying, but if I can put my own "twist" on it and apply it to today's scripture, I would change it to read:  The road to Victory—that is already yours in Christ—can only be achieved by getting up off your face and taking responsibility for your life.

It is good to get on your knees before God and pour your heart out to Jehovah Chatsahi (The Lord IS My Strength).  It is wonderful to lay prostrate before the King of Kings and reveal your pain to Jehovah Rapha (The Lord IS My Healer).  It is imperative that you fall on your face in repentance and confess your sins to El Roi (God Who Sees).  And when you are under attack, it is comforting to wrap your arms around the feet of Jehovah 'Uzam (The Lord IS My Strength in Times of Trouble).  All of these can be amazing encounters with God Himself, and they do so much to establish your relationship with HIm; they are oasis times in the middle of the dryness of life, and they do so much in establishing the love-relationship that God so greatly desires with His children.  They are a great place to start . . . BUT . . .

In order to achieve Victory . . . I'm talking all-enduring, never-wavering, in-it-to-win-it, no one's gonna take it, It's-mine-mine-mine-all-the-time-time-time, kind of Victory . . . you have to first get up off your face!  That's the first step in your Victory journey.  That's the starting point at which you take charge of your life.  That's where all those around you who believe in you, and only want to see you succeed, can see for themselves that you mean business, and they can rally around you in support.  It's where the real work begins, and make no mistake about it . . . it's gonna take hard, disciplined, never-backing-down, roll up your sleeves cause it's gonna get messy kind of work.  But all that hard work . . . throwing out the trash of bad habits that have plagued your life . . . or eating and exercising so you can start being healthy (maybe for the first time in your life) . . . or saying goodbye to toxic relationships . . . and without fail – digging into the Word – EVERY day – without fail – E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-A-A-Y-! are going to bring about lasting Victory in your life.  The kind of Victory that not only changes your life, but it changes the lives of everyone who knows you because the Power of God flows freely from everything you do and say.  You might as well change your name to Victor or Victoria because it's who you are and no other word describes you better!

So by all means, take all the time you need on your knees, on your face, sprawled out like a piece of carpet on the carpet, arms wrapped around the feet of Jesus, and pour yourself out like a bucket of rain water all over the throne-room floor.  Cry, and wail, and lament and get "real" with Jehovah - God!  Take your time and tell Him all about the things in your life that you need Victory over.  Press in to your Maker and deepen your love-relationship with Him.  But when it's time . . . and He'll let you know when it's time . . . Get Up!  Take charge of your life!  Embrace the support that God has placed around you!  Don't back down – EVER!  

Your Victory has already been established by the Risen Christ, but getting that Victory is all up to you and your willingness to get up off your face and take what's yours!

Father, thank You for the Victory that is in Jesus!  Thank You for sacrificing so much so that we could become Overcomers and Victorious Warriors.  Thank You for the time when we can spend pouring ourselves out to You, and thank You for the ability to rise up and to grab hold of Your Promises for us.  Forgive us for not taking charge of our own lives and for expecting cheap victory.  Help us to be strong and to take advantage of the support You've placed around us so that we can realize our Victory!

Have a Blessed and Victorious day everyone!

– Richard

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