Monday, May 13, 2013

Stuck Like Glue – 2 Chronicles 15:1

1 Then Azariah son of Obed, moved by the Spirit of God, 2 went out to meet Asa. He said, "Listen carefully, Asa, and listen Judah and Benjamin: God will stick with you as long as you stick with him. If you look for him he will let himself be found; but if you leave him he'll leave you.
– 2 Chronicles 15:1

Stuck Like Glue
Listen carefully!  God will stick with you . . . as long as you stick with Him! Do you understand what that means?  Do you really get it?  Can you grasp the enormity of the truth that just jumped off the pages of scripture?  God . . . OUR God . . . will join Himself to us in such a way that every move we make, every breath we take, every second, of every moment, of each and every day of the rest of our lives will be spent in the embrace of the Creator of the entire universe.  Our God will be with us every step of the way!  No THAT's something worth taking notice of.

If we can truly grasp the meaning of this truth, that no matter what we face – our victories, our failures, our challenges, and through every bit of growing and becoming who HE created us to be, the God who loves us so very much will give us the Grace, and the strength, and the wisdom we need to be successful in this oh-so-temporary life.  When we get the bad doctors' report – we will have the strength and grace we need to see us through; when we become victims of corporate down-sizing – we will have the confidence and the wisdom to get the job God has already set up for us, and the endurance, and the providence, and the faith to see us through while we wait for God's timing to work everything out; when we suddenly lose a loved one, whether through accident or the selfish and misguided acts of evil, our God will give us extra "stick-e'm" to be able to forgive, and to love, and to display His Grace to the rest of the questioning world.

Our victories and our triumphs and success will be so much sweeter because God will give us perspective and the ability to bless others with humility and self-sacrifice.  The value of the Favor of God (the F.O.G.) will be evident to all who witness the blessed life we are living in, and they will look on with wide-eyed wonder at how everything we do just seems to turn golden.  They will want what we have, which will be our opportunity to show them the true God, the One God, the Only God, the God who sticks with those who stick with Him.

So listen carefully! Pay attention! Stick yourself, no matter where you are in life and no matter what this world is throwing at you, to the One who will always be found . . . in front of you, behind you, to every side of you, but especially within you – at your core, your very soul, the you who God created you to be.  God is for you and He is faithful, to always be stuck, just for you.

Father, You are always there and we praise You today, and we thank You for Your Love for us.  Help us Lord, to remember that no matter what we face, whether good or bad, we need only whisper Your name, because You are already there, providing what we need for every situation.  We love You Lord!

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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