Wednesday, May 15, 2013

First Things First – 2 Chronicles 18:4

4 Then Jehoshaphat said, "But before you do anything, ask God for guidance."
– 2 Chronicles 18:4

Before you do anything . . . ANY thing . . . ask God for guidance.  sounds simple right?  I's so simple that we fail to do it, or we half-heartedly do it, or we do it only after we've already done the "thing" and we need guidance for getting us out of the mess we created by doing "it" without Him.

We are a Ready-Fire-Aim / Gotta-have-it-now / Leap-before-you-look kind of people, and I can only imagine how much we grieve the heart of God, who has so much more for us than the "stuff" we settle for because of our impulsive ways.  And believe me, I'm preaching to myself here because I've really had to take a hard look at how much I involve God in my every day life and also what that says about my relationship with my Father in heaven.  I've had to come to grips with the fact that for most of my life, I've acted like a spoiled child, living my life on my terms and pretty much taking for granted that God is OK with me leaving Him out of my decisions.  Shame on me!

BUt I'm guessing I'm not alone on this one.  I would venture to say that most Christians don't really consult with God on their day-to-day decisions.  I would even bet that most don't ask God for guidance on anything.  If we did, His church and His message would be thriving, and things like divorce, and jealousy, and envy, and dissension wouldn't be running amok in the lives of those who have experienced His saving Grace.  We would be strong in this world – a mighty example of how life is supposed to be lived – life with Victory, and Balance, and Prosperity, and Hope.

The problem is that we don't see God as our provider.  Oh, we call Him our provider but we don't really understand what that means, and we aren't willing to accept the fact that He wants to be involved in our lives . . . EVERY aspect of our lives.  We don't BELIEVE that God cares about what kind of car we drive, or where we go on vacation, or what kind of investments we make.  We don't have the faith that God really does want to guide us as we go about our every-day, nothing special, 9-to-5, eke-out-a-living lives. After all, He's got more important things to attend to right?

The fact is, that God wants to be involved in EVERY part of our lives.  He's into details, and He delights in the simple things that we often take for granted.  HE CREATED US!  Every cell in our bodies was specifically, and purposefully, and carefully designed . . . just for us!  Every hair on our head was counted, colored, and patterned. All of our abilities, inabilities, quirks, talents, and ideas, specifically and individually designed so that we could be unique – not another one exactly like us. Wouldn't it stand to reason that He also has plans and ideas for our future and our every need?  He created in us, the desire to achieve things and to enjoy our lives . . .  why then would we expect Him to not want to be involved in how we experience the life He's so generously given us?

So how about it?  Why not start today?  It doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out prayer kind of thing – especially as it becomes a habit in your life – just a short conversation to let God know that you know He's listening, and watching, and waiting for your invitation to let Him guide you into HIS plan for your life.  The more you do it, the more it will become a natural part of who you are, and the greater your love-relationship with the Creator of the universe will become.  You will come to know God in a whole new way . . . HIS way . . . where putting Him first, before anything else, becomes who you are, and not just something you do.

Father, thank You for wanting to be involved in our lives.  Forgive us for leaving You behind as we seek first the things that we want, and not the things that You want for us.  Help us to develop a trusting, believing, love-relationship with You in which we seek You FIRST, before anything else.  Help us to desire Your guidance more than any "thing" this world has to offer.  Thank You Lord, for the gift of Your guidance.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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