Friday, September 28, 2012

I Told You So! – Joshua 1:9

9 "Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take." 
– Joshua 1:9

I Told You So!
God shouldn't have to keep reminding us of the promises He has given us.  As His children, we have to start believing, I mean REALLY believing, EVERYTHING He tells us in His Word.  It's the only way we will have the strength, and the courage, and the boldness to go when He says "Go!"  It's the only way will we ever get to have the love relationship that a father has with his children.  It is the only way to gain Victory in our lives, and to realize the Holy success that God, our Father, has designed for us.

God says you are good – so BE good!
God says you are delivered – so stop making bad choices that keep you in bondage!
God says you can do ALL things – so stop selling yourself short and try!
God says you are His child – so why are you still living like a child of the world?

Faith, belief, trust – all words that seem to have lost their meaning in our society, and it must pain God to have to keep reminding us of the Love that He has for us.  Let's show our Heavenly Father that we truly believe in who He is.  Let's start trusting in His Word!  Let's start demonstrating the Faith in Him that will change the world around us!

God has already commanded us (time and time again) . . . "Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take."

Let's stand on that commandment and that promise starting with today . . . one thought, one act, one person, one moment at a time.  Let's see how our workplace, our home, our community . . . heck, let's see how our country can change because God's people, who are called by His name, really believe He is who He says He is . . . I AM!

Father You are!  You are everything we need, when we need it, exactly how we need it.  You are there before, during, and after.  You are the author, the designer, the executor, the deliverer, and the finisher.  You are everything You have promised us and we ask for Your forgiveness for not believing You.  We repent of this unbelief and we stand on Your Word!  Help us, oh Lord to never be weak, or scared, or timid in our faith.  Thank You for being with us through every step we take!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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