Wednesday, August 8, 2012

When God Makes You Thirsty – Exodus 17

1 Directed by God, the whole company of Israel moved on by stages from the Wilderness of Sin. They set camp at Rephidim. And there wasn't a drop of water for the people to drink.
– Exodus 17

When God Makes You Thirsty
Directed by God . . . and there wasn't a drop of water for the people to drink.  Wow!  I don't know how I've missed that one before.  This is so important in helping us to understand how much God loves us.  He created us with questioning spirits and in-the-moment allegiances so He knows that in order for us to learn how to appreciate great blessings, we first have to go through a desert or two (or three or four).  He takes us on long walks through barren lands so that we can see how utterly futile life would be without Him – and then He does something crazy (to our imaginations), and has someone hit a rock with a stick (so to speak), and all of a sudden we see the greatness of God and our journey takes a turn for the better and He is glorified.

Some of the time, the problems we've walked in to – the bad doctor's report; the unexpected layoff in a bad economy; the inability to pay the mortgage; the sudden and uncalled-for betrayal of a loved one – whatever the "desert" we find ourselves in the middle of, can actually be directed by God.  He puts us there so that we can learn how to rely on Him . . . ALL THE TIME!  Not just when things are peachy and life is good, but every minute of every day.  He wants to get us to a point where He can be God in our lives.  

Do you really get this?  HE IS GOD!  He's not our genie.  He doesn't grant wishes.  He's not here just when we want something or to make our lives easy.  He is God and we are HIS people – we serve Him, not the other way around.  Sometimes we lose sight of that and we expect God to serve us and to make our lives easy.  How sad that must make our Creator, the One who holds our very breath in His hands.

So next time you find yourself in the middle of a crisis, instead of asking God WHY? . . . ask Him HOW?, and WHAT?, and WHERE?.  HOW can you serve Him better?  WHAT can you do to get closer to Him?  WHERE can you serve Him by serving His children (everyone else).  Start looking for the proverbial rock and stick so that He can show you how to spring forth a river that will reveal His great Love and Mercy, not only for you but for everyone you have influence with – your family, your friends, your coworkers, the checker at the grocery store, the guy in the car next to you, pretty much everyone you see and who sees you throughout the days of your life. Let God direct you and then watch Him use you to be an oasis in a dry and thirsty land.

Father, Thank You for directing our paths in and out of the desert.  Forgive our grumbling and our bad attitudes during the times when You are trying to reveal who You really are to us.  Help us to understand and to be willing to sacrifice and to be shaped by You because You are our God – You are our Creator – You are our Source of all life and we desire to grow closer to You and to become the servants You desire us to be.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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