Thursday, August 9, 2012

Listen Up Man! – Exodus 18:24

24 Moses listened to the counsel of his father-in-law and did everything he said.
– Exodus 18

Listen Up Man!
Sometimes we can get so busy doing work for the Lord that we get over-committed and over-worked, and if we're not careful, the work we are trying so hard to do well, becomes ineffective and a whole lot of effort produces very little fruit.

In this story, Jethro (Moses' father-in-law), saw that he was working way too hard and that he was taking on too much responsibility, so he says to Moses:  "Dude! Are you nuts?  Get some people to help you or you're going to burn out!"

I'm sure this was difficult for Moses to do because after all, HE was the one who God called out to from the burning bush; HE was the one who was God's hand in convincing Pharaoh to let the Israelites go; HE was the one who led over a million people through the red sea (on dry ground mind you), and HE was the one who was supposed to be the leader of the whining, complaining, gossiping masses.  It was HIS responsibility, not anyone else's, and I'm sure, even though he cherished his time with God, he also hated the magnitude of the responsibility.  But Jethro had a good plan . . . Delegate!  Get help!  Share the burden!  Grow the ministry and at the same time, grow the people!  The Bible says that Moses listened and then he did EVERYTHING his father-in-law suggested.  Moses was a wise old dude!

There's a great lesson here for us.  Sometimes, in our desire to please God, we can get so wrapped-up in wanting to do things a certain way and we end up shutting people out of what God is doing.  These are the very people that God has placed before us to help us and to show us that collectively, we can be two of His hands instead of just one of His fingers (usually the left thumb).  We need to learn to delegate . . . to let-go . . . to trust and to allow people to make mistakes.  We need to learn Grace, and Patience, and Forgiveness, and most of all . . . we need to learn that it isn't about us.  What?  Whoa there buddy!

I know, I know . . . the work we are doing is about God and doing work for Him right?  But . . . by letting our pride dictate our ownership of God's work, it becomes about us and not so much about Him.  By insisting on controlling every song, or every communion service, or how the bulletins are distributed, or how the ushers do their ushing, or how and when the men eat their breakfasts or the women drink their tea, we are limiting God's ability to move throughout His body.  We are actually robbing other people from realizing their gifting and ministry calling.  We are in essence, telling God, "I know what's best!"  And that's not what pleases God at all.  Our earnest desire to serve Him ends up being a self-serving homage to ourselves.  And believe me, I'm preaching to myself here more than to anyone else.  This one hit me right between the lookers!

So let's take stock at the way we are doing things.  Let's take advice from an old dude named Jethro . . . let's listen to his wise council and then put that wisdom to practical use.  Look around and find some good, God-loving, faithful people to take some of the burden that we've been carrying ourselves.  Let's become effective ministers of the Gospel, doing things God's way, and then stepping out of His way and allowing His people to grow, and to learn, and to become awesome servants of the Most High God.  I think the God whom we are trying so diligently to please, will sit back, breathe a sigh of relief, and nod His approval in our direction.  And we? . . . well, we will be able to watch Him grow our little ministry into an amazing soul-winning machine ( and maybe we can finally have the time to get away for some much needed R&R).  That's what it's all about anyway isn't it?  His people, doing His work, His way.

Father thank You for reminding us that we don't have to do it all ourselves.  You have given us a vision, but You have also placed the resources before us to help complete that vision, and You expect us to make use of the talents You provide.  Help us Lord, to recognize when we need help and to set aside our pride and our controlling ways.  Help us to become servants of others who are serving instead of always wanting things done our way.  Help us to be effective ministers of Your Love, and Grace, and Forgiveness.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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