Monday, April 23, 2012

Sometimes You Just Have To Do It Yourself! – James 5:13

13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.
– James 5:13

Sometimes You Just Have To Do It Yourself!

We all believe in the power of prayer right?  So why is it that we believe in other people's prayers over our own?  I mean no one knows exactly what we need better than we do, and God knows exactly what's going on with us (now and in the future), so why is it that when we are hurting, or sick, or in need of a miracle, we go to others to pray for us before we pray for ourselves?  We should be crying out to God as soon as the need arises, with the faith that God (who loves us by the way), is listening and ALWAYS has our back.

Now, before you get your tail-feathers ruffled, please know that I know that it is scriptural to go to the elders of the church and to be prayed over and anointed with oil . . . BUT, I believe (and it is just my belief mind you), that before going to the elders, we should be seeking God ourselves and believing with all the faith and conviction we can muster, that we have just as much, if not more, healing power in our petitions to our Father than anyone else does . . . but the key is faith - not in the prayer, but in our Father who is hearing that prayer.  It is always good to get the elders and the saints praying and interceding, but I believe that it should start with us.  WE need to be praying for our needs, our healings, our desires, and our mountain-moving miracles.  Our Father (who loves us by the way), wants each one of us to trust in Him so much that He is the first one we go to when we need something . . . anything . . . everything!

Look at it this way – when you have something very good happen to you, you don't go to someone else and ask them to rejoice for you do you?  You don't go to the elders and sheepishly ask them to sing praises to God for the good things that are happening to you do you?  No!  You rejoice!  You sing praises!  You shout to the Lord with a mighty voice and You give Him thanks!  You have the same ability to praise Him as you do to pray to Him.

Today's scripture tells us . . . are you suffering?  Then YOU pray!  Are you happy?  Then YOU sing praise!  I think a lot of times we stay in our suffering for far too long, simply because we don't have the faith that God (who loves us by the way), will hear our simple petitions.  I'm here to tell you that He does and He will!  He wants you to come to Him with every aspect of your life; when you are happy, when you're sad, 
when you're sick, when you're grieved, when you're worried, when you're stressed, when you're freaked-out, when you're mad, and sad, and scared all at the same time.  He wants to be a part of your life – EVERY part of your life (not just on Sunday mornings).  He wants you to trust Him and to know Him and to have faith in Him.  He is your Father, and He loves YOU unconditionally, and completely, and without exception.  Won't you show Him that you understand how this relationship thing works and call out to Him today – no matter what's going on with you?  Oh and by the way, in case you didn't get the "subtle" message, our Heavenly Father Loves us . . . He loves me . . . and He loves you too!

Father, Thank You for ALWAYS being there for me.  I know there have been times when I looked to others to do the asking for me instead of asking myself because I lacked the faith that You would hear my prayers, and I'm so sorry for hurting You like that.  How disappointed You must be when I do that.  I just want You to know how much I love You!  I just want You to know that I am learning to trust and to have faith, not only in my ability to get Your attention, but in Your desire to show me how much You love me!

Have a blessed day everyone!


1 comment:

  1. VERY WELL SAID!! We must have a prayer life of our own!!! We must trust He hears us and He does! How else are going to know He answers our prayers if we aren't praying? don't get me on a rant ;) HUGS!
