Friday, October 26, 2012

Wonder-full! – Judges 13:18 - 19

18 The angel of God said, "What's this? You ask for my name? You wouldn't understand - it's sheer wonder." 
19 So Manoah took the kid and the Grain-Offering and sacrificed them on a rock altar to God who works wonders.
– Judges 13:18 - 19

Isn't it funny how we always try to bring the things of God down to our level in an attempt to try to understand them?  We try to make sense of miracles, explaining them on levels that won't make our minds explode; we try to recognize signs and moves of God so that we can hold revivals and feel better about how "spiritual" we are; we try to interpret scripture so that we can pin-point and be ready when Jesus comes back, and we even try to relate to what heaven will be like based on our understanding of what earth is like, complete with golf courses, sports franchises, our favorite foods, music, and all sorts of other earthly luxuries . . . it all must make God smile and give a knowing wink to the angels and cherubs as we waste so much time trying to figure Him out.

God is mind-blowing, face-melting, jaw-dropping, life-changing WONDER, and He purposefully limited our understanding and He gave us a "Spirit of incapable comprehension" (bet you've never heard of that one), because to understand, to really know, deep down, the mysteries and wonder of God, would render us useless here on earth.  I mean can you imagine if once we got saved we would automatically know, understand, and come-to-grips with the reality of God?  We would do an immediate face-plant and we would be useless to the rest of the world, the weight of the knowledge of all that God is would keep us in a constant state of repentant worship.

God needs us to be able to relate to each other and to walk in the wonder of who He is, together!  He wants us continually seeking and striving to understand.  He loves us so much that He gave us the ability to choose, even though He knew that many would choose against Him.  I mean, if THAT doesn't blow your mind I don't know what will . . . He loves us that much, willing to be ridiculed, and doubted, and denied, and hated, just so that we can get a tiny glimpse of His nature by simply living our lives the way He intended – constantly pursuing a love relationship, with Him.  Our need to understand life's meaning, the very thing that draws us together, and our ability to see our own helplessness, is what brings us wholly into His saving Grace.

So you see, it's OK to question.  It's alright to not know.  It's a good thing to not be able to understand.  That means you're thinking about Him.  You're seeking to know HIm.  You're trying to get close enough to make sense of His love.  You are wondering who He really is and how you fit into His Master plan.  It's good, and it's exactly what He wants from you.  Scripture tells us to "Seek Him first," to "Chase after Him," to "Dwell in Him."  It doesn't say we must understand Him, because we can't.  The more we press in, the more mysterious He becomes and the more we are left, humbled by the "wonder" of His all.

Father, You are a mystery, and Your ways are beyond our ability to understand, and that's OK.  We love discovering how much we don't know the more we get to know You.  You are truly wonderful.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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