Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It Just So Happens . . . – Ruth 2:1

1 It so happened that Naomi had a relative by marriage, a man prominent and rich, connected with Elimelech's family. His name was Boaz. 
– Ruth 2:1

It Just So Happens . . .
As a Graphic Designer, I have to be constantly developing ideas that will fit into one cohesive design that makes sense to someone else.  It isn't always easy because what makes sense to me doesn't always translate when someone else looks at my work.  One of the ways I stay focussed on clearly communicating my ideas is to always be mindful of the number one rule of design:  Every element of the design must have a purpose in completing the overall design.  Every graphic, every color, each sentence, and even the size of the page, needs to clearly answer the question, "Does my being here achieve the goal of the final piece?"

As THE Designer, the MASTER Craftsman of ALL things, God's designs make sense . . . ALWAYS!  Our minds are too small (no mater how big a "noggin" we have) to even begin to comprehend God's purpose for each of us, but there is one thing I do understand –  God's designs don't just "happen."

So when I see statement in the Bible like the opening of today's scripture: "It so happened that . . ."  I have to imagine God winking slyly as He, by and through His Holy Spirit, dictates the stories that make up His Word to His children (us).  You see, nothing in our lives "just so happen."  There are no coincidences, no "chance" encounters, and no "happy" accidents.  God sets things in motion with each birth, and each death, and each struggle, and every triumph and victory – it's ALL part of God's purpose.  In the big scheme, end-game, overarching accomplishment that God has purposed to complete, WE, you and I, are here for a reason.  We matter!  God needs us!

Now don't get excited, I didn't say God needs our help, I said God needs us.  He needs us to be who He created us to be.  He needs us to learn who He is and to grow our relationship with Him so that He can show us how we fit into His grand plan for mankind.  He needs us to be the best "us" we can be, the way He designed us (not the way Hollywood thinks of us or wants us to think about ourselves).  He loves us, just the way He made us, and we are whole and complete when we are in complete relationship with Him.

It just so happens that the God who set each star in it's specific place in the universe, and hand-colors every flower and blade of grass that carpets the earth, shaped, and molded, and masterfully crafted, each fold and wrinkle on your body and counted every hair on your head.  He carefully selected the length of your nose and hand-colored each eye.  He gave you thoughts, and ideas, and He even hand-picked your laugh and the sound of your voice.  He also gave you abilities and talents and He put you in situations to develop and to grow them . . . all so that He could have a relationship with you.  

It just so happens that He wants you right here, right now because He has a plan, and even though it may not be clear what that plan is yet, you are a critical part of His overall design.  And God's designs just so happen to be . . . perfect!

Father, You are the maker of ALL things.  Thank You for our lives Lord.  Thank You for making us perfectly and uniquely Yours.  Forgive us for wanting to be molded into the image of this world and for pursuing things that aren't of You.  Help us to be wise and mindful when we are straying away from relationship with You.  We desire to be always in perfect alignment and in place where You want us.  All for Your Glory.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Monday, October 29, 2012

Whats the Big Idea? – Judges 14: 3-4

3 His parents said to him, "Isn't there a woman among the girls in the neighborhood of our people? Do you have to go get a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?" But Samson said to his father, "Get her for me. She's the one I want - she's the right one." 
4 (His father and mother had no idea that God was behind this, that He was arranging an opportunity against the Philistines. At the time the Philistines lorded it over Israel.)
– Judges 14: 3-4

Whats the Big Idea?
Do you know what God is doing?  Do you have any idea?   God's idea is THE Big idea – ALWAYS!  There really isn't any other idea that compares!  Have you even taken the time to think about it?  I have to admit that I haven't always had my "Spiritual ear" to the ground, straining to hear the vibrations of God's hand working here and there.  For most of my Christian life I just went about my daily doings, clueless and content in my own walk and my Salvation.

Then a concept of my life was presented to me this way by a mentor:  Do you realize that you're not just living your life?  You think you are, but God is always working – He's leading you through experiences, and He's bringing other lives together around you so that His purpose can be carried out . . . IF, you are in tune and know the sound and the call of His voice.

I was thrown for a loop on that one!  I'd never thought of it like that but it made sense.  God is always at work so why wouldn't He have plans for someone like me?  I mean, why else would He have called me at such a specific time in my life?  The same for you too!  You were called and saved at precisely the time God wanted to start your training, to accomplish His purpose in and through your life.  We all were . . . Praise God!

The opportunities that God is arranging will go on with, or without us.  Wouldn't it be something if we were able to recognize where God is working so that we could join with Him in His work?  The roadblocks that seem to hinder our efforts in ministry would cease to exist because God would be clearing the way and leading us where, when, and how He wants to minister to people.  

Can you imagine how this world could change if we started each day asking ourselves, "Lord, what's the Big idea?"  

Father, help us to recognize where You are working so we can join with You.  Forgive us when we try to put our own ideas ahead of Yours, we are trying but we recognize that our own efforts fail where Your work changes lives forever.  Help us to recognize when we are getting ahead of Your plans so that we can get back in line and let You lead the way.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wonder-full! – Judges 13:18 - 19

18 The angel of God said, "What's this? You ask for my name? You wouldn't understand - it's sheer wonder." 
19 So Manoah took the kid and the Grain-Offering and sacrificed them on a rock altar to God who works wonders.
– Judges 13:18 - 19

Isn't it funny how we always try to bring the things of God down to our level in an attempt to try to understand them?  We try to make sense of miracles, explaining them on levels that won't make our minds explode; we try to recognize signs and moves of God so that we can hold revivals and feel better about how "spiritual" we are; we try to interpret scripture so that we can pin-point and be ready when Jesus comes back, and we even try to relate to what heaven will be like based on our understanding of what earth is like, complete with golf courses, sports franchises, our favorite foods, music, and all sorts of other earthly luxuries . . . it all must make God smile and give a knowing wink to the angels and cherubs as we waste so much time trying to figure Him out.

God is mind-blowing, face-melting, jaw-dropping, life-changing WONDER, and He purposefully limited our understanding and He gave us a "Spirit of incapable comprehension" (bet you've never heard of that one), because to understand, to really know, deep down, the mysteries and wonder of God, would render us useless here on earth.  I mean can you imagine if once we got saved we would automatically know, understand, and come-to-grips with the reality of God?  We would do an immediate face-plant and we would be useless to the rest of the world, the weight of the knowledge of all that God is would keep us in a constant state of repentant worship.

God needs us to be able to relate to each other and to walk in the wonder of who He is, together!  He wants us continually seeking and striving to understand.  He loves us so much that He gave us the ability to choose, even though He knew that many would choose against Him.  I mean, if THAT doesn't blow your mind I don't know what will . . . He loves us that much, willing to be ridiculed, and doubted, and denied, and hated, just so that we can get a tiny glimpse of His nature by simply living our lives the way He intended – constantly pursuing a love relationship, with Him.  Our need to understand life's meaning, the very thing that draws us together, and our ability to see our own helplessness, is what brings us wholly into His saving Grace.

So you see, it's OK to question.  It's alright to not know.  It's a good thing to not be able to understand.  That means you're thinking about Him.  You're seeking to know HIm.  You're trying to get close enough to make sense of His love.  You are wondering who He really is and how you fit into His Master plan.  It's good, and it's exactly what He wants from you.  Scripture tells us to "Seek Him first," to "Chase after Him," to "Dwell in Him."  It doesn't say we must understand Him, because we can't.  The more we press in, the more mysterious He becomes and the more we are left, humbled by the "wonder" of His all.

Father, You are a mystery, and Your ways are beyond our ability to understand, and that's OK.  We love discovering how much we don't know the more we get to know You.  You are truly wonderful.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Don't Miss Out! – Judges 8:1

1 Then the Ephraimites said to Gideon, "Why did you leave us out of this, not calling us when you went to fight Midian?" They were indignant and let him know it.
– Judges 8:1

Don't Miss Out!
Has this ever happened to you?  You are serving God, doing what He has put in your heart to do, and because God was doing the work through you, the ministry or the outreach or the event turned out be a big success, with lives and souls changed forever – then . . . after the fact, someone complains to you that you should have let them know what you were doing so they could join and be a part of the miracles God was doing.

It probably wasn't as blatant as the Ephraimites' encounter with Gideon, but I know I have had people tell me, "Oh, if only I'd known you were going to help that widow."  or  "If I had known the choir needed more male voices, I would have joined."  or  "I wanted to help with the church event but I didn't know when it was going on."  or "If I had known that sister so-and-so was so sick, I would have gone with you to visit her before she passed away."  Ouch, ouch, ouch, and OUCH!

In each instance, Grace dictated my replies and I assured them that there would be another opportunity and thanked them for their interest in what God was doing.  The truth is however, that I couldn't be certain that there would be another opportunity.  I mean, who knows the plans that God has for us?  Who knows when He is going to call us home?  The time to get involved is when God is moving, if we can learn to recognize and be in place when and where He is working, then we won't ever miss out, or be left out, and we won't ever regret not being able to take part.

God is always at work all around us.  It's up to us to seek Him out and to align ourselves with His will.  The problem is that we expect God to get in alignment with us and to let us know when He has something in the works so that we can check our schedules and rearrange our plans, IF it's convenient.   But God wants us to forget about our plans. He wants us to throw away our appointment books.  He is looking for NOW kind of people to join with Him in What He is doing, When He is doing it, and How He wants it done.  

Are you up for being that kind of person?  You can be!  It just takes "Want To" ("Desire" in church-speak).  It isn't easy at first, but as you grow your relationship with God, you will find yourself automatically in the right place, at the right time, and equipped with all the tools necessary to be a part of God's great moves in the world around you.
Don't be left out, keep your spiritual work-gloves at the ready, look around and get involved!  God is working!  Won't you join Him and be a miracle?

Father, thank You for the work You are doing all around us.  Forgive us for not being in tune and for not recognizing the call to join in where You are.  Help us to always be in Your shadow, right on Your heels, ready, willing, and eager to do Your work, whatever, whenever, and however You want it done.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gonna Blow my Trumpet! – Judges 7:16

16 He (Gideon), divided the three hundred men into three companies. He gave each man a trumpet and an empty jar, with a torch in the jar.
– Judges 7:16

Gonna Blow my Trumpet!
Do you remember the Gong Show?  That crazy talent/no talent show where three celebrity judges would hit a large gong if the act was particularly bad, and the act that got the most points from the judges would win the grand prize of $516.32 and a trophy.  Well . . . in that TV series, there was a repeat act called Larry and His Magic Trumpet.  Larry would come out and repeatedly sing "I'm gonna play my trumpet . . . I'm gonna play my trumpet . . . I'm gonna play my trumpet Noooowwww!" but he would never get around to playing it, he would just repeat the song over and over until the curtain was closed on him.

So what does all that have to do with today's scripture?  Not much really, only that Gideon running around with a trumpet reminded me of that Gong Show act because the situation (to me), was that comical.  I mean c'mon – REALLY? – you gotta be kidding . . . right?  Here's 300 guys, going into battle, against an army so large that to try to number their camels was like trying to count the grains of sand on the sea shore!  Just their CSD (Camel Sanitation Department), would have numbered in the thousands, and these 300 guys were going to surround hundreds of thousands of men (my estimation), armed with trumpets and lanterns?  WOW!

I must say however, that I often feel as inadequate as those 300 must have felt.  I look at the situation in front of me and I pray, "Lord . . . I am so ill-prepared for this task.  I have no clue as to how to even approach the problem in front of me.  I'm just a man, trying to walk this Christian life as best as I can, and I know I make way too many mistakes.  Why are You asking me to do this?"

Oh me of little faith.  I'm learning though.  I've seen God come through time-after-time.  I'm able to trust more and more and instead of questioning "why" and "how" so much, I'm learning to rely and to just keep moving forward.  Is it scary sometimes?  Sure.  Am I still ill-equiped to handle the task?  Yes, but with each instance, better equipped than before.  Does God let me know the outcome ahead of time?  Not a chance, but I now know that as long as I am seeking and nurturing my relationship with Him, He won't fail me.  He will work out the details and He will make the way clear exactly at the time I need the clarity.

It's a trust thing.  God wants us to learn to trust Him.  He wants us to let Him drive and He'll get us to where we need to go and at precisely the right time that we need to be there.  He'll navigate the journey and steer us clear of any hazards along the way.  We can't be back-seat drivers though, trying to give God directions and letting Him know we would do it differently.  All we have to do is keep moving forward, with Him in front, and us taking the back seat to everything He does.

From time-to-tiome that might mean taking up a trumpet when a sword might seem the logical choice.  He might want us to sit and silently pray, when speaking our mind would at least let people know our ideas.  He could be calling us to serve and to follow, when leading would certainly get the job done more efficiently (in our opinion).  God is into doing things differently. It's just His way.  He doesn't need us trying to figure out His next move so that we can try to "fit" into His plans.  He just wants us to sit in the passenger seat and go where He takes us, even if it mean traveling a route that doesn't seem to make sense.

So if God says play the trumpet, or teach the Sunday School class, or be a part of the Christmas drama, or do some yard work for someone who can't do it anymore, or tithe even though you think you're broke, or give to someone who doesn't have . . . then DO it!  Don't try to figure it out or question if it's really God.  DO it!  Then repeat the process, each time trusting and obeying, trusting and obeying.  Let's see what God can do through us when we stop questioning Him all the time, and jut do what He asks us to do.

Father, Your ways are not our ways.  Your methods don't need to make sense to us.  Your work is before us and we are Your workers, so Father, thank You for trusting us with Your work.  Forgive us for questioning and for doubting.  Help us to be more trusting and to be willing to obey, even when things don't make sense.  We do it out of love and devotion to You.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rest Assured . . . – Judges 6:23

23 But God reassured him (Gideon), "Easy now. Don't panic. You won't die."
– Judges 6:23

Rest Assured . . .
Life is tough.
Bad stuff happens.
People disappoint.
It'll all be OK.

OK - now that THATs out of the way, let's realize that we are all knuckle-heads just trying to do the best we can with our broken, battered, prideful, best-intentioned 3-toed, pigeon-footed efforts.  Yes ALL of us!  You and me included.

Now the cool thing is, that God is Ok with that.  Huh?  Let me explain: God isn't looking for perfect people.  If He was, He'd be looking for a long, long time.  He's smarter than that – I mean, He created us after all – and He purposefully gave each one of us the capacity to do great things (with His help), and the ability to be downright foolish (when we do things our own way).  He KNOWS that even though we think we are doing good, we are going to hurt someone along the way.  He understands!  And despite our best efforts that keep proving how incapable we are, He STILL wants to use us and to prove to us that as long as we allow Him to be God, He will show us who He really is, and He will do amazing things through us.

God is not angry at you for making mistakes.  But He does want you to realize the mistakes you've made and understand that consequences are real and must be accepted.  But when we get on our knees before Him, and He reveals His plan, giving us a glimpse of His true nature, and the possibilities of greatness that lie ahead, the awesome weight of how incapable and inadequate we are to be having that moment with Him, will bring a panic and a fear of failure.  And believe it or not, that's a good thing.

That's when God smiles, lifts us off our knees, dusts us off, and reassures us, saying: "Easy now. Don't panic. You won't die."

He doesn't say it won't be difficult; He doesn't promise roses and pink begonias;  He won't sugar coat the fact that we are about to be pressed, and twisted, and bent out of shape a little;  He knows that we will need His help when our friends and loved ones hurts us, and accuse us, and mock us and ridicule our actions for Him.  But none of that is going to kill us.  There's no need to freak out, because He has everything under control.  If we will just stick with Him and allow Him to carry out His plan, we will grow stronger, and He will be Glorified, and the world will see what God can do through willing knuckleheads like us.

Father, thank You for reassuring us this morning.  Thank You for still wanting to use people like us and for understanding our flaws and our mis-guided ways.  Help us to do everything with Your heart in mind.  Help us to be less hurtful, and prideful, and opinionated and to take the railroad tie out of our eyes so we can see each other more clearly.  Forgive us Lord, for making messes and help us to peacemakers and overcomers . . . for You.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Thursday, October 18, 2012

C'Mon Man! – Judges 4:8-9

8 Barak said, "If you go with me, I'll go. But if you don't go with me, I won't go." 
9 She (Deborah) said, "Of course I'll go with you. But understand that with an attitude like that, there'll be no glory in it for you. God will use a woman's hand to take care of Sisera."
– Judges 4:8-9

C'Mon Man!
Deborah, a prophetess/judge over Israel has just told this guy Barak that God clearly told her that He (God) commanded him (Barak) to take ten armies and prepare for battle and that He (God) would make sure the enemy was in the right place at the right time, and that He (God), would win the battle for him (Barak).
Pretty awesome huh?  God is going to take care of things, and Israel will once again get to see the mighty power of God through the obedience of one man!

So what does this knucklehead do?  He tells the prophetess that the only way he will go is if she goes with him.  WHAT?!  Are you kidding me?  C'mon Man!  I mean God is going to do all the work!  All this guy has to do is show up and be obedient in order to get the victory, but he'd rather show his passive, insecure, non-beieving side and draw strength and courage from the woman delivering the message.

Now while we shake our heads in disbelief at Balak's spineless and faithless actions, the truth, if we're completely honest with ourselves, is that we all have been there, and we all have done that, and some of us are probably right smack-dab in the middle of this very same behavior.  "No Way!" you say?  "Not Me!" you shout?  Hmmm.  Do you want to take a minute and reflect on your willingness to do whatever God says, even if it's clearly outlined and spelled out, and written in red letters so they can't be missed?

God's Word, the Bible, is His guarantee to us that He is in control and that He has taken care of all the details.  He's even given us countless examples of the stuff we have gone through, or will ever go through so that we can identify with and learn from the mistakes of people like Balak.  But most of the time, we only believe a little bit, or we find the stories and examples that justify and fit our rebellious behavior, neglecting the rest of the story that points out and condemns our actions and attitudes.

Things like lust, addictions, laziness, passivity, anger, foul language, bitterness, and pride, are all behaviors and attitudes that keep us from realizing the victory God has already prepared for our lives.  None of those in your wheel-house?  Hmmmm . . . OK, what about unforgiveness? There's one I think we can all say we've had to do battle with.  My point is, what it all boils down to is that all of these things are results of unbelief and disregard for the Word that has been given us, straight from the mouth of God Himself.  And I'm not saying that any of us should be perfect, because we can't be.  

All I'm saying is that if we really believe, I mean really and truly believe, down to the deepest core of our being, those attitudes and behaviors should be falling off of us like huge oak leaves in October.  We should be leading the charge, carrying God's Word and standing firm in the face of battle and not hiding behind It, weakly and meekly pulling it off a dusty shelf when the enemy has us pinned to the ground.

As Christians, examples and representatives of our Risen Christ to this lost and hurting world, it is imperative that we stand on our belief in God and His Word to us.  No wavering, no if's, or but's, no doubts or concerns.  Just belief – 100% of every word, all the time, and in every situation.  If we don't, God will find someone who will . . . someone willing to say, "Yes! I Believe!  I will go!  I will serve!"  The plain and simple truth is that God will be glorified with, or without us.  Wouldn't you rather be the leader He designed you to be, than the one picking through the leftovers after everyone has gone?

Father, thank You for already winning the battle.  Help us Lord, to have the strength and the courage, and the conviction, and the trust and belief in Your Word to stand with You when You call on us.  Please forgive us for the times when we are timid and unsure.  We need You Lord.  We say "Yes" to You today!

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Art of War – Judges 3:1-2

1 These are the nations that God left there, using them to test the Israelites who had no experience in the Canaanite wars. 
2 He did it to train the descendants of Israel, the ones who had no battle experience, in the art of war.
– Judges 3:1-2

The Art of War
Are you battle-tested?  Have you come out victorious after being attacked by the enemy?  Have you seen first-hand, the power of God – working through you – to defeat the devil's plans to destroy you, your family, your future?  If you've lived as a Christian for any amount of time, I'd venture to say that you have . . . but do you know that you have?  Do you recognize and understand that what you've walked through was a spiritual battle?  A testing?  A scar to remind you of the fight and the victory?

Those scars, the healed-over marks that were once gaping wounds in your life, are the experience you need to do battle in the future.  They serve as training for the next test, which will certainly be tougher and more difficult to endure than the last one, or ten, or 20.  They give you the "street-cred" to make the enemy have to re-strategize his plan of attack because he knows that you have God on your side, but most important . . . that you know you have God on your side.

Your understanding of Who God is and the relationship you've built with Him is the key to mastering the art of spiritual warfare.  God has purposefully allowed the enemy to take up camp all around you – in your neighborhood, at work, in your family, even at church so that you can become strong in Him, and weak in your own ability.  He needs to get you to a place where your fiercest battle posture, is one of surrender; your mightiest weapon, is brokenness; and your mightiest war-cry, are three whispered words . . . Lord help me.

The art of God's war through your life is total and complete dependance on Him.  Where the deepest scars you carry are the ones on your knees that are in a constant state of healing over.  Your continuous prayer, to Him, in all things, in every situation, are the armor-plating you need to win the day.  His Word, open and always present in your heart and on your lips, is the baddest weapon ever seen on this earth.  His Holy Spirit, living, and breathing in you, is a guaranteed victory over any enemy, anywhere, any time!  God!  Abba-Father!  El Shaddai!  El Elyon!  Yahweh!  Yahweh Jireh!  Yahweh Nissi!  Yahweh Shammah!  No matter what you are facing God is there for you, ready to come through . . . IF you know the battle strategy.

The battle is God's, but He needs you to know, and understand, and have faith that He brings victory!  He settles disputes!  He provides the way!  He is life abundant!  No other way – just His way.  THAT's the Art of War and  THATs the road to victory!

Father thank You for the victory!  Thank You for fighting our battles when we let You.  And thank You for the testing Lord, because it's in the testing that we can see how really big You are.  Forgive our unbelief and our attempts to fight without You Lord.  Help us to remember that our strength, our hope, and our very lives are in and with and for You Lord.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lip Service – Joshua 24: 21, 23

21 But the people told Joshua: "No! No! We worship God!" 
23 Joshua said, "Now get rid of all the foreign gods you have with you. Say an unqualified Yes to God, the God of Israel."
– Joshua 24: 21, 23

Lip Service
This bit of scripture is amazing to me, yet at the same time, it hits home in a real and troubling way.  I'm talking about the lip service we give to God, and to those we want to think we live "Christian" lives, and to those we don't want to know we live Christian lives . . . WHAT?  Ouch!

That's right, for the most part, we sit on way too many fences (depending on our circumstances), and I have to wonder what God really thinks about our devotion to believing, and following His ways – His desire for a true love relationship with Him, and His design and overall plan for a people who will honor His name.

In this story, Joshua is trying to tell Israel that they don't measure up and that they serve way too many other gods.  But Israel denies Joshua's claim and vehemently assert that they worship the One True God.  Then Joshua, wise old Joshua, hits them where it hurts and basically tells them, "Look, if you say you worship God, then get rid of all the gods in your life that not only offend God, but keep you from really knowing who God is.  I mean REALLY, after all He's done for you and you are still holding on to those useless things!"

You see God knows and sees and hears EVERYTHING!  You can't hide your unholy obsessions.  You can't cover up your "secret" sin.  You can't be a liberal conservative, a push-me-pull-you, a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a two-faced, hot and cold, in-and-out, on and off again kind of believer.  You can't be one thing to your non-Christian friends, and then be all "Christian-like" in church, and then go home and be who you really are, and think it pleases God.  You just can't!  It will catch up to you and it will ruin you in the end.

God is looking for a people who are committed to pursuing a real and true love relationship, with Him.  Not for Him, not because of Him, not sometimes Him . . . but a real, genuine, 24-hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for all of the rest of your years, relationship where HE is God, and His Word IS Truth, and HE is your All-in-All, your first and last, your very reason for getting out of bed every morning.

God wants that from His children, and it must tear His heart to pieces because all of us – that's right I said ALL OF US – fall way short.  Wouldn't you like to be the one who surprises God?  The one who starts to end the broken pieces of God's heart and who gives HIM hope that His children really do love Him?  What an awesome thing that would be, and I really don't think it would be that difficult.  It would just take giving up the things that we want that really have nothing to do with Him; the things that take our time away from HIm; the "gods" that we have, and hold, and visit, and give time and pay attention to, more than Him.  Would that be too difficult?

How about starting today?  Take inventory of the things that keep you from pursuing and experiencing God.  Start with just getting rid of one – it's a start right?  Just one "god" in the trash with no regret or second-guessing.  If we all do just one, I know God will be pleased, and it will start a journey to getting rid of two, then three, then all the rest.  THEN, we will be able to confidently say . . . "No! No! We worship God!"

Father, it is our desire to worship You.  We have let other gods into our lives and we know we need to get rid of them.  Help us Lord, reveal those things in our lives that are unpleasing to You and that we need to throw away in order to grow closer to You.  Forgive us for giving our time and attention to them over You Lord.  Forgive our sin.  May this day, be the first day, that You see a change in our lives, towards You.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard