Friday, June 22, 2012

If I Had A Hammer . . . – 1 Corinthians 3:10

10   Using the gift God gave me as a good architect, I designed blueprints;
       Apollos is putting up the walls. Let each carpenter who comes on the
       job take care to build on the foundation!
       – 1 Corinthians 3:10

If I Had A Hammer . . .
Have you ever tried to build something big without any help?  How about without any plans?  If you have, then I'm sure you quickly found out that just because you have an idea in your head, it doesn't easily translate into a finished product.  If you're like me, you've probably had to call in the help of skilled craftsmen to fix the messes you've made of things, and the cost usually ends up being more than if you'd just called them in the first place.  Now, I must say that I'm fairly handy and I'm pretty good with basic carpentry, but electrical work is something that I've learned (the hard way) not to mess with. So over the years, I've learned that there are some things I can do myself, and then there are things that I need to call in the help of skilled professionals. 

That's how it is in the church.  There are some things we can do, and then there are some things we need to let people who are more qualified and/or gifted do.  It's the combination of people's gifts that help our church work successfully for the community that God has placed us in.  We each have our own unique talents and abilities, and we need to find out what they are and how best to use them so that the church can function the way it's supposed to. When everyone is doing their part – from the Greeters and Ushers, to the Tech Team, the Musicians, and even the people who put out the coffee and donuts – all the way up to the Church Board, Pastors, and Head Pastor, the end result is a healthy fellowship and a beautifully crafted house that is built according to the plans and design of the Master Craftsman.

So what gifting has the Holy Spirit given you?  What desire has God designed specifically for you?  If you know the answer to those questions, then how are you using that gift within your church?  Are you honing your skills and becoming a master craftsman?  Are you being obedient to God’s Word and building on the foundation of Christ to strengthen your brothers and sisters, and to help your church be a lighthouse in the community?  If so then I want to encourage you to keep going and keep growing.  If not, then why not?

if you don’t know what your gifting is, then it’s time you found out.  Talk to your Pastor about how you can learn what your gifting is.  Pray to the Holy Spirit to reveal what God has specifically designed just for you to do.  Ask Him to show you the ministry and the people that you are supposed to be blessing with your newly found gifts.  Pray and then pray some more, He will be faithful to turn you into a skilled craftsman for Christ – if you are willing and you sincerely desire to do your part and help build something beautiful – for Him.

Lord, thank You for the gifts that You have given me.  Thank You for placing me in a church where I am learning how to use those gifts.  I pray that my brothers and sisters will find how best to use their talents and abilities to help build an amazing church community, according to Your plans and design.

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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