Tuesday, May 22, 2012

True Happiness – Psalm 32:1-2

1 Happy are those whose sins are forgiven, TruHappiness. 
2 Happy is the one whom the Lord does not accuse of doing wrong and who is free from all deceit.
–  Psalm 32:1-2 (Good News Translation)

True Happiness

Have you ever noticed that people who are constantly in turmoil and/or trouble attribute their constant state of woe to not being "happy?"  They are constantly looking for happiness, but they just can't seem to find it!  They go from thing to thing, thinking that the new "thing" is THE thing that will finally bring them the happiness they seek.  The problem is, that soon that "thing" loses its flavor and the temporary excitement of finally finding "it" is replaced by more sadness and depression.  It's a vicious cycle and it is very sad to know that there are so many that seek to be happy by accumulating "things" instead of looking up, and letting go.

You see it's only when we "let go" of our own wants and desires, and we look up and forward to what God wants for us and needs us to do, that we put ourselves in position to realize true happiness.  It is only by coming to the saving Grace of Jesus Christ that we can realize true happiness – anything else is just temporary and meaningless.  The freedom that we can realize when we finally get what living "in" Christ means is the only way to truly live happy and contented lives.  That is not to say that we will never be sad, or experience tragedy or depression . . . it IS to say that when our time of weeping or sadness or depression is over, the joy of the Lord will strengthen us back to a time of peace, and excitement, and yes, happiness.

The Bible tells us that there is a time for everything, and our lives will always experience cycles of opposites.  Highs and lows, light and dark, big and little, alive and dead, sick and well, sad and happy – the time for these is appointed to each one of us, but the one constant, the one truth, the one promise we can hold on to, is our place with Jesus for all eternity. THAT is our source of happiness and nothing the world can throw our way can take it away from us.  

Now, then . . . those of us who have found and accepted that truth, are required to share that hope with those who don't have it yet.  I heard (on the radio I think), someone posing it this way:  If you suddenly found the cure for all cancer, would you not be obligated to share it with the world?  Would you not be excited to share it? We have the cure for death itself!  We have the answer to finding true happiness!  Now WE have to have the boldness to share it. 

Are we sharing the secret to happiness?  Are we making a difference in this world?  Maybe if we spent a little less time feeding our own walk, we could find a little more time to help someone else find the happiness they are so desperately seeking.  I know I am as guilty of this as anyone. It is so much easier to focus on my own need to get as close as I can to Christ, but I need to balance that with feeling the need to share that closeness and His love with those around me.  So that's what I'm working on . . . will you join me? Maybe, just maybe, we can help the world find the true happiness that keeps eluding them.

Lord, I thank You for the true happiness that You have given me.  I thank You for  being my source of joy and for making my life wonderful.  I thank You for bringing balance to all my days and for being my life Source.  I pray Lord, that I can be a difference in someones life today and that I can be the light that puts them on the path to finding their own salvation and ultimate happiness.  Forgive my busy-ness in Your name Lord.  In my attempt to serve, I have wound up serving myself, and while I so enjoy growing to know You and learning how to live as a Christian, I realize that I may need to lighten the load I have placed on myself, and focus more on finding the fire that compels me to share Your love and happiness with the rest of the world.  

Have a blessed day everyone!

– Richard

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