Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Serenity Now!

27 "Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you.  I do not give it as the world does.  Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid."
– John 14:27

Where do you find your peace?  I used to have a hard time understanding what "Peace" really was.  I grew up in so much turmoil and violence that it was just a word to me.  When I first met my wife she used to always talk about having a "peace" about something.  I couldn't understand what she was talking about.

It wasn't until I got a revelation after reading the story of Christ asleep in the boat while the sea raged around Him – everyone else in the boat was in a panic, that I realized we can only truly experience "peace" when there is turmoil – the exact opposite of peace  (I had read this story hundreds of times before but one day I "got-it").  Just like in this world, there can be no light without darkness, or good without evil – we can never truly experience the peace of Christ until we are in the middle of a storm.

The idea of life being peaceful – no struggles or conflicts, just green meadows and blue skies – that is not peace, it's stagnation.  Still water may look peaceful but if it is still for too long, parasites and bacteria begin to take over and it quickly becomes a swamp.  We need turmoil and the struggles of this world to help us to continue to grow and to trust in Christ – to be able to fully rely on Him and to find His Peace.  It is a process but as we learn to rest in Him, in the midst of our trials, we become stronger – in our faith, in our love, and in our ability to rest – peacefully in His arms.

Lord, thank You for giving us the ability to rest in You and to find peace in the midst of our struggles.  Help me to remember Your restful arms when I am starting to get agitated or panicky or when my life seems to be facing too many obstacles and I feel like things are out of control.  Help me to recall the image of You sleeping in the boat when the world was raging all around You so that I can take a deep breath and curl up beside You and rest in Your Peace . . . as the world rages on.

Have a Peaceful and Blessed evening everyone!

– Richard

Monday, February 1, 2016

Serve God to Get Your Answer

14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
– Psalm 27:14 (NIV)

When we are seeking God for an answer, we have to be careful not to go ahead and move in the direction of the answer that we want instead of the answer God wants for us.  We must wait for a clear answer from God before making a move in that direction.  It is easy to get ahead of God so I propose this instead . . . the next time you need an answer from God, or a breakthrough, or a blessing, wait on Him by serving Him – like a waiter.

Devote your time to Him and keep your eyes fixed on His kingdom.  Serve Him with the attention to detail that you would expect from a waiter at a fine restaurant.  Make sure that every detail is taken care of and busy yourself with ministering to Him through service to His people.  Take notice of those in need around you and see what you can do to take care of those needs.  Open your eyes to the hurting world around you and serve God by your service to them.

Your answer, or your blessing, or your breakthrough will come while you are going about your Father's business and you will have strengthened your faith and compassion and zeal for His church at the same time.  It is a win-win scenario.

Lord, I recognize that I need to wait on You by serving You and ministering to Your church.  Help me to see the needs of others around me so that I can take my eye off of my own selfish desires.  Help me to have compassion for Your people and for those who need You so badly.  Thank You Lord for Your perfect timing and for strengthening my faith in You as I wait for Your answer to my prayer.

Have a Blessed Day Everyone!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

When the Spirit Guides

Then the Spirit said to Philip, "Go up and join this chariot."
– Acts 8:29

Are you aware that the Holy Spirit is constantly with you, walking beside you?  Do you feel Him helping you in your day-to-day activities?  I think that sometimes, the Holy Spirit is the most neglected of the Trinity and He is the One who is here expressly to help us get through this thing called life.

I like to think of the Holy Spirit like a fishing guide.  My brother and I took a fishing trip one time and we hired a guide because we were going to a lake we had never been to before.  When we got to the lake, the guide had everything ready for us – all the tools we would need for a successful trip.  He had all of the tackle and bait prepared, the boat was fueled up and ready to go, he checked the weather reports, and he had already consulted with other resources to make sure that we would be fishing in spots that would yield the best catches and result in a memorable outing.

Had we not hired a guide, we would have gone to the bait store and just guessed at what to get; we would have driven around the lake and picked a spot based on proximity to parking (since we didn't have a boat); we would have thrown our line in the water blindly hoping that a fish would swim by – our trip would probably have been unsuccessful.  And while I'm sure we would have had a good time, we would not have had a fruitful time.

The Holy Spirit is like the guide – He knows your life and He knows the situations you are going to encounter today.  Listen for His voice and you just might hear Him say, "throw your line over there, I want you to talk to that person," or "try this approach, This person needs to hear some kind words today."  Let Him guide you through your day and let Him use you to reach this hurting world – you will be amazed at the success you have navigating through this thing called life.

Lord, I thank You for Your wisdom in providing the Holy Spirit as a helper for my life.  I know sometimes I neglect or even ignore His promptings and for that I am so sorry.  Help me to have an ear to hear His promptings and the courage to act on them.  I pray that I will never be too busy to listen to Him because I know that He is helping me fulfill Your plan for my life.  I welcome Your Spirit right now and I ask that You use me Lord, use me to reach your world, through the divine guidance of Your Holy Spirit.

Have a Blessed day everyone!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

No Matter What!

At about that same time, Abimelech and the captain of his troops, Phicol, spoke to Abraham: “No matter what you do, God is on your side."
– Genesis 21: 22

Do you know that people are watching you? They observe how even though you face the same day that they face, you always seem to get through your day with a smile and things just seem to work out for you. They see it, and they know it, and they wish they had what you have – they want to know your secret.

When we build a Love Relationship with Jesus, our light shines brightly even while those around us are dimming and fading. It's not by accident and it isn't a fluke ...it's because of the Light and the Love that shines within us. It's because we live in the F.O.G. (Favor of God), and that means that no matter what we do, no matter what we face each day ...God surrounds us with His Favor.

The deeper the Love-Relationship you have with Jesus, the greater the F.O.G. in your life. The greater the F.O.G., the more the world around you notices and marvels, and the greater the witness you are ...simply by living your life.

Dive deep into God's Word today and build that Love-Relationship that will establish your Favor of God. His Grace for your life will never fail ...because God is on your side.

Be Blessed my Brothers and Sisters!

Friday, January 15, 2016

He Knows Your Ways

8  Abram said, “Master God, how am I to know this, that it will all be mine?”
9  God said, “Bring me a heifer, a goat, and a ram, each three years old, and a dove and a young pigeon.”
– Genesis 15: 8-9

Our God sure is a patient, Loving, and Understanding Father!

I would have answered with something like ..."WHAT?! How DARE you question me!?"
It's a good thing I'm not God!

God knows exactly what we need from Him to bolster our faith. He knows our customs and our understanding of how the world works (even if it isn't accurate). He know, He knows, He knows.

He knew Abram as well, and He knew that Abram had a deep need to serve Him (God) in the tradition of his people – with the offering of sacrifices, so He answered Abram in a way that would speak to Abram's spirit and give him the confidence he needed to Believe.

Each one of us hears from God in our own special way, because each of our walks is different – our lives are different, our experiences are different, and our knowledge of God is different depending on the relationship we've built with Him.

So don't expect God to answer your prayers the same way He answers your neighbor's. His answer for you will be Lovingly and exclusively yours, and it will be delivered in a way that speaks to your special relationship and unique to your walk and present circumstances.

God LOVES you!
He KNOWS you!
He HEARS you!
And He WILL answer you – yes YOU – in a way that will strengthen your faith in Him.

God  doesn't mind when you question Him ...especially when you are trying to develop the deep Love Relationship that He desires.

Be Blessed my Brothers and Sisters!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Believing God

And he believed!
Believed God!
God declared him "Set-Right-With-God."
– Genesis 15:6

We Believe a lot of things – some things we shouldn't ...but we do.

Really, there is only One important Truth in our lives that we need to believe in and if we do, the Truth will set-us-right-with-God!

What do you Believe in?
I mean REALLY Believe in – with your whole heart, your whole mind, and ALL of your heart? The easy answer would be to say, "I Believe in God!" But if you take an honest look at your beliefs, is there evidence to prove your statement?

  • What about when the mortgage is due and you're running negative in your bank account?
  • What about when you, or one of your loved ones is seriously sick?
  • What about when everything around you seems to be falling apart?
  • What about when you are worrying about something that hasn't, or might not even ever happen, but you're worried about it anyway?

We all experience times when God seems far away. But it's how we respond to those times that proves whether we truly Believe or not. Whether we Trust in God's Word and His Promises. Whether we trust in chariots, or whether we trust in the Name of the Lord our God.

Yes, it's easy to say, "I Believe in God!" But if so, then it's time to STOP worrying, and fretting, and questioning, and whining about every circumstance of your life, and it's time to START Standing, and Praying Faith Prayers, and denouncing the enemy, and Declaring God's Word in EVERY situation.

God doesn't want or need our lip service ...He wants our Heart ...ALL of our Heart, and ALL of our mind, and ALL of our love. He wants us to acknowledge Him as Lord of ALL of our lives – not just in the good times, but in the crazy, hectic, uncertain times that make up the majority of our existence here on earth.

He wants us to Know Him!
God wants us to Trust Him!
He wants us to Believe Him!

God Believes in You ...it's time to return the favor!

Dive into God's Word today and start Believing like you've never believed before. Let God declare you ..."Set-Right-With-God."

Be Blessed my Brothers and Sisters!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Get Behind God's Shield

After all these things, this word of God came to Abram in a vision: "Don't be afraid Abram. I'm your Shield. Your Reward will be grand!"
– Genesis 15: 1

Are you living with fear?

Does the unknown consume your thoughts and cause you to lay awake at night?

Are "what-if's" paralyzing your walk and preventing you from stepping out in Faith?

Well ...God has a Word for you!

"I Am Your Shield!" says the Lord. 

And if you will let Him go before you, there is nothing that can stop the Vision and the Plan and the Promise (Reward), He has for your life. If you can picture yourself firmly planted behind God's Force-Field and moving freely and without fear through every step of your life, you will quickly realize that those "what-if's" can turn into "What's Next!?"

Let God lead you through your life. Release your fears and allow Him to Guide you and to Direct your path as you step into a Victorious Life. Live like you've never lived before and thrive in the Love, and Joy, and Peace, and Strength of our Lord!

Y.B.H. (Yes But How?)
It's so easy ...
...Go to your shelf ...pick up your Bible ...open It ...Read! ...Read! ...Read!

The Word of the Lord came to Abram in a Vision. You have to SEE the Word in order to Read the Word, and once you start reading and seeking wisdom for understanding, God removes the fear and replaces it with Fearlessness! He sets His Shield around you and He puts you on the Path that He designed for your life ...a life full of Grand Rewards!

God is your Shield!
God is your Strength!
God is your Promise!
And God is your Reward!

Be Blessed my Brothers and Sisters!